The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1200: The usefulness of the demon lord's corpse

It doesn't matter if you don't remember this knowledge, as long as the vegetable brain remembers it. Soon, a piece of information about the use of the demon and the demon lord's corpse, as well as some guesses, was listed.

Then Chi Nan used the vegetable brain to organize the calculations by himself, and the general method of use appeared.

"The first method is the most traditional method of use. The devil's corpse is used as a material, and after removing the magical nature, it is made into weapon armor, or something else. It is also possible to leave the magical nature, but it is easy to be enchanted. ."

Sophia said, "For the time being, as a reference, if there are some leftovers, this method is not bad."

Chi Nan really didn't care much about the method of clearing the demon. If it was someone else, it might be very troublesome, but Chi Nan only needs to use his own magic power to wash it away. You don't need your own life magic, just use those gathered in the energy pool. At most, that is, for a longer period of time, who will let his power restrain the demon power?

"Then the second method is to make a puppet. The usual method of the Alchemy Alliance is to make a demon into a demon puppet. It is said that it is very effective against demons and can effectively resist the erosion of demon power."

Wei Wei Si denied: "This method is not suitable for us. Although we also have a magic puppeteer, there is no one who can handle such a high-level corpse." Everyone nodded, it is indeed the case.

Chi Nan continued to look down: "Then the third method, sacrifice. Sacrifice the body of the devil as a sacrifice to the devil or god. By offering sacrifice to the devil, you can get what you want, or the power of the devil. Sacrificing to the gods will win the favor of the gods. What are the benefits? It depends on the mood and character of the gods."

"This thing has shortcomings." Slinka said, squinting at Chi Nan at night.

Chi Nan nodded lightly: "Yes, the devil is very insidious, and often does something unbearable. You must be careful when dealing with the devil. It is even possible to attract the devil and eat yourself. ."

"If it is a god, you must first have faith in the god, and secondly, it depends on the god's own personality, preferences, and mood. If you are in a bad mood, it is not impossible to have a counterproductive effect. If you don't have faith or believe in other gods, you will be The gods pay attention, then the end may not necessarily be what will happen." This method is too uncertain.

Hermilla has already looked at the fourth method: "The fourth method, the use of demon blood, to make potions or magic array materials."

Chi Nan nodded: "Yes, the blood of the devil contains powerful power, and the creation of some evil formations or materials are all good things. If you make potions, there is a potion that you don't know whether it is good or bad."

Chi Nan's heart moved, and the picture changed. "This is the medicine recorded by the Alchemy Alliance. Using the blood of the devil to create blood medicine can make people gain the power of the blood of the devil. They can exert the various abilities of the devil and improve themselves. Demonization. Even if it is well protected, there is a possibility of being demonized."

The risk is too great, and the demon blood is not a good blood. Everyone knows that demons are enemies of many planes. Once discovered, it will be expelled from the entire plane, which is very dangerous.

"It seems that this method can't be used anymore, can it really only be made into materials." Sophia was a little unwilling.

"Most of them can only do this, but there are two other methods. Only record. The specific method is in the hands of other people. I'll go and see if I can't come directly, then I can only exchange things with them. Up."

Chi Nan pointed to the bottom: "Is it here? I have recorded two methods of use. One is to use the head of the demon, the head of the complete demon lord, and the special magic array to form a special force field. In this Within the force field, it can cause a lot of pressure on the human spirit and produce hallucinations, which is a very good aid for tempering the mind."

Tempering the mind is useless for the mage, but it has a great effect on the fighters, especially the low-level fighters. The more you temper your spirit, the more you can quickly improve, and burst out a more powerful force, which has a great effect on a force.

"There is also this. The devil's heart can be made into a special potion with some special materials. This potion can communicate plane consciousness, let the plane origin let go of various laws and let the user feel it. In other words, it can only be one step away. When you reach the level of a demigod, using this method will make it easier to perceive the law and become a demigod."

"It's great to be able to use drugs to increase the chance of becoming a demigod." Hermira's eyes lit up. Only by becoming a demigod can they obtain eternal life and be able to accompany Chi Nan forever.

From the very beginning, their motivation for cultivation was to be able to be with Chi Nan.

Chi Nan nodded: "Yes, I have nine in my hand, so I can make nine. Forget it, I will go there and contact the other leaders, and I will get it directly. If it doesn't work, I will use God's blood. Exchange potions with them."

Divine blood potions are useless to demigods, and Devil's Heart is also useless to demigods. However, there are many descendants of other demigods, and the medicine of the blood of the gods has a great effect. The same is used to cultivate younger generations and increase the possibility of becoming a demigod. The value may be high or low, but the amount of the medicine of the blood of the gods is far beyond the devil's heart.

"Elixir of God's That's not a problem." Obviously they knew it too.

"As for the corpses of these demon lords, they are actually not completely useless. I will do an experiment. If it succeeds, at least the corpses of the demon lords can be used. Don't worry about it being wasted."

"What's the use?" Silken Kaye asked with a funny face, and the elf was really curious.

Chi Nan didn't hide it either. He sensed his surroundings and said, "As you all know, I have a demon incarnation." Everyone nodded, and Chi Nan told them this thing from the beginning.

"The demon incarnation is regarded as a real demon by the will of the abyss. If it can swallow and absorb the corpses of some demon lord, then the authority will be increased, and it may become a new demon lord."

"It turned out to be like this." Everyone nodded. If a natural incarnation of the Demon Lord level can be cultivated, even if all the Demon Lord's corpses are wasted, they will not feel distressed, because everyone knows the value of this plan.

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