The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1382: This is exposed

After Chinan's order was issued, the plant bases that were originally hidden and developed outside the large gathering areas began to develop at full speed. Of course, I didn't directly expose myself in the beginning.

But once it develops fully, some clues will be exposed after all.

This is the territory of the God of Dawn, how could it not be found at all. At dawn every day, a bright radiance appears above all the temples, shining on the surroundings. This time is the time when the **** of dawn is the strongest.

On this day, a group of people who were preparing to pray suddenly felt something wrong and a little cold.

"Look at what it is outside, how come it seems that black gas is coming out."

"It's not someone who is making a fire outside. It's normal to cook at this time."

"No, no, it's not smoke from a fire, it seems to be an evil force. Damn it, is there an evil creature running near us, let's kill them, this is a feat."

Several apprentice pastors looked at each other, and ran over there eagerly.

After all, they have been living in this environment, and they believe that the power of the **** of dawn is the most powerful. Those devils and followers of evil gods, in the eyes of many people, are legendary existences.

They believe that these things exist, but don't care at all, because the light forces restrain them.

If you can find it, you will be just like them. Not only do you have no sense of fear, but you will be very excited. Because they know that this is to give credit. Even some knowledgeable people would not care. The demons and Cthulhu believers who dared to run near the God of Dawn were certainly not capable of anything, otherwise they would not be such an idiot.

However, what they didn't expect was that what they encountered this time wasn't something that went wrong without thinking.

When they arrived, what they saw was a cracked ground, from which black air emerged.

Several people rushed over happily, trying to purify it. But the next moment, vines stretched out from under the ground, instantly binding several people together. Spikes came out and pierced into their bodies.

Several people's eyes widened, their expressions of excitement turned into fear. It's a pity that I wanted to say something, but found that I couldn't say anything. In the end, the bodies of several people were getting shriveled and turned into corpses.

The vine shrank back and threw the body in place. This is definitely done instinctively, and this is also because there are not enough commanders here. If the commander is enough, the corpse can definitely be disposed of in time.

Chi Nan himself uses the holy tree elves to command the wood elves, and the wood elves control the plants to fight.

The demon incarnation side is different, the dark elves are used to command the brain beasts, and the brain beasts control the plants to fight.

The special wood elves used by the demon incarnation in the past, the power to hide their identity, have long been eliminated. Anyway, directing battles can only be handed over to a plant brain that has evolved many times.

The brain beast is an empty shell that floats and flies in the air, and inside is a plant brain. It looked like it was a black ball, with no offensive power, only terrifying defense.

This time, because we had to be cautious before, so many things were not made too much, so as to avoid being stunned. As a result, when it was fully launched, there was such a period of mental vacuum.

The same thing happened a lot on the edge of the land of the **** of dawn, not only once.

With so much happening, in a territory where no one would sacrifice casually for a long time, that would be a big deal. Soon, someone found out. In churches and shrines everywhere, some corpses were sent to them soon.

Shocked clergy, high-level officials from all over the world, and even adventurers, have gathered here one after another.

"What caused this? There are no obvious scars on the clothes. There are only some strangulation marks on the body. It seems that it was strangled by some octopus-type monster. Do we have this kind of monster here."

Someone nearby asked loudly. It’s been peaceful for too long, and accidentally dying a person is a big event.

A person in a white robe with a dead black line came out, and the person next to him immediately stepped aside. This was the priest in the Temple of the God of Dawn, followed by other priests and magicians behind him.

"Hall Master, you are here, take a look at these poor children." someone nearby said loudly.

The person who was released from crying in front of a few people suddenly cried louder, and it was really sad for those who heard it, and those who cried.

The old priest slowly put his hand on the body, a light flickered slightly. Under the ray of light, wisps of black air on the corpse were released out of thin air, and disappeared after being twisted in the air.

For a long time, the old priest opened his eyes: "I saw from their memory the picture before their death. A plant appeared under the ground. This plant is the chief culprit for their death."

"What? Is it a plant, a plant-type monster or another god..." Just now, this person closed his mouth quickly. This is a temple, how can you talk about other gods casually.

The pastor glanced at it and said calmly: "I just received news that similar things are happening in many places. They are all happening on the edge of our land of the God of Dawn. It seems that someone wants to deal with us."

"Hall Master, who really wants to deal with us, this is too bold."

In their hearts The God of Dawn is great. This is the largest place of faith in the land of God of Dawn. Someone dares to deal with the God of Dawn. Isn't it a matter of life and death?

The pastor still said in the previous tone: "This bold demon should be the newly promoted upper demon **** in the sky over there. This is a very powerful demon. However, he is too arrogant."

"That's it, dare to attack us here, really looking for death." Devil? That's normal. The brains of creatures like demons are abnormal, and it is possible to attack anyone.

But in their opinion, let alone the newly promoted high-ranking demon, even if the old high-ranking demon came to deal with the God of Dawn, he was looking for death. The **** of dawn is great, and there is a light **** system behind it, but if you want to come, only the bold devil dares to do this kind of thing. There was not the slightest fear in everyone's hearts, but was full of insulted anger.

"The gods have issued their will, and the edge area is fully prepared for battle, find these demons, and wipe them out."

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