The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1381: Enclosed large gathering place

Large gathering places, that is Chinan's own statement, in fact, these places are called very many, and there is no unified name. The so-called large-scale, but the site here has reached the size of the large-scale plane.

It is not an ordinary person who can occupy such a large territory. This area is very prosperous, and there are many powerful presences. Chi Nan did not act rashly, but slowly spread around him.

Because it is a marginal area, it is not valued by others. And they haven't encountered any danger for so long, so these people are not too vigilant. Even if some of the surrounding plants have changed, would they still explore it? Some seeds floated gently into their territory with the wind, and took root in them.

These seeds, Chi Nan uses local seeds, and the power contained in them is very weak. Even if the power of faith is around to protect, Chi Nan can also allow these seeds to enter the opponent's territory.

Of course, these seeds were planted by the power of Chi Nan's deity, and the power of the devil cannot be used in this regard. Once the power of the devil is used, the protection of the aura of belief will definitely eliminate it.

In this way, it took Chinan more than two years to finally completely surround this place, and at the same time, his own seeds finally spread all over the land. Because of the protection of the power of spiritual belief, Chi Nan can only probe carefully in this place. Some information is not so clear.

So it took Chi Nan two years to figure out the general situation here. But at the same time, under the surrounding area, the major territories of Chinan have also been established.

"Is it mainly based on human beings? This is very similar to the light **** system." Chi Nan knew that because most of the light **** system are human gods, the believers are usually human.

Humans do have various problems, but human emotions are also the most among all races. Generally speaking, the faith provided by a human being is much more than that of other races. Even if most beliefs are not so pious, but there is a number to make up, which also leads to human beings as believers that most gods like.

Chi Nan didn't care about these things, but was investigating all kinds of intelligence all the time. In addition to humans, there are other races here, but there are not as many humans as there.

Chi Nan also roughly figured out the composition of the army. The army here generally cultivates the light attribute power. There are knights with bright attributes and grudges, as well as various priests.

Other types of mages and warriors are very rare here, but there are quite a few magicians. The so-called magician is a profession that does not have the slightest strength in itself, but only gains a lot of faith through preaching, and then uses these beliefs to communicate with the gods and fight with the power of the gods. This kind of profession exists only in super large gathering places.

This kind of profession has no power in itself, it just provides a lot of merit by doing things to the gods. I hope I can enter the kingdom of God in the future and become a member of the gods, that's all.

Because their power is like a battery, they can only be used after they have added their faith.

Therefore, there is no way to use their power at will. It can be said that they usually use a little less. Therefore, there are a lot of protections around them, and rarely do they do it themselves.

But once you do it, because of the power of the gods, the strength that can be exerted is very terrible. Therefore, this is also one of the main opponents of our own army, and it is still very troublesome.

Finally, there are those top-level ones. There are messengers of gods, or some other powerful beings.

Chi Nan was here, and there were hundreds of masters at the demigod level that Chi Nan faintly felt, and possibly even more. After all, I didn't dare to explore at will, so I had to be a little more careful in order to avoid getting started.

There are at least three lower gods in this place, and Chi Nan has also found at least three, perhaps more.

As for the place of the main temple, Chi Nan didn't let his plants get close, because the other party's belief in that place was too strong, as long as it got close, the seeds with a little power of their own would be destroyed.

And that place, there may be a middle-level god-level existence, after all, the **** of dawn is also a veteran upper-level god. That's right. Chi Nan has confirmed that this place is the territory of the God of Dawn.

Within the entire territory, there are countless large and small temples. Among them, there are dozens of temples that look large in Chi Nan's eyes, and there are some hidden ones who don't know.

As for the churches in various places, there is no way to count them clearly. Even in a small village, there will be churches, and some remote places where no one lives also have churches.

"It's a pity, because the time to live here is too long, so the people here are basically diehard believers. It is basically impossible to transform the people who call themselves, unless a few generations or even dozens of generations later. "Chinan has always been short of population, so how can I not be moved by seeing so many people.

The only pity is that even if you get this population, it will take at least a hundred or even hundreds of years to digest it. Without enough time, these people cannot become their own leaders after all.

Fortunately, I don’t need to let them believe in myself, and switch to other gods. I am afraid it will be even more uncomfortable to digest so many Since it is an enemy, if you resist and don't surrender, then you will all be eliminated. Those who surrender will break up and gradually reform. Now, this area has been surrounded by me. The next step is to use powerful forces to directly attack. "

There was a cold light in the eyes of the kingdom of God in Chi Nan's eyes. The **** of dawn has repeatedly calculated and attacked himself. Now it is time to collect some interest. Even if he can't do it himself because he cares about the bright camp, it is the same to let his demon incarnation do it. Chi Nan became more and more proud of having created a demon incarnation.

Sure enough, I was still the smartest. If it weren't for the incarnation of a demon, it would be impossible to breathe a sigh of relief now.

"Are you going to take action now? Don't you need to let the bald father and the others help in this matter."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "There are many people, so I can't tell anyone else for the time being. I'm worried that they will be used special methods to assemble intelligence. Besides, there are enough manpower over there to command, and there are also elves over there. ."

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