The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1245: You must give me God

After finishing the matter over the abyss, Chi Nan asked the demon incarnation to drive the kingdom of God and move towards the central plane. The strength of the demon incarnation is not enough, but the kingdom of God is high, as long as he doesn't come out, he can deter other gods.

The two are in two camps, and if they cooperate with each other, they can get more benefits.

The incarnation of the spy originally used to gather intelligence, now grows to a height that makes Chi Nan feel stunned, and has become an indispensable assistant to himself. The journey ahead lies in the central plane.

As Chi Nan himself improved, his identity began to rise. In the Pantheon, the **** seat he had just formed suddenly rose to the second level. On the second floor, I can see the scene of the third floor, but still can't see the top. And the number of upper true gods in the third layer is very small, but each one possesses powerful power.

Chi Nan looked around, and there were still a lot of middle-level gods. It's not very eye-catching to be here.

After all, gods with natural attributes have never been known for their combat effectiveness. Moreover, his **** seat is also considered to be low to medium, close to medium. If someone knew that he was close to the middle of them just after breaking through, I'm afraid it wouldn't be such a plain expression. Chi Nan also had no idea of ​​arguing with others.

After reaching the middle level, Chi Nan showed the divine power crystal of the middle god, which was completely different from the divine power crystal of the lower god. Not only is the value higher and the power contained is stronger, but it is also a better means to promote the kingdom of God.

If you can use the divine power crystallization of the middle gods, then your divine kingdom will definitely increase faster.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan simply took out a lot of Green Leaf Flying Dragon to sell separately. These green-leaf flying dragons were all formed after Chi Nan used a divine plant to reconstruct them. Although they took a lot of time and magic power, they were legendary when they were born.

Chi Nan also knew now that when the gods were unable to enter other planes at will, the existence of the legendary level was already a very important powerhouse. Even the gods themselves cannot create legendary existence at will.

They are different from themselves, the kingdom of God is incompatible with ordinary planes, and the price of sending things or divine power crystals into the lower planes is very high, not as simple as they thought. I used to think that the gods could use the crystallization of divine power to create legends at will.

On the contrary, it is much easier to send in some creatures that are not very strong. Therefore, a green-leaf flying dragon in exchange for ten mid-level divine power crystals, this business is actually doing well.

The Green Leaf Flying Dragon, which is equivalent to a legendary-level divine creature, is simply invincible as long as it does not encounter a demigod. Even if you meet a demigod, if several of them go together, it will make each other a headache.

Because it is composed of divine plants, it is possible to attach it to the will and power of the divine spirit as long as it is slightly modified. This price is not very precious to those gods.

Because of this, Chi Nan once again began to obtain a large amount of medium divine power crystals. "Fortunately, the markets of the middle gods and the lower gods are not together, otherwise it is easy for them to show some clues. At least there should be no problems in a short time. These gods are also really arrogant enough. Someone is willing to communicate with the next level of people."

Chi Nan already knew the character of this so-called **** very well, so he didn't say anything.

Just when Chi Nan harvested a large amount of medium-sized divine power crystals, this point of his own kingdom suddenly burst out with a powerful aura that did not belong to him. The breath also contains the power of the law of vibration.

"This is the birth of a demigod? This breath, is Slinkaye?"

Chi Nan did not expect that his wife, who had been in retreat for many years, finally broke through. The first breakthrough was actually Silinkaye. It seems that for the comprehension of power, the spirit of Silinkaye is really better. Of course, it may also be because Slinka night itself has plant attributes, and is more compatible with being the kingdom of God, so it will be the first breakthrough.

Chi Nan hurriedly left the Pantheon and returned to the plane of the kingdom of God. In my own backyard, a soft breath swelled out. It was a special attribute of the fusion of holy light and plants, not a law that exists in nature.

A few days later, as if they had been discussed, Hermilla and others broke through one by one. Hermilla's supernatural power is normal, that is, ice. Not very strong, not very weak, quite satisfactory.

Sophia is the same, pure flame, the two of them are just elemental pets with the same strength.

On the contrary, the power of Weiweisi is full of light, but it is not the soft light, but the very sharp light. Like a holy sword composed of light, it has both softness and incomparable dominance.

This is their understanding and comprehension of their own strength, and it is also the way forward. Entering a demigod, this foundation can be said to be completely laid, and it is basically impossible to change in the future.

A few days later, several people consolidated their cultivation base, and finally left the place where they had been in retreat for a long time. I didn't come to see myself when I just came out, but only after a few people ran to take a bath. "Oh, how come I didn't know long ago, I knew that everyone had done the washing together." When Chi Nan knew about it, there was no need to mention the regret in his heart.

A few women gave Chi Nan a white look: "Huh, pervert. But it's really hard for you. This has been for several years, and you can resist it and didn't add a few more sisters to us." Sophia said, let Chi Nan Some helpless.

It's been years, yes, but I have been busy all the time. Moreover, the self-control ability of the gods is also stronger, speaking of it, there is really no feeling that I really want.

" am I, I am very dedicated." Chi Nan's words attracted a few people's eyes.

"Congratulations, I finally broke through to the demigod. From then on, we can always be together. After a while, I will help you become gods." Chi Nan himself has a lot of resources and various knowledge of becoming gods. . There is no problem at all in helping a few women become gods, although there is no way to build a growth-type kingdom of God like myself.

However, it is not a problem to open up directly in the void and open up the strongest potential.

"No, we have already negotiated, we want to be your god." Hemila said on behalf of others.

"What, to be my god? Do you know what it means to be god." Chi Nan was taken aback, really don't know what they thought. Who is capable of becoming a god, who wants to be a god? ...


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