The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1363: Means from the Light God System

Chi Nan nodded without hesitation: "Yes, they did give me a brand, but there is a coordinate in it. If it weren't for my ability, I really haven't found what's inside."

"Then then, how did you deal with this coordinate?" The Bone Broken Beast God glanced at Chi Nangao. Only such a cautious **** can go on forever. There seems to be a reason why Chi Nan was not calculated when his strength was low.

Chi Nan sneered: "If you want to deal with me, of course I won't let him go easily. I took the opportunity to throw that sign into the abyss." Upon hearing this, the two people on the opposite side suddenly laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, thrown into the abyss, you are really, really amazing, how did we not think of this method. That sane guy must find a chance to attack your kingdom of God, and then hit the abyss. When it reaches the abyss, even the upper gods will find it difficult to get out. That guy must have paid a huge price."

Worm God also sighed: "It's no wonder that guy would violate the usual style of doing things in the Light God System, and he will still attack you when you break through to the upper god. It seems that his loss is not small."

After thinking about it, Chi Nan understood that if it weren't for the great hatred, how could he casually attack a higher god.

However, Chi Nan didn't sympathize with the other party at all, because since the God of Dawn had already confronted the abyss, he could only prove one thing.

It's just that the other party obviously didn't distinguish clearly, what's the difference between the barrier of the kingdom of God and the barrier of the abyss.

If I had brought that coordinate into my own kingdom of gods, I am afraid it would become a contact type of **** war. With his original strength and background, he is definitely not the opponent's opponent. Even the current self, if he really fought a battle with the **** of dawn, he wouldn't be sure whether he could win Chi Nan in the end.

As for the possibility of victory, it is probably relatively rare. It seems that his enemy is about to add another one, the God of Dawn.

Suddenly, Chi Nan remembered that when Romilia established the Kingdom of God, a mysterious guy once attacked him. Thinking of this, Chi Nan quickly stretched out his hand and imitated a figure and the breath of this god.

"Do you know this guy? Is this guy also related to the God of Dawn."

Seeing this figure, the Bone Broken Beast God said disdainfully: "I haven't seen this guy. He is not very famous on our side. It shouldn't be a person who walks around us often, and this breath is not an evil god."

The Worm God nodded gently: "It is indeed not a Cthulhu, this is a dark-attribute god, in fact, the Light God System controls a lot of dark-attributed gods, some are subordinates, and some are slaves. I am not familiar with this guy, but should You can't get rid of them." The words of the Worm God made Chi Nan more affirmed of his guess.

"It's not just that the light gods like to raise dark gods, but the dark gods also raise a lot of light gods. They often use this method to pour dirty water on each other." Broken Bone Beast God said indifferently.

Okay, then it turned out to be each other's news. But Chi Nan is not interested in listening to this. "Then the last question, since I didn't bring that thing into my kingdom of God, how did you pull me out through the kingdom of God."

Worm God said indifferently: "The Light God System is not as simple as you think. Although you didn't bring the coordinates in, you have touched the coordinates." Chi Nan nodded, and he did hold it with his hands.

"That's it. Now that you have touched it, that coordinate will leave a faint aura on you. This aura is to lock you personally. You don't need to check it. This aura can only be used once. Originally, you broke through the upper gods. After that, it will soon be detected and cleaned up, but obviously the God of Dawn did not give you time."

Chi Nan's face turned dark, how many methods did these guys use to deal with themselves. Even if the coordinates are done by the main god, there is actually a second-tier method on it.

It's no wonder that the Bright God System has grown so strong, has offended so many people, and can continue to be at ease.

"Before, we used the special scroll that the God of Dawn gave us to lock the breath on your body and bring you out of the kingdom of God. Don't worry, as long as you don't have that breath on your body in the future, it is impossible to be pulled."

As if seeing Chi Nan feel a little worried, the Worm God continued: "In fact, there are two aspects. On the one hand, it is because your kingdom of God has not reached the highest level. Otherwise, this kind of power will not be able to function through a superior kingdom of God. On the other hand, it’s because you have no defense, otherwise it would be impossible to be pulled over so easily."

"Furthermore, this kind of scroll that can pull the upper gods over is absolutely rare in the Light God System. It is already the limit that the God of Dawn can take out one, and it is impossible to take out another one."

Chi Nan, who was a little worried, was relieved now. He was not worried about being pulled out of him, but worried about Hemila and the others being pulled out. Your own means are so powerful that you don't need to worry, others are different.

But thinking about it, the Light God System wouldn't waste such precious things on other people. But no, after I go back, I still have to talk to other people to prevent them from getting recruited in the future.

"Do you have anything else you want to know? Feel free to ask, anyway, the contract has already been signed."

Seeing the worm god, this dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Chi Nan was speechless. Is this really a superior But after thinking for a while, Chi Nan shook his head and said: Send me back now."

Worm God was finally relieved, facing a guy who was far stronger than himself, the pressure was really great. There is also the broken bone beast **** next to him. Without the protection of the kingdom of God, this guy can easily kill himself.

This time he took the lead in surrendering, although he said it was to save his life, but he had already offended this guy. In the future, I will face the hostility of two higher-level gods who are stronger than myself, so it seems that I should retreat to the kingdom of God to protect myself. As for the idols that can cause a battle of gods, they must be collected as soon as possible and cannot be left outside.

The gods directly took back the idols, which was a huge blow to the spread of faith. But only by doing this, can we avoid the outbreak of the war of God and avoid being killed by other spirits.

And the Bone Broken Beast God, at this time, was also considering what he was going to do next. This time, it's impossible for the orc **** system to know it. It seems that next, you have to hide yourself a little deeper.

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