The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1108: Please select a territory

Looking at this weird badge, Chi Nan also knew that it was made of special materials. But the most important thing is the special magic circle in the middle. With Chi Nan's insights, he can't actually see what it is.

The alchemy ability of this alchemy alliance is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, the things they use to record data are similar to the plant brain tablets in their own territory, but they do not rely entirely on consciousness input, but consciousness plus manual input. Looking at the keyboard, how could Chi Nan have a sense of seeing the computer. Of course, this thing is much more powerful than a computer, after all, it is not made of ordinary materials.

However, this thing also has shortcomings. Looking at the material, Chi Nan can at least analyze a dozen precious materials. Such a precious thing is definitely not affordable for ordinary people.

And the effect does not necessarily have its own plant brain crystal board easy to use. It seems that it is really easier to develop your own crystal plates, and it is easier to integrate into the masses of the people.

Suddenly, Chi Nan had a plan to make money. In this plane, Chinan does not have a local currency yet. In this world, gold is just a material and cannot be used as currency.

It can be seen that the Alchemy Alliance is not interested in what their plane is called, this name is just for registration. The real address is still used for numbering. It was just that in Chi Nan's heart, it was not Plane 59 of the Holy Tree, but Plane No. 1 of the Holy Tree, which was the first plane to be completely controlled by himself.

At this moment, Lulu suddenly dragged out a huge map from the wall, which marked a piece of land in detail. It seemed that it was not a complete alchemy alliance, but just this area.

"This is the map of our No. 36 area. Since you have joined our Alchemy Alliance, you have to choose a piece of land in this place as your territory."

After a pause, Lulu continued: "Because I don't know how strong your specific strength is, you can only calculate it from the strength of the followers you bring. Based on the overall strength of your followers, you can choose from a province. area."

A province? Chi Nan looked at the area of ​​this province, which is really not a small number. Secretly calculated in my heart, this so-called area of ​​a province is actually half the size of the Holy Dragon Empire. And at the level of this plane, this place is probably much richer than the entire empire of the Holy Dragon Empire.

Of course, the premise is not to look for materials that are helpful to alchemy. Because those materials have either been assigned to someone else’s name, or have been collected, and the rest are barren veins.

Although there are above, there are definitely not so many. However, there are still a lot of materials that are not available to alchemists. Various resources can be said to be extremely rich.

Although this plane is powerful, it seems to have gone to extremes. At least in Chi Nan's view, these guys blindly display alchemy while ignoring the power of other professions. Sooner or later, problems will arise. Faintly, Chi Nan also seems to be able to see a large number of financial bubbles in the world's market for alchemical materials.

"Look, these marked places are owned by the owner or belong to the alliance. You can only choose from these unmarked places." At this time, Franci also walked over.

"You brought so many people at one time, that's why you can choose such a huge site as your territory. Unlike me, only one person, even local residents, can only get a city."

This city is not small, and can the city that the local residents get compared with the outsiders like them? Looking at the dense labels, there are definitely not so many visitors from the alien planes.

The number is only fifty-nine, so I am afraid that there are only so many territories belonging to aliens in the entire world. Such dense labels, needless to say, must be rich sources of alchemical materials.

Chi Nan didn't care about these things either, but chose a place that was more beneficial to him. For example, those inaccessible virgin forests and the like. Well, there are no virgin forests in this world.

Because people are powerful, they can explore everywhere. But there are always some forgotten places, because nothing good is thrown away. These places are also the most needed territories in Chinan.

"Let it be here, the entire province-sized land is forest, with only a small mountain in the middle, and the rest are plains, which suits me." Chinan finally determined a location and took a circle directly.

"This place? There seems to be nothing good here. Even the population is not large. After all, no one wants to live in the forest." Looking at this place, Lulu was also a little puzzled.

"Just give it to him. I have seen his ability to manipulate plants. It is very strong. This is the best place for him."

Hearing what Francis said, Lulu nodded: "Well, then I will register this position for you. This place will belong to you in a day, and you can go and take a look now. Although the civilians around are not Many, but as long as the exhibition is good, it will attract many civilians to live there."

Chi Nan nodded slightly, Chi Nan had already understood the world a long time ago. Don't look at the very prosperous world exhibition, but in fact not all people are alchemists.

Therefore, most civilians are still just civilians. On the contrary, because of the concentration of wealth, polarization has become more serious.

And there are more civilians in this I want more population, which is actually easier than in the main plane. People in many places don't have to say that life is in dire straits, but it's not easy to get enough to eat.

"This is the place. All I need is this kind of forest." Chi Nan nodded without hesitation. Of course, others will not have objections. Seeing that none of these people objected, Lulu was completely relieved.

"Next, you need to pass by yourself. I can't leave my territory for too long, and I need to go back. I believe it will not be long before people from the alliance will contact you. You just have to contact them normally."

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "I see." He joined such a plane, and there are so many legendary masters, it would be strange if the Alliance didn't contact him. But Chi Nan is not worried, this plane is relatively peaceful. At most, the people in the alliance want their own plant weapons to help. ...


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