The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1319: They are too bully

With enough exorcism water, the situation began to change on the battlefield of the central plane. The evil orcs who had always made the orcs fear their tails, the days when they used to press the other side to fight are gone forever.

On the battlefield, the Sacred Tree of Exorcising Evil was provided by Chi Nan, and the number was sufficient, so there was no problem not dare to waste it.

At this time, the orcs finally experienced a local tyrant's fighting method. Orcs really only like to rely on their own power, but they never reject some equipment that can make their own power better.

Orcs don't like sneak attacks, they just like being upright. In the past, the evil spirit of the evil orcs was a kind of villain behavior in their eyes. Now, it is finally possible to restrain this kind of villain behavior.

As for whether the exorcism water restrains the other party, they really don't care much about it. It was originally dealing with worldly enemies, and besides, this exorcism water smeared on the weapon, isn't it almost as sharp as the weapon, it's no different. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

On the battlefield, an orc poured the exorcism water against his head, and the whole body was filled with exorcism water. "Hahahaha, I am no longer afraid of any evil orcs, come on, let Lao Tzu hack you to death."

"Idiot, so wasting things, it is impossible to smear your whole body, there are still exposed places."

"What do you say, then how you did it, take a small bottle with you." Recently, there have been more new varieties of exorcism water. These orcs are no longer treated as treasures as they used to be, but as a regular thing, even as a regular thing. Usual drinking water.

"Of course I am different from you idiot. When the exorcism water was installed before, I took a bath in the whole person."

The surrounding orcs stared at this boss with wide-eyed eyes. This is the real master. No wonder he is the captain, he is just a small soldier, just looking at his brain, it is simply not what an ordinary orc can think of. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"It's amazing. I will do the same next time. No, I have to drink some water." The orc just looked excited.

On the battlefield, there are orcs with enough water to get rid of evil spirits. Even the expressionless eyes, when attacked, will start to tremble, showing some strange looks.

Orcs often laughed at evil orcs once and for fun. In fact, it was a natural reaction when the exorcism water corroded the evil spirits in the evil orcs, and it was not an expression that was really caused by pain.

Gradually, the situation on the central plane began to change. Not only one place has changed here, but many places are living. With the supply of exorcism water, a large number of demons and Cthulhu's subordinates have suffered major blows. The scope of their control is constantly shrinking, and their losses are getting bigger and bigger.

If it weren't for the exorcism water that could not affect the masters of the demigod level, and the true masters of the major forces did not dare to go too deep, I am afraid that many evil gods and demons would have been cleaned up now. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Even so, those evil gods have lost too many followers, causing everyone to feel resentful.

It's okay on the devil's side, at least they don't need any faith. But the demon damages too much, and there are fewer things that can be sacrificed to the abyss, and there are few strong presences of the demon at the grassroots level, which also seriously threatens the interests of the abyss.

Therefore, recently, some evil gods have secretly started meetings, and several evil gods have also been invited to participate.

To be honest, Cthulhu's ability to hold a meeting is really a rare thing. Even Chi Nan's demon incarnation was among the invited ranks. The demon incarnation who had just broken through the middle demon **** was also a master in this place.

It's just that Chi Nan also found that none of the evil gods and demon gods in this place came by themselves. The evil gods use incarnations or belong to gods, and the devil gods also have their own methods. That is to let your own subordinates come over, and then communicate with other gods through the method of remote possession, but the devil is the devil. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Chi Nan knew about this remote possession method, but it was too rough. After being possessed, this subordinate is basically abolished, and in serious cases, he may even die on the spot.

Chi Nan uses his own demon incarnation and his subordinate gods, and also uses a similar method of possession, but it is a method of possessing gods. There is no harm to the gods, but on the surface it looks like other people.

Even if Chi Nan had a demon incarnation, it was impossible to really act like a demon. The subordinates that he has finally cultivated are still powerful subordinates, but they can't just be wasted. "Hey, catch an ordinary demon next time, and do the same as them, save something from being discovered, that's not good.

"Everyone, this meeting was held by us, mainly to deal with the problem of exorcising the sacred tree. That sacred tree **** is really horrible, and he actually made this kind of thing. If this continues, our overall loss is too great. It’s bigger."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Yes, they are too bullying. At that time, I made a negligence and most of my subordinates were killed. If this is expelled, when will I restore my number of believers." An evil **** began to complain.

This time the meeting was held by the three evil gods of the higher **** level. You know, even in the chaotic area, the total number of high-ranking Cthulhus will not be too much, and three of them will come out at once, and this will cause a big deal.

"Why don't you kill the Holy Tree God?" A demon suddenly said grimly.

"Are you going, I won't go anyway, that guy is now the treasure of the orthodox gods, protected by many orthodox gods. He is not weak in his own strength, and he is still a lunatic, whoever wants to go."

Not to mention the evil gods, the devil gods who are least afraid of death are not willing to go Chi Nan has become the treasure of the orthodox gods, and it is normal to be protected. Moreover, he also got the help of the orc gods.

"Furthermore, even if you kill it, the sacred trees that are sold will still exist. The protection of these sacred trees will not break even for tens of thousands of years. It is not necessary to continue to bear it in the future. This loss."

Thinking of that kind of disgusting exorcism water, even those who are gods feel a headache. They have some methods to deal with evil water, but they can easily spread it in a large area without harming their own interests, so they will not have it.

Expecting that Cthulhu will consume a lot of his divine power for his followers, it is better to expect the sow to climb the tree.

The meeting gradually became a meeting of complaints and condemnation, and no one proposed any useful methods, or was unwilling to do so. The selfishness of the Cthulhu and the Demon God is vividly manifested. ...


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