The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1380: That seems to be the territory of the **** of dawn

In the void, something like space junk flew out in a hurry. If someone could see it in advance, they would definitely find that this thing flew out from the edge of the kingdom of God in Chinan, but it was very inconspicuous.

Except for Hemila and others, no one else knew about this matter at all, not even the people inside the gods. After everything develops, Chi Nan will directly use the situation of the task to send it to other gods.

As for the subordinate gods, even if they know it later, they won't have direct control authority.

On the one hand, they just want to use their own strength to protect themselves and develop themselves. On the other hand, Chi Nan just wanted to use them to grow his **** system and provide himself with sufficient time for development.

The two sides are regarded as huddling each other for warmth, and in essence they have not built enough trust.

A weird airship flew out, and while flying, it sprinkled countless small particles below it. These small particles are not ordinary things, they look like dust, no one cares, but in fact they are all seeds.

The densely packed seeds are all specially made by Chinan. Inside each seed, a large amount of life magic is stored. When the seed hits the ground, it will germinate for the first time, and then dive into the ground. On the surface, it will quickly grow magic sun flowers, absorbing the power of sunlight and the surrounding space, and using them to provide their own growth needs.

Then, a complete and secret development model appeared. A large number of plants will grow wildly, and after reaching a certain level, wood elves will appear, and then continue to develop under the leadership of the wood elves.

After the advanced stage, the tree of life will appear. At that time, the holy tree elves, the true ruler of one area, will appear. If possible, other races will be brought in in the future.

It can be said that every seed is a future development base. It is so densely scattered, but in fact this is because the external barrier is not big enough. After entering the central plane, a seed will drop within a large area. The internal space expands infinitely, and the seeds are not as dense as the outside.

Start from directly below the Kingdom of God in Chinan, keep moving towards the center, and stop when you enter the center.

Inside the central area, only the most secretive development will take place, while outside, Chinan doesn't have so much scruples. Develop directly and open up the channel. This method of casting a net widely has been used by other gods.

"By the way, only on this day the passage is a bit thin, so let's add more areas."

Thinking of this, Chi Nan once again created a lot of weird transport airships that looked like space junk, and then flew towards the barriers in different directions on the central plane, sprinkling seeds everywhere, making bases everywhere.

Chi Nan's erosion of the central plane has already begun in full swing. Not to mention chaotic areas, even in areas controlled by many gods, Chi Nan did not hesitate to sprinkle seeds for future development.

Anyway, disputes between races and wars between believers are nothing more than wars between believers. As long as the gods themselves don't show their stance, it is basically impossible to affect the level of gods. Many believers under the gods beat their lives to death, but in fact their gods are able to talk about wine and talk. This kind of thing has already been seen in Chi Nan.

At the same time, not only Chi Nan is developing, in fact, even his own demon incarnation is also sprinkling seeds.

On this day, a large amount of information came to Chi Nan's mind, and Chi Nan suddenly found a piece of information that interests him. "Found a realm of gods, it is a very large gathering place."

This kind of super-large gathering place, Chinan didn't encounter one or two, each of which had a large plane size. The owner of this kind of territory is usually not a high-level god, or a combination of several middle-level gods to occupy it.

It can even be said that these are equivalent to the situation in a certain type of believer country. But this is different. According to the data, this is the gathering place of the Light God System, and it is very likely that it was left by the God of Dawn.

God of dawn? A cold light flashed in Chi Nan's eyes, and he kept asking for troubles again and again, but because of his scruples about the Light God Element, he had been unable to do anything, and now he seemed to be able to breathe out first.

"Careful investigation, if it is really a subordinate territory of the God of Dawn, then it will be interesting."

Chi Nan smiled slightly, his smile was icy, even the elves of the gods felt uncomfortable for a while. As if his master was angry, yes, it must be angry.

Chi Nan didn't care about these, but slowly focused on this place. "The land of the God of Dawn, haha, the Light God System has always been respectful. If I do it directly, although it is a dispute between believers, it is inevitable that other gods will not interfere. And they may find excuses to attack me directly. , So I can't move."

After Chi Nan calmed down, he realized that he could not give the Guangming God a handle. But not doing it yourself does not mean that others are not good. For example, a creature like a devil is very good.

Demon power belongs to chaos, tends to darkness, and has always been at odds with the light **** system. In the propaganda of the Light God System, the demons were always regarded as their enemies, and the power of the demons was used to win over their followers.

Now, it doesn't seem to matter to be confronted by the devil. On the side of the demon incarnation, a large number of demon gods and evil gods have been drawn together. Although they are only in a loose alliance state, they are used to fight against the orthodox gods, but they also have good power.

The environment over there is safe Then there is no problem with directly doing it, is there any conflict between subordinates? Thinking of this, the nature of the plant seeds that Chinan originally landed in this place suddenly began to change. The emerald green leaves and branches turned black and blood red. The original natural aura also became gloomy, full of evil power.

This is Chi Nan directly transferring the control of the base here to his own demon incarnation, and at the same time he controls these plants to mutate. After reaching the upper god, Chi Nan was able to temporarily borrow part of the power of the demon incarnation.

You have to know that this is the power of the devil, coming from the abyss, let alone borrowing from ordinary gods, you can't imitate it. And Chi Nan can do this, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

The nature of the plants has changed, so the army will also change in the future, even the camp. The nearby plant base, Chi Nan was handed over to the demon incarnation to directly control it, although he still controlled it himself. But can the control of the left hand and the right hand be the same? Next, it's your turn to make a move.

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