The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1420: There is a conflict between the light and dark gods

It is still very easy to reform within one's own kingdom of God. The space below was originally reserved for the tree of life, so there was no need to make other changes at all.

Let the big tree move the roots of the tree a little bit, and flow out of a clearing. This space is the hunting factory made in Chinan.

There is no need to stay here either by yourself or by a divine power clone, just leave a few natural incarnations of yourself. He is now a high-level god, and his natural incarnation can reach the highest level of a middle-level god.

If one is not worried enough, you can leave a few, and you don’t have to control yourself, because their job is very simple.

Create the gods, and then grab them to feed the fallen beast Khakilis, nothing more. What Chi Nan didn't expect was that this fallen beast would take time to digest the power of devouring the world, but it would not be necessary to devour God's evil. No matter how many evil spirits swallowed, it seems that they can be completely digested and absorbed in a short time, and used to strengthen their own strength.

And because the blood and soul are completely controlled by him, the fallen beast Khakilis is very kind to him, and there is no sign of violating his own will, just like a pet.

Originally thought that the nature of the fallen beast would be ferocious, and it would be exposed as it grew, but now Chi Nan was relieved.

I don't know what happened to this fallen beast, maybe there is something I don't know. In the space below, Chi Nan was luxuriously equipped with ten natural incarnations, each of which existed at the peak level of the middle god.

Even Chi Nan equipped them with some artifacts to prevent accidents. The roots of the tree of life wrap around the entire space, completely isolating it. In any way, without cutting one's own kingdom of God, it is impossible to discover the problem here.

Although the gods are dangerous goods, they were hunted as soon as they appeared. Without the aura of gods gathering for a long time, it is impossible for other gods to feel anything. Only Chi Nan, a special kingdom of God, can achieve this complete isolation.

At the same time, the people in the Kingdom of God are all their own, even if they usually communicate with Chi Nan's absolute subordinates, who are trained by Chi Nan from ordinary people all the way are absolutely loyal and cannot betray themselves.

Those who joined later can only enter the affiliated kingdom of God that entertains them at most. Only the violent beast gods can be qualified to come to Chinan Divine Kingdom. The violent beast **** is also his diehard.

It is Hermira and Sophia who usually collect faith crystals and faith impurities, and Weiwei Si fully cooperates with other gods to communicate with other gods, and everything is carried out in secret. Afterwards, Slinka night was to cover the kingdom of God. If so many anti-counterfeiting measures can still expose the fog kettle, then Chi Nan really doesn't know what else he can do.

The production base is on the right track, and a large number of mist crystals have been produced by itself. Because of their own harvest, no one will doubt anything. Chi Nan was absorbing the mist crystals every day to improve himself with the magic of life.

At the same time, the mist crystals are combined with a large number of their own divine power crystals to provide for their own kingdom of God, so that the power of the kingdom of God will continue to increase. It's best to be able to raise the kingdom of God as you improve, so that the foundation is enough.

This will take time, but Chi Nan has already seen hope. Just as Chi Nan tried to absorb the mist crystals, the outside world did not settle down. What Chi Nan did at the beginning left many gods with a lot of contradictions. During this time, there have been many conflicts, and the scale of the conflicts seems to be expanding.

But this is nothing. What really didn't make all the gods think of is that a large-scale conflict broke out between the light **** system and the dark **** system. That's right, this time it's not two gods, but two gods.

And they are all super large gods with main gods. I don't know what happened last time, but everyone has also heard something. It seemed that the Lord of Shadow wanted to resurrect something, but the Lord of Light wouldn't let it.

The Lord of Light had snatched that thing before, but he hadn't snatched it, and it seemed that he suffered a loss in the end.

It is not easy for the Lord of Shadow to be able to make the Lord of Light suffer. Only after coming out, this matter was exactly the same as the Lord of Light said, it didn't end at all, but just a beginning.

In the beginning, only the gods of the light gods and the gods of the dark gods clashed. But what I didn't expect was that the Light God Element slowly gathered a large amount of troops behind it, and was ready.

Just before, countless spatial passages appeared on the large territory controlled by the Dark God Element. Then countless believers and war machines from the Light God family appeared, and they attacked the past without hesitation.

And the gods of the Dark Gods seem to have known that there will be such a day, and as a result, they are also gathering their forces in secret, and they have long been prepared for war. When the Light God Element launched an attack, they immediately reacted and launched a counterattack on the spot.

The result is not like a sneak attack, but like an encounter. It was turned upside down on the first day. The scale of the conflict was huge. But the two gods didn't mean to stop at all. The main gods of the Light God System were tacitly approving such behavior, which made the fighting erupt more and more intense.

Later, the gods spawned by various beliefs, the avatars of various gods, and the saints and saints possessed by various gods appeared on the battlefield one after another. Some suspicious-looking guys also appeared.

For example, the light camp has the gods of darkness or other gods. There are also some special gods on the dark camp. At the same time the two sides fought each other, other invitations began to be issued.

This invitation is for everyone. As long as they cooperate with their attackers, they will be able to obtain huge benefits, whether it is an orthodox god, an evil god, or even a demon god.

Both parties sent out such an invitation at the same time, which is simply a shame. A huge battle that swept a large number of gods broke out under such a sudden situation, and I don't know what the final result will be.

There are really many gods who have enemies with the Dark God Element or the Light God Element. Taking advantage of this opportunity, those who had not dared to retaliate at this time joined the opponent's camp and launched a retaliatory strike. As the scale expands, more and more gods are involved. Even some members of the gods were involved.

Under this situation, Chi Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, as if seeing an opportunity. "I am worried that I have no chance to deal with the God of Dawn. Now is the best time. Then, let the demon incarnate do it."


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