The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1362: All these are misunderstandings

The Worm God stepped back and shouted loudly: "Wait, don't you want to know how we got you out. With our two backgrounds, we simply don't have the ability to do this."

"What do you want to say?" Bone Broken Beast God turned slightly in the direction of Worm God.

Although this guy doesn't look very good, he is an orthodox **** after all. It is not impossible for these orthodox gods to abandon the covenant when it is critical, and it is not impossible for them to unite against themselves.

Although they have signed a contract, it is not the highest contract, so as long as they pay a certain price, it is okay to violate the contract. The highest contract is not signed by the gods in general. Even if it is signed, it is usually time-sensitive. It's like the kind of confidentiality contract signed between Chi Nan and several dragons.

In fact, the effective time is only one hundred years. After one hundred years, there will be no effect.

And for such a long time, they had digested everything clean, even if it was exposed, it didn't matter.

The Worm God said loudly: "Don't you want to die here, I don't want to. Originally, I was here to avenge the Beetle God, and by the way I named my name and got some benefits. But I don't want to die for nothing."

He and the Beetle God are indeed friends, but the Beetle God is dead. To take risks for a dead guy, he is not so idle. The beetle died completely, and there was no chance of resurrection.

Besides, the beetle **** is just an evil god. The Bone Broken Beast God nodded gently: "Yes, I don't want to die in such a place unclearly. So, what are you going to say, although my subordinates died because of this guy, they mainly did it. It's an orc. I know that." Broken Bone Beast God said without paying attention.

These evil gods are indeed very selfish one by one, and even regard selfishness as a virtue, directly on the bright side. Orthodox gods, at least still want face, and maintain a superficial brightness.

"We can tell you what you want to know, but we must sign a contract and not attack each other. We are responsible for sending you back."

Hearing the words of the Worm God, Chi Nan pondered, considering the pros and cons of this matter. If these two guys are sent back, they will definitely become enemies in the future, and there will be an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides.

Don't say they think so, even Chi Nan doesn't want to let them go. I just don't know where they are, even if they know it, they won't be too close. Want to catch them, you will not be able to do it for a while.

And the two guys in front of them obviously couldn't really unite together. This time there is just a common goal, and next time, it will be absolutely impossible. If the Worm God didn't want to die, it would be impossible to cooperate with a Cthulhu who had too much strength beyond him. So, don't worry that the two of them will come to yourself in a short time.

Give yourself enough time, your own strength can improve much faster than them.

The most important thing is that Chi Nan wants to know who is behind all this. If it wasn't for the two of them capable of pulling themselves over, it would be someone else. The danger hidden in the dark is much more serious than that on the surface.

That being the case, it doesn't matter if you let them go for the time being. Chi Nan smiled slightly: "Yes, all of this is a misunderstanding. It would be fine if you explain it clearly." Now, the two people on the opposite side were relieved.

"We can tell you who is making trouble behind this, but we must sign a contract to ensure that we can all go out."

Worm God drew up a contract, although it is not the highest level, but the level is not low. If they violated, the price paid would definitely hurt them. Chi Nan did not hesitate to sign.

On the contrary, it was the Bone Broken Beast God. After thinking for a while, the contract was signed. Then, the Worm God began to talk. Looking at the appearance of the Bone Broken Beast God, it seemed that he didn't fully understand some of the things behind it.

"In fact, the original initiator of this matter was not us, but the God of Dawn."

Chi Nan was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the protection that used the body of the believer to talk to him when he was in his home plane. It is also the **** of the Holy Light Empire, the **** of dawn with the attributes of light.

That guy, he also made a special sign with coordinates to pit himself, but the coordinates were left in his home plane. But later, Chi Nan looked for an opportunity to throw that sign into the abyss. I just don't know if that guy went to the abyss. If he did, he would definitely be trapped by himself.

"The God of Dawn? I have no conflict with the God of Light, why should he deal with me. Also, how could the God of Dawn bring me out of the kingdom of God? Is this obviously impossible?"

The Worm God sneered: "Hmph, the people of the Light God family have such a decent face. They regard themselves as light, and all others are evil. For the so-called light, all people are enemies. You. Since you know the God of Dawn, you must have been in contact with that guy."

Chi Nan nodded lightly. There is no need to deny this: "Yes, I did come into contact with the God of Dawn, but only a believer possessed him. He once invited me to join the God of Light, but I refused."

"Hahahaha, rejecting the Light God Element, it's no wonder they treat you as an All those who refuse to recruit them are either forced to join them and become their slaves, or they are secretly solved."

This time it was not said by the Worm God, but by the Broken Bone Beast God. Unexpectedly, the Bone Broken Beast God knew better about the Light God Element. But also, as a Cthulhu, how could he not get a good understanding of his enemies.

"Unexpectedly, you refused. It seems that you really don't know anything. Under normal circumstances, unless it is a higher god, no one really dares to refuse the solicitation of the light **** system, because there is no such guts. But your current Strength, you already have this qualification. I believe this is the last time they will shoot you."

The Worm God was a little envious, and it was really rare to think that this kind of people who were stared at by the light gods could survive. Moreover, Chi Nan's strength was not comparable to that of ordinary gods, it was really terrifying.

Give him some more time, maybe besides the main god, he really doesn't need to care about anyone else's thoughts.

"Then, since he has contacted you, he must have given you something." Worm God shook his head and simply continued. Anyway, what happened to the Guangming Divine System had nothing to do with me. To find this site, please search for "6 Mao" or enter the URL:.

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