The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1400: This is still double insurance

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There are a total of two problems with the things found, one is the space ring used to store things. The size of the space ring of the gods is not the kind used by ordinary people.

Such a spatial ring can hold at least a small plane. This kind of large-scale spatial ring doesn't even have a high-level **** himself. It can be used by compressing a plane into a ring, and only the main **** can do it.

So, this is definitely done by the Lord of Light. In addition to transporting things, this ring also has an attack effect and a stored breath effect. I just touched it with the Wood Elf, and that point detonated it.

When it was found that something was wrong, it stopped. After thinking about it, Chi Nan suddenly smiled. In his own hands, a demonized plant slowly took shape, and finally the demon power slowly transformed into a pure dark power.

"Although the imitations are not very similar, they can be hidden to some extent. Just use the recorded breath to see that there will be no problem." This ring can only record two breaths, one is the original owner's. The other one was the first to touch the ring and detonate the power on the ring after the owner was killed.

Don't even think about it, this is definitely for finding the enemy afterwards. Use this special plant to touch, and then open the ring. Sure enough, a force burst out, shattering the plant warrior.

But in the same way, everything inside also fell out. After careful searching, the second problematic thing also appeared, one of the small brands. Chi Nan still used the same method before, using the magic plant to trigger.

This time, what appeared was a video, which has been recorded since I came here until now. "This is still real-time video. Is this a double insurance. If this thing is exposed, it will be troublesome." At the beginning, there is nothing special about this thing, if it weren't for Chi Nan's special eye magic. I really can't tell.

The Light God Element has a set of methods that are completely different from others, even alchemy is the same.

After thinking about it, Chi Nan simply smashed the brand directly, and then burned the bones and ashes. Now, even if the main **** is here, don't even try to find out. Only relying on the breath on the ring, it doesn't matter at all.

As for the ring, just throw it here, whoever finds it will own it. Anyway, it's unlucky to take it out. At that time, no matter how they investigate, they won't be able to investigate themselves.

"There are still these things, and you can't take them. These are not the exclusive weapon items of that guy, but some have the mark of the light **** system. I can't remake them now, there is no way to disguise them, and holding them is also a curse." Chi Nan Suddenly found out that his **** system seemed to train high-end alchemist gods, or forge gods.

The gods are creative, so many things are lacking. After picking and choosing, Chi Nan finally only tidied up some divine power crystals and the gray crystals. For other things, there is nothing worth cleaning up.

Really valuable things are marked by the Light God Element. Who knows if there is anything special on this thing, just give it up, you are not bad, and you can't risk it for this thing.

"Go, throw it on the road in a few obvious places, let people pick it up, and then clean the battlefield, don't leave any traces." Chi Nan did it very carefully, can this kind of home and house robbery be careless.

After finishing, the ground was cleaned up, not even a piece of wood residue was left. After leaving here, these woods were burned in a fire. As for who picks up these things, will there be any danger? What does this have to do with him? Greedy picked it up, and there is nothing to say about being arrested.

Really smart people will never pick up good things when they see it. This is mostly a trap.

After leaving here, Chi Nan accelerated the speed of meeting with his clone. I just want to be fast, sometimes there is still no way to get up fast. Because not long after I left, I encountered God's evil again.

And this time there was not one **** evil, but three in total. "It's really troublesome. I don't know if they will cooperate. If they do, I'm afraid it will take a lot of divine power to kill them."

But there is no way. If you don't go directly, you will have to make a detour, which will be more troublesome then. If you can get rid of this thing, let's do it. Thinking of this, Chi Nan ordered his three wood elves to quietly approach the past. When entering the outermost periphery of the opponent's cordon, the three wood elves started at the same time. The goal of hands-on is one of the gods.

It seems that the easiest to kill the thin gods, this should be the one who can use spells, and it is the most troublesome. When the gods reacted, the instinctive attack hadn't started, and the thin gods were killed.

Then the three wood elves did not hesitate. One wood elves reversed the shield to block the strongest **** like a rhino, while his two companions attacked the other. At the same time, Chi Nan shot himself. With a wave of his hand, a wooden arrow flew out of his hand, completing the combined attack with the two wooden elves.

In an instant, the second was that the gods were killed. "Good luck, I actually dropped two crystals at once." There are three on the ground, and one evil spirit, which is easy to kill now. The effect of my own sneak attack is really good.

The last Chi Nan himself didn't bother to waste his supernatural power, just let his own wood elves do it. The wood elves consume very little with their hands, and their own power is not divine power, but their own life magic power.

Regardless of whether it is supplemented by oneself, or the magic sun flower ingredient in the wood elf, it can absorb some power to supplement itself. I have to say that this life magic can be supplemented by itself, but the magic cannot be supplemented, which is really strange. I don't know if this is because of the special life magic power, or because the divine power level is not enough, probably it should be the former.

A few minutes later, the godlike rhinoceros also fell. Like other gods, the body turned into a cloud and quickly dissipated, leaving only two special crystals in the end.

"It seems that the stronger the gods are, the more crystals they can leave, but I don't know what it is for. Although it looks like a crystal of divine power, there are some differences. Top divine power I haven't seen crystallization. There is no such thing." Chi Nan carefully observed it, and was about to put his things away.

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