The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1201: Intrinsic medicine and direct absorption

The negotiation went very smoothly. Just as Chi Nan thought, the effect of the potion created by the Devil's Heart is actually the same as that of Chi Nan's Divine Blood potion. One is long-term, and the other is short-term.

In terms of effect, I am afraid that the potion of the Lord-level Devil's Heart is not as good as the potion of Divine Blood.

And Chi Nan's recipe can now be obtained with Chi Nan's status. Although the devil's heart potion is powerful, it is of no use to these demigods. They even hope that the alliance will have more demigods, so that the alliance will be more secure. Even in the case of previous events, there is still room for mediation.

In the end, Chi Nan only paid three divine blood potions to get the formula for the Devil's Heart.

What makes Chi Nan depressed is that although the prescription is available, it is not so easy to make it out. This is not something that can be synthesized casually by relying on its own plant abilities, it requires a high level of alchemy.

Chi Nan had no choice but to step up to improve the level of the alchemists in his territory. At the very least, it is necessary to reach the legendary level alchemist, who has a high level of himself, before he has the opportunity to make the devil's heart of this demigod level into medicine.

At the same time, there are many special materials, which also need to be collected. Fortunately, the people in my family have not yet reached the pinnacle of the legend, and are not qualified to use the Devil's Heart Potion, so let's wait for now. As for the legendary alchemists, this is not an ordinary profession, as long as they are trained at their level.

Even if you use special methods to cultivate their ranks, but you don't have enough knowledge and experience, there is no way. So go all out and cultivate with the capabilities of the entire territory.

From Chi Nan's point of view, I am afraid that within a few years, there will be no way to use his own Demon Heart. Temporarily sealed, Chi Nan sealed the Devil's Heart with a special method, and then opened the space channel.

Because the space channel is very secretive, and it is still opened behind the battlefield plane, even if the space channel is opened, it will not attract the attention of the will of the abyss. Otherwise, the corpse of a demon lord was suddenly teleported over, no matter how dull the will of the abyss, he would definitely pay attention to this place, then it would be easy to find the spatial fluctuations here.

The abyss will be chaotic and without thinking, but offense and aggression are an instinct.

"This time the things are very important. You must be careful and careful. Whenever you encounter any enemy, as long as you dare to approach, you will immediately destroy it, and you must not stay." Several dark elves whispered.

These elves seem to be dark elves, but if you look closely, you can find special patterns on their bodies. These are not real elves, but wood elves, made by Chinan, but the place of origin is on the abyss plane.

After being eroded by the Abyssal Plane, it will become such a dark appearance. If it were a real elf, it would have fallen into a real demon. But the wood elves are different. They are just modeled on creatures, and the essence is still wood. In order to prevent these wood elves from being demonized, Chi Nan deliberately replaced their original brains that imitated real creatures with plant brains.

It doesn't matter if the plant brain is demonized, because the plant brain itself has no desires, and it absolutely obeys orders. These wood elves have been demonized to this degree, and they can still be controlled intact.

A group of wood elves carried an army of enchanted plants, secretly transporting a corpse. On the road, it was exactly the same as they said, when you encounter all demons, as long as you dare to get close and kill them all, there is no nonsense.

This approach is not uncommon in the abyss, so it has not attracted the attention of others. In the abyss, almost no demons would let their subordinates transport important things, usually by themselves.

Because the value of things is too high, it is very normal for the subordinates to defect and flee with the things. Abyssal creatures have a confused mind, and basically have no morality and credibility. Even if a harsh demon contract is signed, once a loophole is found, the demons will violate it without hesitation. This is the situation.

Therefore, although they are transporting, the truly powerful demons will not be interested in them at all. In their eyes, the things being transported are probably just ordinary tatters.

As for the demon lords, they have sneaked back to their territory to hide. The injuries on their bodies made them absolutely afraid to leave their territory for a short time, worrying that they would be swallowed up by other transparent killers.

They even worried that the demigods here would take this opportunity to rush into the abyss and kill them. After all, they are demigods. As long as they don't live in the abyss for a long time, the will of the abyss will not erode them so easily.

In this case, the wood elves secretly transported the body of the demon lord back. The demon incarnation has prepared a huge pool at this time, which is transformed from an energy pool, specifically to decompose the essence of the demon lord's corpse. The size of the demon lord's body is not directly related to the amount of essence, but is related to their strength.

"Throw it in, and then defend yourself, I will try to absorb it," the demon incarnation said.

Some hard shells on this corpse that can be used as materials, but have no absorption value on their own, have been removed. UU reading www. The rest of is just some flesh and blood useful to demons.

Large pieces of flesh and blood were thrown into the energy pool and quickly turned into a pool of black things.

"Sure enough, I still can't stand what the demons do." Chi Nan shook his head. According to the usual practice of the demons, they all add your enemy's corpse and eat it raw, thereby gaining the enemy's essence and enhancing their strength.

Even if Chi Nan was using an avatar, he didn't want to eat these things. Therefore, it is better to turn it into a pure energy liquid, and then absorb it. No matter how the natural incarnation is the same as the real body, it is still a plant after all.

When the demon lord's body was completely digested, the avatar stretched out his hand, and roots grew out of his body. Root went deep into the energy pool, and absorbed these demon power essences together with the life magic power used to neutralize the violent energy in it, and at the same time absorbed it into the body. Of course, the magical life magic is used, otherwise it will definitely cancel each other out.

Little by little power is absorbed by the roots little by little. The thin black thread spread along the roots of the demon incarnation. The skin of the avatar, which was originally very fair, showed a lot of demonized lines, and the whole began to develop towards black.

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