The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1218: The conditions are basically met

After finally completely occupying the entire abyss plane, Chi Nan can be regarded as a worry in his heart.

"How on earth can I become the Demon God of the Abyss?" Hermilla seemed very interested.

Chi Nan did not hide: "There are a few general methods, one is to occupy a common plane, drag it into the abyss, the abyss will reward, this is also the most suitable for me. The other is to challenge other abyss demon gods. , This is basically impossible. The last is to challenge other super abyss lords who have occupied one level, and just kill ten."

"The most common method is to propose to the abyss plane the idea of ​​becoming the abyss demon god, and the will of the abyss will give a task. This kind of task is usually very difficult to complete, but it can be done after it is completed."

"How does this seem to be an improvement in the status of a nobleman? It is not like a breakthrough in one's own strength at all.

Hearing this, Chi Nan smiled bitterly: "That's how it is, the power of the abyss demon is basically a gift from the abyss. The power of the abyss is integrated into themselves, and they slowly form their own power. They have almost nothing of their own. power."

This system is very strict. The stronger the demon's strength, the closer the connection with the abyss. In the end, the devil wanted to betray the abyss, it was basically impossible.

Regardless of the fact that demons have always been synonymous with cruelty and lack of credibility, the fact that these demons betrayed the abyss really never happened. At least, Chi Nan has never heard of any information.

"Regardless of this, the first thing to do now is to make a breakthrough in my strength. As long as I become a true god, the demon incarnation can also break through." Just as Chi Nan said this, the surrounding atmosphere was silent. .

For a long time, Hermilla said with a bit of choking: "My lord, you, after you become a true god, will you leave this world?" Hermilla grabbed Chi Nan's hand, very hard, and looked at Chi Nan seriously. "We don't know when we will become the true God, or we will become your God at that time, we don't want to leave you."

The others also looked at Chi Nan seriously, grabbing Chi Nan's clothes, like an abandoned kitten.

Chi Nan felt soft, and then smiled and shook his head: "You thought I hadn't considered this issue. In fact, I had already considered it clearly. Don't worry, although there will be restrictions, I will not leave you."

After a pause, Chi Nan simply said directly: "In fact, I met the conditions two years ago and can try to break through the true god, but the origin of my holy tree's main plane has not been restored to the level I need, so I have been Dragging."

"What do you mean? Is there anything special about that plane." Others didn't understand.

"I also sorted it out from the will of the abyss. After most people become gods, they have to leave this world and open up a kingdom of God in the void. This is a place to accommodate the gods. Because the kingdom of God is not a normal plane, Therefore, it is difficult to connect with the general planes, and at most have some exchanges. This is also the method for the gods to spread their beliefs."

"Another method is to use the power of a lot of faith to directly condense a kingdom of God. This kingdom of God exists based on faith. The more believers, the stronger the kingdom of God, and it is very closely connected with believers. But believers do not Then, the kingdom of God will be over."

Chi Nan did not pause, and continued: "The third method, and the most difficult method to achieve, is to use the plane to transform. This transformed kingdom of God has very strong development potential and can communicate with other things. Plane."

Pointing to the main plane of the sacred tree: "My idea is to transform that side. After the main plane of the sacred tree becomes my kingdom of God, although I usually can only stay there, avoid being aware of other planes. Conflict arises. But you can also go in at any time, and then we will treat that side as our home."

Now, everyone is finally relieved. "Wait, you said that using the plane to transform into the kingdom of God is the best, and the potential for development is also great. Why didn't other gods do this?" Silken Kaye asked quickly.

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth hooked: "It's not that they don't want to do this, but that it is too dangerous. If you want to transform the plane, you will definitely be resisted by the plane consciousness. Generally, low-level planes have no value for transformation, high-level ones The resistance is too strong to reform. If you are not careful, you may even die and the net may be broken, and you will die at the same time, and at the worst, you will lose the opportunity to become a god."

"With such a great danger, few demigods would do this. The reason why I would do this is that, on the one hand, I am already the master of that plane, and that plane will never resist me."

Everyone knows that that plane was originally formed after the undead plane was re-occupied, and it had already recognized the Lord.

Chi Nan stretched out two fingers: "The second reason is that the plane has entered an upgraded state after it was restored last time. Now it has truly become a plane dominated by natural forces, with a very high level. ."

Chi Nan once tested that the main plane of the holy tree whose original level was higher than the main plane on his side, after being upgraded, the plane continued to expand, and its own strength continued to increase. Although the overall level of this plane is still inferior to the main plane of the Alchemy Alliance, it is actually not much worse.

This kind of plane has already met all the needs of transforming into the kingdom of God. Once transformed into a kingdom of gods, this kind of kingdom of gods with the complete laws and nature of the plane will have the potential for unlimited ascension. This is a real world.

This kind of divine kingdom can hold stronger power, bless the gods more, and its own defense power is also the most terrifying. Even among the many gods, not many can have such a kingdom of God.

Speaking of it, it was really not easy for Chi Nan to become the master of a plane long ago.

If this were not the case, Chi Nan could only take the risk of taking his wife with him when he held up the throne. If one is not careful, even oneself may be wiped out. Few people dare to take other people with them when they become gods.

So when he knew this method, Chi Nan put all his energy on it. When it was discovered that the plane's origin was insufficient, Chi Nan planted a large number of trees to supplement the plane's origin, while waiting here on the other hand. And his own magic power reserve has reached the peak of the current stage, definitely more than a hundred times the peak power reserve of other demigods.

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