The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1379: This is a new topic

Bringing the spoils back, the local war that took place was quietly quelled.

Of course, only the topic about Chi Nan was calmed down, but this topic is constantly fermenting elsewhere. After Chi Nan brought things back, he began to study.

"No, the resistance of these void scorpions is too poor. Although there is nothing on the surface, the body is almost ripe. If it hadn't been blessed by the mother tree of the homeland, I would have died long ago."

It's not that Chi Nan didn't expect the power of the gods to be so strong, but that his scorpion resistance was so weak. The power of the gods is also omni-directional when attacking. It can penetrate directly, and it is more than just a surface defense. This point, because there was no previous experience, now there is, and then it must be reformed.

These void scorpions were just made by Chi Nan for testing, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"In addition, the main gun needs to be strengthened, the number of secondary guns is a little less, the energy is very sufficient, and even some excess energy, more secondary guns can definitely be driven." This is Chi Nan's next second transformation direction.

The main gun is the eye-catching tail behind it, just make it bigger. Of course, if you want to increase it, Chinan needs to continue experimenting. This is not ordinary wood. You can increase it as you want.

As for the second case of adding secondary artillery, this one is much simpler. Naturally, it is not enough for a scorpion to have only two eyes. These eyes are where the attack is issued. Not as good as the main gun, but the power is definitely not bad.

Next, just increase the two eyes to six, or eight, even on the sides and abdomen. In this way, the attack is much more flexible, and it can be easily attacked from any position. After all, this void scorpion is too big, so it is not so flexible when moving in the void. It would be too much trouble if you have to adjust the body angle for each attack.

After determining the transformation plan, Chi Nan began to transform his incarnation. This level of transformation does not require Chi Nan's deity to do it, and he can finally relax.

What Chi Nan didn't expect was that the Void Scorpion, which he originally thought would not make waves at all, attracted the attention of many gods in the Pantheon. This topic hasn't attracted the attention of any gods at first.

But later, when the problem of Void Scorpion slowly spread, it was troublesome. Especially the message boards of the Pantheon are almost occupied by these scorpions' messages.

"Scorpion-type things, that's a god, except for gods, there won't be such weird creatures living in the void."

"Who said that, there are still a lot of creatures in the void, there are other things without gods. I remember that some normal beasts may also break through the plane restrictions and enter the void."

"Warcraft? Don't be kidding. The beasts that can enter the void have either become gods or gods. It's rare to grow into **** beasts by themselves, and **** beasts will not attack gods casually."

The gods kept discussing, and gradually the topic changed taste and became more complicated.

"Have you forgotten? I said before that there are six scorpion attacks of the same type. This is the same type. This basically eliminates the possibility of gods." Everyone finally remembered. Almost every **** is separate. , There are very few similar occurrences.

Even the catastrophe dragon, which is called the dragon, is actually different, and there are few in common. This kind of exactly the same kind is really weird.

"You said, could this be a legendary creature, such as a fallen beast?" A **** raised an opinion.

"Impossible, the strength of the fallen beast cannot be so weak, and it is impossible to have a race. It is somewhat like an evil beast. If it is really an evil beast, then the trouble will be big."

Seeing this, even Chi Nan had some doubts about what an evil beast was. After searching, Chi Nan finally understood the evil beast's problem. Strictly speaking, the evil beast is actually an evil god, just a complicated evil god.

When the evil **** grows to a certain height and is completely corroded by evil forces at the same time, he will lose his reason. At this time, the evil **** will turn into an evil beast, doing damage everywhere, similar to the evil of gods, but with a certain amount of thinking.

But evil beasts are different from gods, because evil beasts are infectious and can infect the same kind into the same evil beasts. Once your own believers grow up, they will also become new evil beasts. This kind of thing is like a race that can reproduce, extremely troublesome and dangerous. Once discovered, it must be completely eliminated.

It is precisely because of this speculation that the major divine systems have sent people to investigate there, hoping to find traces of the evil beast from that place. As long as he is found, no **** will let him exist.

Evil beasts are the public enemies of all gods and appear very rarely, but they are more troublesome than demons. Especially this kind of demonic beast group that can multiply by itself, it needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. No matter whether it is other evil gods or devil gods, they also have great hostility towards this evil beast, and it won't work unless they are eliminated.

When Chi Nan realized this, the area was already full of incarnations of gods and gods.

Chi Nan felt a little dumbfounded at this But he couldn't clarify this kind of thing. Even after this experiment, Chi Nan would not let his Void Scorpion out for a long time.

Forget it, if they want to find it, just go find it, their own strength is not enough to only come out such a powerful combat army.

If you don’t have enough strength, you just can’t do many things as you want. Whoever says that the gods are free, and they also have to consider their own future and safety. Chi Nan smiled without saying a word, just watching other people discuss.

However, after searching for a period of time, when everyone did not find it, the possibility of evil beasts was slowly eliminated. After all, various signs indicate that this style and traces are not very similar to the evil beasts.

And Chi Nan took advantage of this time to start his new plan again. As the strength improves, the development progress also needs to be faster. Now, he is qualified to approach the center of the central plane.

Without anyone paying attention, there was a very inconspicuous figure outside the plane barrier, which was slowly flying. This is not some other figure, but a void mothership in Chi Nan, but it looks like a piece of space junk.

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