The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1217: Completely occupy the abyss plane

Things have reached this point, everything is ready, Chi Nan no longer hesitates. After talking to Hermilla and others, several people turned their eyes to the abyss plane.

The abyss plane has always been their secret, no one outsiders knows. "It's finally the end, Chi Nan, is there really no problem with your avatar?" Sophie asked with some worry.

Speaking of it, after so many years have passed steadily, the strength of Hemila and others have also been greatly improved. What makes them most depressed now is that their stomachs have not moved much for so many years. When they knew it was because of Chi Nan, that kind of resentful eyes almost didn't melt Chi Nan.

Yes, at their age, there are still no children yet. What a helpless thing.

Perhaps only Silinkaye didn't feel that way. Because Silinkaye is an elves, the slow reproduction characteristics of the elves have been deep into the bones. It has only been ten years, and it is no big deal.

Chi Nan grinned and said, "I have been preparing for such a long time, there must be no problem."

Ten years later, Chi Nan has become more stable than before. It’s just that it looks younger than it was ten years ago. Now that Chi Nan is a young man, no one will object.

It's just that the kind of coercion on the body, just walking out, can bring heavy pressure to people.

Chi Nan gave an order, and the army of plants that had been prepared for a long time had already been dispatched. A wave of black magic lights shot out on the airship, sweeping everything. The demons who had already reached their limit were immediately destroyed.

Below, a large number of demonized wooden people rushed into it under the command of the wood elves. In the rear, there are some dark elves who have grown to half their size in command, and the attack speed can be described by crushing.

Those dark elves were bred from the tree of life planted by Chinan in the abyss. They were all a kind of elves and were absolutely loyal to themselves. In addition, there are some demonized elemental spirits flying in the air. This is not composed of dark elements, but composed of the power of demons. In theory, they are also a new type of special demons.

These demonized elemental elves are much stronger in combat power than ordinary elemental elves, and they are a good helper for those dark elves.

The demon lords who had been hiding for ten years were finally unable to sit still. With the roar, one after another demon lord appeared, madly attacking everything around him. With their great strength, they have brought a huge threat to the army of plants.

However, the territory is too large, and although their strength is strong, it is impossible to stop the plants in all places. Not to mention, some plants can even cause some harm to them.

As the number of demons continues to decrease, the plant army continues to expand into their territory. The strength of these demon lords is also declining. From the beginning, the bonus of more than five times has gradually shrunk to four times, three times. When the last ordinary demon died, their bonus achievements were only doubled.

"It's finally time for me to play." In ten years, the strength of the demon incarnation has not been improved, but his methods have increased a lot, and the combat effectiveness has been nearly doubled.

The moment when Chi Nan's avatar finally stepped into the opponent's territory. The bonus on himself disappeared suddenly. But in the same way, the bonuses on these demon lords have disappeared, and now everyone is on the starting line.

"Hello, it's been a long time, we are finally able to face each other now."

"Asshole, plant lord, what do you want to do. You have occupied the entire plane, we can all surrender, serve you as the master, let you become the abyss demon **** of this plane, why do you want to kill us all."

Even a devil, being bullied like this can't stand it. One after another, the demon lord stared at Chi Nan.

Chi Nan said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's a certain thing to become the Abyss Demon God, but your strength is too strong, it is an unstable factor, I will not keep you." In fact, it has nothing to do with strength, because these are all. It is a true abyssal demon, and the demon itself is chaotic and impossible to be absolutely loyal.

Chi Nan controlled this layer of abyss, not for cultivating the abyss devil, but for absolute control. Even in the future, think of a way to clear out the will of the abyss and not let this will affect oneself.

That being the case, what are these demons left for? "We have no retreat, we are fighting."

As a demon, even if he is afraid of death, he is bloody. A group of demon lords rushed towards Chi Nan. A flash of contempt flashed in Chi Nan's eyes. Without the territory bonus, you still want to fight against yourself, who gives you the courage.

A black light flashed in Chi Nan's hand, and the two demon lords at the front were instantly cut in half. One head fell off, and the other was cut from the waist. They were still on the ground, wanting to continue attacking. Compared with his current strength, these demons didn't even have the ability to train themselves. Among the demigods, this incarnation of oneself is definitely the top.

Chi Nan shook his and even had no interest in fighting. With a wave of his hand, a large number of divine creatures appeared around. Under these ten years of uninterrupted manufacturing, the number of divine creatures in the abyss has exceeded 10,000.

Under the blessing of the realm of gods unfolding in Chinan, although these divine creatures continue to be damaged, they have a greater impact on the demon lords. Under the blow of a large number of abyssal creatures, the demon lords continued to resist and killed some divine creatures, but in the end they did not persist and died tragically on the battlefield.

With the death of the last abyss lord, Chi Nan felt that the entire abyss will's rejection of him suddenly disappeared. This abyssal plane seemed to have become his own back garden, and he could walk around at any time.

Suddenly, the entire plane became his own territory, and he could enjoy the bonus everywhere. "Hehe, I didn't expect to become the abyss demon god, there is still a test, not after occupying a layer of abyss plane.

However, this method does not seem to be too troublesome for myself. "It doesn't matter, wait until the body breaks through the realm of the true god, and wait for the avatar. If the avatar breaks through first, God knows that it can't be controlled." For ten years, the power of the devil on his avatar was only possible. After being completely assimilated into his own by Chi Nan, he didn't dare to mess around again.

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