The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1246: Well, if you belong to God, you belong to God.

Belonging to God is a complete subsidiary of God, not a subordinate in the general sense, but a belonging similar to a slave. &1t;/

For Chi Nan, it is very important to have independent power. But I didn't expect that Hemila and the others would want to become their own gods, which is really incredible. &1t;/

"Of course you know that as long as you become your god, we can be together forever in the future. God and your own **** are living and dying together. Do you have the heart to let us reopen the kingdom of God outside?"&1t; /

Chi Nan just wanted to say forbearance, but seeing the eyes of a few people was a wave of helplessness. &1t;/

"Get rid of it, this is not a matter of the kingdom of God, even different kingdoms of God can be united together. The key problem is that God has very little autonomy, so it can be said that it is completely a kind of attachment."&1t;/

Sophia gently hugged Chi Nan’s neck from behind: "You are our husband. As a wife, we are your subsidiary. Besides, you will definitely protect us in the future and won’t let us do things we don’t want to do. Right."&1t;/

Chi Nan nodded without thinking about it, "Of course, you are my family, how could I..." No, it seemed to be a routine. Suddenly, Chi Nan realized that he had been bypassed. &1t;/

"That's not right. As this is the case, then as a god, we will only be more intimate with you, and there will be no such big hidden dangers as the subordinates of other gods. What is wrong. And your kingdom of God is so big. I don’t have much time to take care of it, so I need someone to help me.” Chi Nan rolled his eyes, and this is correct. &1t;/

Originally, Chi Nan was a person who didn't like trivial matters. Since becoming a lord, matters of the size of the territory have been left to others to do. What Chi Nan did by himself was to seize control of the plants. &1t;/

Speaking of which, if you are not able to control the plants absolutely, your character is not suitable for becoming a lord at all. Maybe at the beginning, he could only be a common lord with exhaustion. &1t;/

Over the years, if it hadn't been for the help of Hemila and others, his territory would have become a mess. &1t;/

"Chi Nan, you don’t need to be like this. We all know our talents. If we rely on ourselves, even if we become a god, it’s not easy to improve in the future. But after becoming your god, our strength will definitely follow You improve faster and consume less resources. Isn’t that bad?"&1t;/

Weiweisi continued: "From the information you got back, apart from having no autonomy, other gods are no different from normal gods, and there won't be any bad behaviors. Even if you want yourself To open up the kingdom of God, as long as the Lord’s consent is obtained, the same can be done."&1t;/

These are all data compiled by Chi Nan, and many of these data have been restored and placed on the Shen Kingdom network. &1t;/

As the supreme authority, Weiwei Silk can of course see these things clearly. The creation of the kingdom of God by the gods does not belong to oneself in the strict sense, and the **** master can interfere and control it at any time. &1t;/

Even after meeting certain conditions, they can be forcibly merged and integrated into their own kingdom of God. &1t;/

And the biggest advantage of being a **** is that you don't have to work hard and worry about spreading your faith. As long as there is no problem with the gods, there will be basically no problems with the god. &1t;/

The gods can use part of the **** master's divine arts and abilities, but in terms of their own strength, there is no way to pass the **** master, or even reach a level. In other words, Chi Nan is now the middle true god, so Hermilla and others can only reach the level of the lower true **** at best. If you want to continue to improve, you can only wait for Chi Nan's own strength to improve. &1t;/

Every **** has a limit on the number of gods. The lower true gods can only have a maximum of ten, and the median true gods are 20, and so on. Each increase in a level can add ten more places for gods. &1t;/

God does not have the right to own God, and those who can own God are the gods who have independent rights. &1t;/

Of course, if you have the gods of the gods, if you become other gods, the former gods will continue to follow them and become their own subordinates. One's own God only obeys one's own, and will not obey the order issued by the divine master of the divine master. &1t;/

But this is just an argument. If you really don’t listen, I’m afraid there are ways to clean them up. &1t;/

In the end, Chi Nan seemed to have nothing bad about thinking about it, and the talent potential of Hermilla and others was indeed not good. If they were allowed to develop themselves, their future achievements might not be too good, even with their own help. Nor does it work. &1t;/

Become one of your own gods, and then your own strength will increase in the future, and naturally the strength of several people will be continuously improved. As long as they have enough strength, even other gods dare not 50 them. &1t;/

Besides, in terms of identity, they are their own wives, which is not comparable to ordinary gods. It seems that there are many powerful gods who will turn their wives and even family disciples into their own gods. Thinking of this, Chi Nan's heart slowly began to shake a little. It seemed that being a **** was not as bad as he thought. &1t;/

"Chi Nan, please agree, this kind of thing is good for us. Don't you want us to stay with you in your single life." Silken Ka Ye softly looked at Chi Nan . &1t;/

Since being with Chi Nan, Slinka Ye's character has become more and more gentle. Looking around, Chi Nan slowly said: "You have been thinking about this for a long time, have you all figured it out?"&1t;/

Everyone nodded Chi Nan said helplessly: "Well, if you belong to God, you belong to God, I agree. There are still some divine power crystals I have accumulated recently, enough to transform, then we will start. Right."&1t;/

Everyone cheered, what Chi Nan decides is usually not so easy to change. Several people had planned to fight Chi Nan for a long time, but he didn't expect him to agree so easily. &1t;/

In fact, it is not that Chi Nan doesn't know how to work around, but that some of them love face afterwards. It is true that Chi Nan will not change the things that he thinks are right. Following Chi Nan's order, the half-elves and elves in the entire kingdom of God became busy. It is not easy to transform to God. &1t;/

Not to mention, this time there are still four at once, and these four are all gods, and their status is not as simple as it seems. Even if new gods appear in the future, their status will still be lower than those of them, these elves are very clear. &1t;/...


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