The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1378: The successful end of the void battle

"The temperature of this flame is really good, but his law should not be a pure flame god, but a **** similar to a racial god. This flame is basically his racial talent."

Wei Wei Si keenly noticed the difference in the flames of the other party. Chi Nan also nodded and said: "Yes, your observation is very careful. His flame is indeed not entirely the flame itself, it is mixed with too many other things. This kind of flame is very powerful, but it is not as pure as it is. If it cannot be corrected, there is almost no possibility of advancement."

The more powerful you are, the more you can see the essence of things. Seeing things through the eyes of the upper gods is completely different from that before the upper gods. However, Wei Wei Si can only see the strength of the lower gods, which is really not simple.

The stronger his wife is, the happier Chi Nan is. But let's continue to watch the game now.

Several other gods were also watching here, but everyone didn't say anything. Of course, the three newly added foreign gods in the **** system are not here, only the violent beast gods are here to watch.

For the violent beast god, Chi Nan still trusts it. Other people, trust also takes time.

Chi Nan had found an excuse long ago, arranged a task for the three people, and sent them all. Although the violent beast **** knew it, he didn't say anything. This guy is crude on the surface, but in fact he is still very alert in his heart.

In the void, six scorpions and flame snakes have fought into a ball. The six scorpions relied on their strong resistance to shuttle directly in the flames. Even if it is internally injured, it can still continue to fight.

Finally, a good opportunity appeared. A scorpion rushed over, and three pliers were directly added to a wing of the flame snake. After stabilizing for a while, the remaining three pliers also attacked from different angles.

Because the attack speed was too fast, the flame snake was fixed on the body by the opponent before it could react. The pliers are not just as simple as clamping oneself, but constantly releasing a special force, constantly offsetting their own divine power. Even though his body is not being constantly eroded, there is a feeling of gradual weakness.

This is not a toxin, but a special ability belonging to the Void Plant. It is specially used to paralyze the world will of a world, and it is convenient for oneself to swallow and absorb the other's world power.

This power is also very effective when used on the gods. Chi Nan had only restored a part of it to achieve such an almost narcotic effect, which Chi Nan himself did not expect.

When the other five scorpions saw this, they also rushed crazy. While the flame snake's attention was not on his body, the five void scorpions approached from different angles and attacked frantically.

In the distance, the radiation power of the airship mothership continuously healed several internal injuries of the scorpions, and at the same time provided them with a power bonus. It's just that the airship mothership didn't dare to approach here casually, and could only follow from a distance.

Chi Nan helplessly said: "In the void, the airship mothership is not suitable for combat at all, at least not suitable for this kind of battle with the gods. In the future, the airship mothership will not be needed in the void. Our homeland mother tree is directly planted in the void scorpion. In each scorpion group, there is only one seat captain, and it won’t consume too much."

Everyone smiled and nodded, Chi Nan was right, who made this scorpion's resistance completely different from that of the mothership.

The combat method of the airship mothership is mainly used to carry and supplement other airships. There is no airship here at all, and the combat effectiveness of the airship is not as good as those void scorpions here, so it can only be retired.

It seems that this form of existence of airships is only suitable for fighting inside the plane. What kind of spaceship in the void, at least its own airship can't do this, maybe follow-up research is OK.

The battle became more and more fierce, and the last scorpion got directly into the flame snake's mouth, and the huge pliers fiercely stimulated the internal structure of the flame snake. This made the flame gods more painful.

Suddenly, a scorpion pierced its tail into the eyes of the Flame Snake, and the power on the tail burst out, and the eyeballs were aimed at the eyeballs. The Flame Snake was obviously not aimed at the eyeballs of the Void Plant. The eyes burst, and the flame snake let out a miserable roar, but there was still no way to get rid of it. This power from the void plant directly invaded the flame snake's body, causing huge damage.

There is not enough divine power crystal, and there is no sacred weapon in hand. The flame snake can only be entangled with six scorpions, constantly struggling, and constantly biting and attacking. However, the effect is very weak.

I don't know how much time passed, the flame snake's struggle became weaker and weaker, and the only eye showed a look of despair. Inside the flame snake, fibrous roots grow, absorbing the last vitality of the flame snake.

The birthplace of these fibrous roots is exactly the six legs of the Void Scorpion. After the Void Scorpion's six legs pierced into the Flame Serpent's body, it seemed to have taken root, but now it is really taking root. This plant that can live in the void is much stronger in quality than ordinary gods. The gods have no way to get rid of this kind of foreign body.

At least until the source is not destroyed, this attack will not stop. As a result, the six void scorpions of the lower **** level, under the blessing of the airship mothership, dragged a middle **** to death.

Although only a semi-remaining mid-level god, it is also the one that is close to the peak. This fully shows that this kind of void battle is very valuable for development. Even in battles with other gods, the effect of this method is more significant.

"Very well, the test was successful, drag the guy's corpse and the kingdom of God back, I want to study it carefully."

Chi Nan finally spoke, and the Void Scorpion opposite began to move. At this time, countless believers in the kingdom of the flame snake **** kept praying, but they could only watch the idol dim.

The gods in the kingdom of God are dim, and the temple has cracks, all of which indicate that the gods have fallen. All believers are unwilling to believe this desperate fact, and many believers are crazy on the spot.

Some frantically attacked everything around them, some desperately slumped on the ground, and some desperately chose to commit suicide. All people were venting their inner fears in a variety of different ways. Even if Chi Nan saw this situation, he felt sorry for him. Although he knew that these people would eventually usher in destruction, Chi Nan would not leave them behind.

"In order that this kind of thing will not happen in my family, I must continue to grow stronger and continue to live."

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