The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1401: Was attacked just after the attack

"Asshole, who did this?" A huge roar came from the center of the light **** system. The believers around shivered and looked at the ground in horror.

Above, on the highest platform in the kingdom of God, where is the seat of God. The figure above, whose whole body was shrouded in light, seemed to be able to feel anger through the light. If Chi Nan were here, he would definitely find that this was the guy who was killed by himself, or the deity of the incarnation who was killed by himself.

"Under the crown of God, maybe, maybe it was not done by someone, maybe it was caused by some danger in the forbidden land."

"Yeah, haven't a few clones under the crown have been killed before."

The people below saw that their divine master's anger dissipated a little, and they hurriedly expressed their stance. Hearing these words, the gods who had been so angry at first finally calmed down, but the grievances were still difficult to eliminate.

"Hmph, no matter what it is made of, if you dare to kill my clone, that is to be an enemy of me, and I must take revenge."

Since birth, no one has dared to touch anything related to him. Even when fighting a hostile **** system, he still has a large number of people to protect him, and when did he suffer such a big loss.

This loss of divine power is nothing to him, but this face must be recovered. "Hmph, I dispatched three divine power incarnations this time, and I must figure out what happened inside."

"Mianxia, ​​no, the three divine power incarnations, if they are lost, it will take a long time to recover. And in that piece of ruins, it is impossible to have any news back." This is what they just knew.

"You mean that after the incarnation of my divine power is sent in, there will still be people who dare to destroy it."

"I dare not dare, the status under the crown is noble, how can anyone dare to touch it."

These words are still normal. What kind of identity is oneself? Whoever sees oneself is not in favor, except for those from the Dark God system, no one dares to treat himself. Even if the dark gods knew their identity, they didn't dare to mess around.

This time, there must be some trap or something. No, it must be done by people of the Dark Gods, how could he be wiped out by the trap. After denying this in his heart, Franz's action also began.

Chi Nan didn't know that the guy who was wiped out by him dared to come, and he still sent three avatars to search at the same time. But even if he knew Chi Nan, he didn't care.

How big is this place, besides, I have already left the place before. Let alone whether he can find it, even if he finds it, those traces can't point to him. Unless they are willing to make predictions at a huge price. But for the sake of an incarnation, to predict a higher god, this kind of price is not something that anyone can bear.

Even the light **** system, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to cost such a huge amount.

Besides, in the Light God System, I haven't heard of any gods with prophetic power.

Chi Nan continued to search for his prey as he walked forward. I don't know why, Chi Nan always feels that the gray-black crystals seem to have a very special effect, and may be very useful to him.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it temporarily, but there is always no problem collecting more. As he moved forward, Chi Nan let his wood elves search everywhere. Even in order to better search, Chinan also gave birth to some plants with little strength.

These plants are like birds. Their only function is to be fast. They don't need to fly back when encountering an enemy, because the enemy will definitely attack. When the bird-like plants are wiped out, oneself naturally knows where there is evil.

Gradually, Chi Nan's own spirit relaxed a little. But after this relaxation, something happened immediately.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out and rushed towards him. Chi Nan turned around instinctively, although his spirit was still a little dazed, but his life magic had already been condensed in his body.

With a "bang", Chi Nan was directly knocked out by a huge force. Looking intently, he was actually attacked. This was just after the sneak attack on the gods, and he was actually attacked. This is not the gods.

"Damn, forget that there are many hostile gods here." Chi Nan only knew that the gods would take the initiative to attack the plants he released, but the other gods would not. They would naturally know that these things were not gods, they were. Released by the gods.

And for the gods, the plants that he released had the ability to expose his position. Because it is a passive trigger type, they don't attack, and they don't know that someone is approaching.

In this special place, fog is everywhere, and it is too easy to sneak attack. In particular, the gods who were obviously the gods in front of them were more suitable for this environment than the gods of the law system.

Obviously, he hadn't even thought of killing the enemy under the single blow. Who can become a god, who has no means to save his life. So Sombra rushed towards him again. A huge axe in his hand slashed fiercely.

Chi Nan narrowed his eyes, this guy is really endless, do you really think he is a bully? Although he is considered a **** of the law system, his melee ability is not bad. Chi Nan didn't even think about it, but directly condensed a wooden long sword ~ ​​ ~ life magic condensed, and pierced the opponent's axe.

"Hey, what's going on, it's hard to release divine power." Just when Chi Nan was about to release his life magic power as sword energy, he suddenly found that his divine power could not be released. It's not that it can't be released, but it will quickly disperse once it is released.

It seems that the fog here has a strong ability to restrain the divine power. Even his own life magic is difficult to release here. It's no wonder that when the other party sneaks on him, he has to get close to such a short distance.

The other gods are probably the same. I have always used wood elves to fight, and wood elves' attacks are all entities, even if they are long-range, they have arrows attached to them, so I haven't noticed them.

In this battle, he finally found the problem. Only at this time, it is too late. The power released by him dissipated as soon as he was released, and the opponent's attack had already arrived. In desperation, Chi Nan could only cross the long sword and block it in front of him. In the next moment, the huge force knocked him out fiercely.

"Boom" Chi Nan slammed against a wall and then stopped. The whole body strength dissipated a lot, but the wall behind him didn't seem to change at all. Sure enough, the walls here are not simple.

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