The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1137: Finally reached the tipping point

   After solving Slinka Ye’s matter, Chi Nan's mood finally relaxed completely.

  Only next, as the price of calculating Slinka Yee, it is Slinka Yee pulling Chi Nan's continuous training of bow and arrow skills. That's right, it's the same as before, no, it should be more strict than before.

   No way, who makes the relationship between the two people different now? Because of the closer relationship, Slinka Ye was able to use some methods that could not be used, such as temptation, such as acting like a baby.

   In the end, Sophia was also on Slinka Ye’s side. The relationship between the two women was good, but Chi Nan was the only one who suffered. But in this exercise, Chi Nan's progress is also very obvious.

   Originally, his own strength is very strong, and he has a strong ability to control himself. Chi Nan, whose strength has reached the pinnacle of the legend, exercises along the way according to the determined method, how can his bow and arrow level not rise. It didn't even take long for Chi Nan to forcibly reach the level of a five-leaf archer. So far, Oslinkaye was thoroughly speculating in stocks.

   Of course, in fact, Chi Nan feels that his ability to control the bow and arrow is still worse than Slinka Yee. I can do this because my basic strength is stronger.

   If two people have the same strength, Slinka Yee is definitely stronger.

   But it doesn't matter, anyway, I did reach this level. Moreover, Chi Nan himself did not rely entirely on bows and arrows to fight, it was just a method. In fact, Chi Nan doesn't need to fight at all.

   Even if the fight really starts, just summon some plants. These plants are not strong enough, but can they be piled up in quantity?

   Every plane is developing very steadily now, and the growth of the holy tree collar is very fast. On the Cthulhu Empire, after a month of negotiations, Chi Nan finally took the surrounding territory.

   These places are still the major kingdoms in name, but their suzerain states have changed from the Holy Dragon Empire and the Holy Light Empire to the Holy Tree Leader, and they have completely become their leaders. All kinds of plant power began to spread out, and no one could stop it now. I believe that with the spread of time, these places will ultimately belong to me.

   This is where I am completely different from other forces. Hemira and Weiweisi were not surprised at Slinka Yee's joining, and soon a group of people became thoroughly familiar with them.

   This made Chi Nan discover that, besides Sophia, there were probably others who calculated himself at that time. It's just that Chi Nan doesn't know how they did it.

   Every time he asks, Hemila and others will go over it vaguely, just don't let themselves know. But forget it, it's just one time anyway. Among her own interesting women, there was no one else except Silin Kaye.

   In this way, a year passed slowly after a stable day. During this year, the development speed of the Sacred Tree Collar and the major planes can be described as lightning speed. With each passing day, all Chinan's territories have completely changed their appearance. Even on the Undead Plane, the four continents have been completely brought under control.

   At this time, the four continents of the Undead Plane have accumulated a very large amount of power, ready to counterattack the central plane at any time. All that was needed at this time was Chi Nan's words. With the order, all the troops would be ready to go.

   Only at this moment, Chi Nan suddenly felt that he had reached a critical point. Chi Nan, who was already very close to the demigod, had been waiting to reach his limit. But I didn't expect the time to be so long.

   "I thought it would take only a month or two, but I didn't expect to wait for more than a year to reach the limit. But this kind of limit breakthrough should be good for me." Chi Nan lowered his head and said to himself.

   Now that it has reached its limit, it is time to prepare for a breakthrough. Chi Nan got up and said, "Next, I will also prepare to break through the demigod. During this time, I will retreat and leave everything outside to you."

   Chinan retreat is not the first time. Everyone has already known what the term retreat means. And Chi Nan doesn't have to worry about being hungry. For a plant master, it is not easy to grow something to eat.

   "Don't worry, the outside affairs will be left to us." Hermilla nodded gently.

   "You won't find anything on the elves, but you have to hurry up." Slinka said to Chi Nan. After all, Chi Nan had broken through the demigod, then it was time to help the elf develop.

   For the elves, a race with no ambitions, to be honest, Chi Nan really doesn't care much. Even developing a race of elves is more suitable for you than developing humans. Although the elves are not easy to command, they are not easy to rebel.

   But human beings are different. The character of human beings is full of variables, and it is very normal to rebel. Even if it is the Sacred Tree Collar, developing such a powerful Sacred Tree Collar, there have been many internal rebels in this year.

   I really don't know what these people think, knowing that they will die or want to rebel. For the so-called interests and power, these people don't even have a brain. Every rebellion was easily extinguished by the local but there were still people who followed them, and they have never been cut off. For the human race, Chi Nan, as a human, is also extremely disappointed.

   The holy tree plane is also there, there are always some people who are constantly making small moves. Because I don’t show up often, I’m going to mess around. Afterwards, Chi Nan no longer cared about rebellion.

   It can be said that as long as there is not a large-scale rebellion, Chi Nan doesn't even care about it. Just leave it to the local army to deal with it. There are also many people who disagree with themselves, but who are loyal to them.

   After explaining everything, Chi Nan went to retreat.

   "It's really strange, why after reaching the critical point, but not getting a new ability. This breakthrough is completely different from the past." Chi Nan sat in the secret room, thinking silently in his heart.

   In the past, every time a breakthrough was made, it was necessary to improve a plant one level higher with new abilities in order to be able to use plant power to drive a breakthrough. This time, he didn't even have a new ability, and the demigod was really different from the legend.

   But Chi Nan also felt that he had a breakthrough method similar to the traditional one. That is to find a demigod-level divine plant, then tame it and completely control it, so that you can use the divine plant to break through. It's just a divine plant, which can't be found by oneself. ...


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