The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1136: Give them a place

If it hadn't been for Chinan, Slinka Ye would definitely not help passing the news to the elves. &1t;/

Summarizing these planes, Slinka Ye also knows how beneficial these planes are to the elves. The smallest one is the one now named the No. 1 Plane of the Sacred Tree. &1t;/

This plane is not rich in resources, so the elves can only plant some trees of life. However, this is a new plane, and the growth of the tree of life depends on the original power of the plane. Moreover, this is a kind of adaptability. &1t;/

Planting the Tree of Life on a new plane, the Tree of Life will grow very quickly at the beginning, and it will be able to breed a large number of first-generation elves. This is not only the best way for the elves to expand their race, but the first generation elves are also incomparable to future generations. Both the talent and the potential are far from the descendants. &1t;/

Even if it's just a small plane, because there hasn't been any elves before, it still means a lot to them. &1t;/

Not to mention the plane of the undead, the plane of the undead was basically in a state of death before, but it was later abandoned by the evil god. The plane of the undead at this time, but can still recover. &1t;/

If the elves are also involved in this matter, not only can they gain a huge natural plane, but they can also successfully get the awareness of the entire plane. There is no problem in cultivating this plane into the elves base camp. &1t;/

This is not only useful for Chi Nan, but also for the Elf race. Besides, this plane is really too big, and its power is even stronger than the local plane, and the resources are even more abundant. &1t;/

The Elemental Plane is even more exaggerated. Although the Elemental Plane is not suitable for elves to survive, it is difficult to transform it. &1t;/

However, the elemental pets are very helpful for the elves to increase the top masters. Don't think that the elves like to practice natural spells. In fact, the various elemental elves are also very good at it. &1t;/

As long as you change your habits, the elves can easily cultivate a large number of elemental legendary masters of their own through this plane. At that time, let alone humans and other races, even the entire 6th class should not pose any threat to the elves. Being peace-loving does not mean that you don’t know the role of force. &1t;/

That ocean plane, on the surface, is of no use to the elves. But if after Chinan's improvement, I believe that a huge plane, it is impossible to really have no benefits. &1t;/

This plane can be said to be the least attractive to the elves. &1t;/

But this plane was handed over to Chi Nan by the Alchemy Alliance. The Alchemy Alliance's plane is huge, and there are many places with sparsely populated areas. Planting the tree of life in these places will definitely be able to cultivate a large number of first-generation elves. &1t;/

It is said that this plane is connected to many other planes, and the overall benefits are simply unimaginable. Silinka looked at Chi Nan at night, blaming this guy for having to do that kind of thing first. &1t;/

If it weren't for Chi Nan to start quickly, but to let herself know about this first, Slinka Ye would definitely inform the elves of it. When the time comes, whether the elves will negotiate or take the shot directly, even Silin Kaye doesn't know that. The interest to the race is too great, and the peace-loving elves will do the same. &1t;/

Chi Nan smiled slightly, it seems that what Sophia and the others said really worked. In the current Silinkaye, everything is based on himself. This kind of thing is not harmful to the elves. Even if it has huge benefits, Silinkaye will not say it. &1t;/

This kind of thing, for the elves, is like a contract, but it is more comfortable. &1t;/

That's right, at least for Chi Nan. Looking at Silin Kaye's complaining eyes, Chi Nan felt proud in his heart. Sophia next to her, covering her mouth for fear that she would laugh out loud. &1t;/

In any case, it is only good for anyone to join Slinka Yee to her family. As for those outsiders, it doesn't matter. "So, what are you going to do now." &1t;/

Slinka said to Chi Nan in an angry night. Hearing this, Chi Nan thought for a while and said: "At least I can't say it casually now. When I break through to the level of a demigod, it doesn't matter if I tell them at that time."&1t;/

"What, are you going to break through the demigod?" Now, Slinka was shocked. &1t;/

Chi Nan spread his hands: "What's so strange, I practice cultivation is different from you. Forget it, you don't understand it, you only need to know that I am not far from the demigod."&1t;/

Silin Kaye became even more annoyed: "Since it's not far away, you don't have to worry about anything after you break through. Why do you want to treat me like that first?" Silinkaye's eyes were a little red. &1t;/

Chi Nan hurriedly walked over and gently hugged Slinka Ye's hot body. Silinka struggled a few times at night, and did not break free, so she stopped struggling, but stared at Chi Nan's eyes, as if she wanted to see something. &1t;/

"I really like you, that's why. And I don't want to lie to you."&1t;/

"I'm really worried that I will run around and reveal your secrets?"&1t;/

Chi Nan quickly said: "Of course not. It is actually very simple to make you unable to show up. It's just that I really like you and I hope you can be with me." At this moment, Chi Nan seemed to have become a love saint. &1t;/

Silinkaye didn't continue to blame, after all, it was already like this. "Well, I believe it, but you won't be able to calculate me like this in the future." Slinka glared at Sophia at night, and it seemed that something had happened. &1t;/

"How is it possible? We will all be a family in the future, how could the family calculate each other." Chi Nan quickly assured that even Sophia nodded vigorously, saying that there would never be similar things in the future. &1t;/

Take a deep said again: "I still have a question. After you announce these planes, how do you plan to treat the elves." After all, it is your own race, Silk Lin Ka Ye still couldn't put it down. &1t;/

"Those places must be absolutely controlled by me, this will not change."&1t;/

Silinkaye didn't say anything, the elves didn't have a strong desire for power, as long as they could grow the race. &1t;/

"At that time I will leave a place for them to multiply. After all, there are not many elves."&1t;/

Upon hearing this, Silinkaye finally smiled and kissed Chi Nan's cheek gently. Chi Nan smiled secretly in his heart, this incident is finally over, and a woman he likes for nothing has been obtained. &1t;/...


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