The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1109: This forest will be mine from now on

I have to say that the teleportation system in this place is still very good. With the help of the teleportation array, you can easily come to this place. This place is not too far away from where I came to this world.

Therefore, it is not too troublesome for Chi Nan to transfer his plant weapons. Already had its own territory, it would be strange for others not to think about keeping plant weapons in other places.

After the transfer, the original space channel has been cancelled under Chi Nan's suggestion, and the channel has completely disappeared.

However, Chinan reopened a channel in the middle of his territory, that is, in the middle of the forest. This time it was a permanent and stable channel. However, the split-air cannon on the opposite side is still ready at any time, as long as it encounters danger, it can completely shatter the space channel at any time. Afterwards, Chi Nan dispersed his guards again.

Most of the guards returned to the plane of the undead to fight, but those mages and elemental shooters did not need them. They did not stay on the main plane, but basically came to this new world to seek the exhibition.

The elements of this world are more concentrated, the plane is less restrictive to individuals, and it is more beneficial to their promotion.

Among the high-levels, this news has circulated faintly, giving them a higher motivation for cultivation. Of course, this is only circulated among a few high-levels, and other people don't even know the existence of the Alchemy Alliance.

Before I knew it, I had reached where I am today.

Looking at the vast forest and feeling the huge race of creatures in the forest, Chi Nan smiled.

"From now on, this forest will be mine. Now, surround this forest for me first. I don't want any creatures to escape. Any kind of beast is valuable and can be used."

Chi Nan began to set up a line of defense on the edge of the forest. Anyway, this is his own territory. Whatever he does, it has nothing to do with other people outside. During this period, Chinan began to arrange logistics at the outermost periphery of the territory. This connects the outermost place, which is a relatively desolate place, but it is not unpopulated.

In the entire territory, at least one million people can be found, which surprised Chi Nan a little. This is still a land with a very good population. I didn't expect that there would be so many people. The population of this face is more than I thought.

Chi Nan also hesitated, and directly opened the way with the jujube tree, and at the same time assisted a lot of food and daily use plants. In this regard, one's own territory has already achieved the extreme, and basically it is enough to promote it in the same way.

Flour has long existed in this plane, so flour is not uncommon. There are even many special types of food that Chi Nan himself has never seen. However, after experiments, the floured jujube tree has been improved many times, and the output is still high-quality flour. And the output is very large, able to meet the needs of countless people.

"In the future, we will use flour jujube tree flour as the main food, and we will improve some high-grade flour jujube trees. When the high-quality flour is exported, we can basically establish our trade network in this world."

"Sir, we can use civilian airships to transport our various goods. Our civilian goods are more than just flour."

Chi Nan thought for a while, nodded and said: "You are right. For the time being, weapons are not suitable for us to sell. People in this world basically approve alchemy weapons. We probably won't have a high degree of recognition. . However, airships cannot be used for civilian purposes, and this plane is still relatively dangerous."

Looking at the thunder eagle flying in the sky, Chi Nan said to himself. "Those powerful monsters are quite a lot in this world. The aircraft that transports goods on this plane is not without combat effectiveness at all."

The aircraft on this plane is not a flying boat, but a weird spherical thing. Chi Nan has only seen it from the outside, but has not seen the inside. But the faint sense of threat also let Chi Nan know that this thing is not simple.

What makes one's avatar feel threatened is definitely the golden level of combat effectiveness. Of course, the aircraft that transports cargo is not so powerful, so the airship that transports cargo can be weakened in the future. These military aircrafts are probably stronger than their current airships, but I don’t know what their specific vitality is.

"Good sir, is there anything else that needs to be added." Others can only make comments, but can't make decisions.

Chi Nan thought for a while, and said, "Find some people who specialize in civil affairs and set up a management department here to temporarily develop our civilian facilities and attract the population. These are two things."

Professional things are left to professional people to do, this is a clever performance of oneself. Of course, Chi Nan would not admit that it was because of his laziness. Even Chi Nan himself is planning to move to this world if he has the opportunity.

Because the area of ​​this place is larger and more plants can be planted, it has a great effect on enhancing the strength and developing plants. For the first time, satellites in the air were all over the place, and various underground monitors had also grown. In just a few days, the entire territory and surrounding areas were under Chi Nan's monitoring and control.

And around, Chinan is still the same as before, secretly planting some seemingly ordinary plants, expanding his plant perception area, and expanding his own control territory. Anyway, plants will not attract other people's attention.

As for the slightly more advanced ones, Chinan doesn't even dare to plant them. Because there are not only many masters in this world, but also strong alchemy ability. The things refined by alchemists have a variety of weird effects.

Once you are not careful, you might be discovered. With the powerful force of this plane, when the other party wants to sanction him, he has no resistance. In order to avoid trouble, so just stop for a while. Anyway, if there is a need in the future, I can transform these plants from a long distance at any time to grow what I need.

After the forest has been encircled, the exploration of the interior of the forest has also begun.

In just a few days, a large number of plants that had not been seen were searched out. There are many of them, even for Chi Nan, they are very helpful. It seems that it is time to start designing the latest airship.

The previous airships were only able to kill the golden level masters, not all the golden levels themselves. Chi Nan has been designing a new all-golden airship for a long time, and now he can finally do it.

This is not the accumulation of technology, it is the accumulation of materials, and the accumulation of materials is often more important than the accumulation of technology. ...


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