The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1364: I can finally breathe a sigh of relief

When everything was explained, the Worm God began to perform a relief ritual. The Worm God didn't know what this place was, so there was no way to explain it to Chi Nan.

Want to come, this place should be made by the Light God System. The ritual is very complicated. No wonder they didn't choose to flee during the battle, because they simply couldn't give them so much time.

And the action is too obvious, how could he not find out, that is really blinder than a blind man.

When the ceremony was completed, more than half an hour later, the surrounding lights flickered, each rune lit up, and then went out. In the end, a powerful force was generated, and a thick mist appeared in the void.

Chi Nan could see clearly that the thick fog had wrapped the three people separately. This force does not just act on oneself. When he woke up, Chi Nan found that he had actually returned to his kingdom of God.

It was the place where I disappeared in front of my own laboratory. "The concept of time in the void is not very good, I don't know how long it has been now." Chi Nan frowned, thinking of this, and hurriedly contacted others. Just after sending out the signal, Chi Nan received a large number of inquiries. It seems that a long time has passed.

"Forget it, let's have a meeting, you all come here, and the violent beast **** is also coming." In the entire **** system, there is a violent beast god.

Now that he is back, it doesn't matter if the violent beast **** knows. After a while, many people came to the kingdom of God in Chinan, right in the temple. This place used to be a meeting place.

"Unexpectedly, I have been fighting for three months, and the concept of time between the gods is really weak. There is no concept of the world in the void, no reference, and it doesn't seem to be long for three months." That's right, that's it. After Chi Nan became a god, this feeling will naturally change.

If you still stay the same as ordinary people, then each of the gods might have been crazy long ago.

"Chi Nan, what the **** is going on, where did you go before." The fastest, Wei Wei Si, when she saw Chi Nan, shouted loudly. Others followed closely and heard Wei Wei Si's voice. .

Chi Nan pressed his hands and said, "Wait a while, wait until everyone is here."

When everyone was there, Chi Nan told the others what had happened during this time. Hearing Chi Nan's words, everyone's expressions began to change. Even though Hemila and the others knew that Chi Nan was okay, they would still involuntarily hold them with both hands when they heard those thrilling places, with a worried look on their faces.

After finishing speaking, Chi Nan said: "This thing was done by the God of Dawn of the Light God System in the final analysis. My current strength is far from their opponent, so I temporarily put it down and wait for a chance to retaliate."

The violent beast **** nodded and said: "We should wait for the opportunity. The Light God Element is very strong, second only to the Orc God Element. We can only fight against the God of Dawn, but if others join, it will be troublesome. . As far as I know, there are at least six high-ranking gods in the light **** system." The violent beast **** also has a solemn expression.

However, looking at the appearance of the violent beast god, he didn't even think about the truce. In other words, it is also a branch of the orcs. They have been bullied to the top, and of course they have to take revenge. The orcs are not afraid of war.

It's just because of lack of strength, so for the time being. Even if it is an orc, it is impossible for everyone to charge without thinking. Such a person has died long ago, and it is impossible to become a **** at all.

"Let's put aside the matter of the Light God System for now, the next thing we have to deal with is the other two guys."

Everyone knows that Chi Nan said that there are two existences, the Bone Broken Beast God and the Worm God. At this time, the violent beast **** said again: "The Worm God is very famous here. He is famous for being timid. Don't worry. This time I have offended two higher gods who are stronger than him. The Worm God will definitely hide himself. He doesn’t do this kind of thing once or twice."

"There is such a god, it's really eye-opening." Slinka exclaimed with a look on her face.

"Then the Bone Broken Beast God, this guy can't be completely hidden."

Upon hearing this, Romelia also spoke: "I have been inquiring about the evil orcs and gods all this time. They hide them really tightly. Because the orc gods have never relaxed their pursuit of them."

Chi Nan thoughtfully, thinking of this, he said: "If this is the case, then tell this matter to the orc **** and fasten it. By the way, there is this, this is when I was fighting with the broken bone beast god, from his body The pieces of flesh and blood should be useful. At least, it can be used as evidence to show that what we are saying is true."

"Don't worry, leave this to me." Weiweisi took the initiative to stop the matter.

Wei Wei Si, who often interacts with other gods, naturally knows what to do. This kind of incident of being attacked, just go over it vaguely. No matter how she can't casually divulge the relationship between her and the God of Dawn.

And the God of Dawn, after the past this time, should not easily attack them. Chi Nan didn't want to let go of the **** of dawn, but it would take some time to improve his so that he could fight against the opponent.

"Well, now that I have finished talking about my affairs, then the next thing is the matter of the kingdom of God. Has anything happened during the time I left?" I left for a while, but not long, but after all I am missing.

"We concealed the news of your disappearance, and it has only been three months, and nothing happened at all. The things you explained before are already prepared, when do you plan to complete it."

Hermilla transmitted a copy of the information to Chi Nan, and Chi Nan looked at it and felt relieved. The time I left was not very long, and it was not an accident that nothing happened when the news was blocked. Chi Nan had heard that after many gods died thousands of years, the religions they established before can still function well, and even continue to develop.

I don't want to be like them, but sometimes this way of separating each other is really good.

In addition, during the time he was leaving, the control ritual materials prepared by the violent beast **** were also prepared. I didn't know that Chi Nan was missing, and I still don't understand why the violent beast god, who has not been used, now understands it. It's time to use it.

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