The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1318: Selling popular exorcism holy tree

Hearing that the sacred tree **** directly sold the entire exorcism sacred tree, the old fox heaved a sigh of relief. Could it be that this human being is really a good human being, a human being who is not cunning?

The old fox blushed a little, as if he was a little suspicious, of course he didn't think of other deeper things. People in this world strengthen their own strength, so many things like to use their fists to solve, even some conspiracies are often superficial.

At this time, the old fox softened his words. "The price, let's discuss it carefully."

In terms of price, Chi Nan didn't give Weiweisi any bottom line. Weiweisi's eyes lit up, and she began to fight.

Although the old fox was a little guilty and uncomfortable at first, he soon began to bargain. Lucas, who was next to him, looked at this one for a while and that one for a while. In the end, his head was big.

How come these people have so many thoughts, isn't it bad to be direct? They can also bargain for a long time for the crystallization of a few pieces of faith. Yes, it is the crystallization of faith, that is, the crystallization of faith that has not been refined into a crystal of divine power. The crystallization of these beliefs is not the pure type in Chi Nan's hands, but a type that contains a lot of impurities.

For the gods at the level of the middle gods, a small amount of faith crystallization is no longer very concerned. Many middle-level gods are their own subordinates or the crystallization of their belief in refining the gods, and finally the crystals of low-level divine power are sent to their hands for refining.

When Lucas woke up, the time had passed. The two men were very happy with each other for three days of fiercely fighting the price.

Looking at the other party, there is quite a look of sympathy, or it may be the look of encountering an opponent.

In this way, even if Chi Nan was watching from the side, he was drowsy. If it hadn't been for the respect of Wei Wei Si, Chi Nan would have stopped watching it. Instead, it was Hemira and Sophia, who watched them with relish, and they would make comments from time to time in the future.

And Slinka Ye, obviously without so many complicated thoughts, had fallen asleep next to her a long time ago. That's right, they can make the gods who don't need to sleep fall asleep, and Chi Nan is really hard to say.

"Ah, is the talk over? The talk is finally over. Are your negotiations so troublesome."

"What kind of trouble is this? Negotiation is to use the art of language to fight for benefits, so it's just a tiny bit of benefit, which is also very fulfilling." Well, the ontology of Weiweisi seems to have entered a state.

"It doesn't matter, you have to make compensation for making me bored here for such a long time."

"How to make compensation, ah, let me down quickly, there are so many people here." Before Wei Wei Si finished speaking, Chi Nan picked up her body and walked towards the back. Hemila and Sophia looked at each other, their faces were a little red, but they followed. At the same time, Silinkaye, who had just woke up and was still in a daze, was also pulled away.

After the negotiation was over, these exorcism holy trees began to be sold in the orc gods.

The orcs don't know what hiding is. In all kinds of battles, as long as they can use it, they all use this exorcism water. Anyway, the rear can be continuously manufactured, and many orcs who have bought enough to exorcise the sacred tree do not have to worry about not being enough.

With such a wide range of use, there is no way to hide other people. On this day, when Chi Nan was visiting the Pantheon, there was a spirit next to Chi Nan sending a message towards Chi Nan. "Hey, Sacred Tree God, I heard that you sold the Exorcizing Sacred Tree. We want it too. Let's make a price." The first **** asked.

"Yes, yeah, we will definitely not bid lower than the orcs." Anyway, I need less, it doesn't matter.

"How on earth did you do this thing, our natural gods can't imitate it, and it can't even reproduce." How could Chi Nan say this kind of thing, isn't that smashing his own sign.

"Forget it, no matter what else, anyway, as long as it is useful. We usually let those evil gods and devil gods make it hard, and we don't have to be afraid of them after we have this thing." It seems that they have already tried Exorcism Water.

This thing can not only avoid the evil qi infection, but also avoid the evil qi infection. Applying directly on one's own body or weapons can directly cause considerable damage to demons and evil creatures.

The adaptability of this thing is simply more useful than those high-level holy waters of the Light God System. The most important thing is that it can be spread in a large amount without being controlled by others. I bought enough exorcism sacred trees at one time and can be used for thousands of years.

Moreover, this thing has no side effects or harm to normal organisms at all, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Seeing so many requests, Chi Nan's mouth ticked slightly, which was exactly what she needed. If you want to walk on the path of the gods for a long time, the crystal of **** power and various resources are absolutely indispensable, and relying on yourself is simply not enough.

"Since everyone is so flattering, then I'll take out some. But let's say it first, because of the production problem, plus I have to supply the orc gods first, so the number may not be large at the beginning."

Chinan didn't release too much at once, but made the illusion that the production quantity was not enough, which made the market more popular. These gods, they don't know how to study the laws of the market. And speaking of the orc **** system, Chi Nan also placed a backing for him in disguise, so that other gods would not dare to move him easily.

It has something to do with the spirit deity, and there is an orc deity behind it, and the ordinary gods really dare not deal with Chi Nan. After they understood the situation clearly, Chi Nan believed that he would have been able to deal with all this a long time ago.

"Hey, can you tell me about the exorcism holy why we can't even imitate it."

Chi Nan looked back and saw that it was a **** of the natural gods. Chi Nan smiled and said, "This is also an accident for us. We researched the orc exorcism water."

Chi Nan smiled in his heart, but he had added an evolution lock to it, and the process of forming the exorcism water puree was different from that of ordinary plants. Although it is just a tree, it actually forms three different sap components.

After being blended into the fruit in different proportions, with special inoculation methods, it can form an exorcism water puree. Ordinary gods of nature cannot understand all of this in detail. It is only strange to start with the characteristics of the plant itself and to be able to study it clearly.

"It turned out to be like this." The natural **** was a little helpless, pouting his mouth to buy the sacred tree of exorcism. No matter whether this natural **** really believed it or not, Chi Nan wouldn't care. ...


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