The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1421: The demonic frenzy that made a comeback

A group of knights wearing white cloaks are patrolling the road. As he walked, his eyes looked at everything around him with extreme alertness. The surrounding background is a ruin, with ruins everywhere.

In many places, you can still see some missing limbs of humans or other creatures, although not many, and they are rotten and smelly. Many beasts suddenly ran out of the ruins, with some bones and meat in their mouths. At this time, it was difficult to tell which creatures these things belonged to before, but the knights turned a blind eye to them.

At this moment, a dark figure suddenly jumped out of the ruins. This kind of scene is like those wild beasts suddenly running out, but at this moment, the knights who were originally indifferent reacted.

The shield in the hand of a knight behind did not hesitate to block it in front of him. The next moment, there was a "bang" impact, and the knight was continuously backed by the impact, but he was unharmed.

The other comrades in the rear drew their long swords, swung them fiercely at this side, and flew out one after another. Sombra just resisted it and was knocked into the air. After landing, everyone could see the true colors of this thing.

The black shadow was covered in wounds and tatters, but his expression was still very cold. It looks like a leopard, but when you look closely, you can see that the texture on the body is all wood, and the wound is not ordinary flesh and blood, but cut wood products. This kind of wood-type demon, they have dealt with it during this period, but I don't know how much.

"It's these things again. The number of these demons seems to be increasing recently, isn't it the same in other places?"

The surrounding knights dispersed and surrounded the demon monster. They are no strangers to this kind of plant devil that exudes a devilish breath. The original huge empire here has been destroyed by more than half.

That's right, this is the territory of the God of Dawn. After the last time the demons raged, most of the territory of the God of Dawn was destroyed, nearly half of the population was lost, and now there are ruins everywhere.

People are afraid to live in the surrounding areas, and can only live in places in the center that have not been destroyed.

But later, when they found that the demon had not been cleaned up, the original patrol team appeared, cleaning up the ruins everywhere. Only recently, they discovered that the number of these demons has increased somewhat.

Once upon a time, people who lived high above and enjoyed life all day needed to come out and fight the devil desperately. I used to look forward to the appearance of the devil every day, so that I can gain merits. But when the devil really appeared, they regretted it, because they finally knew that the devil represented absolute destruction and killing, and the price was too great.

Even though there are many people who performed well and got very fast promotion, they would rather not than destroy and die.

Originally it was just a war in the illusion, cruelly appeared in front of him. The bitter hatred allowed these patrols to implement a plan to exterminate the demons. And as the battle continued to suffer casualties, this hatred grew deeper and deeper.

"The news from other places has spread. Recently, more and more demons have indeed appeared. Small-scale demonic frenzys have often appeared in many places, and many newly established cities have been destroyed."

"Yeah, I also heard about it. Fortunately, no one lives in these newly established cities, otherwise..."

The knight who had just spoken said with a disgusting expression: "What the **** is going on in the front? Since there are so many demons, there must be a devil’s lair and base, so why not ruin it. As long as there is a demon here, we There is a huge hidden danger here, and a large number of demons may appear at any time."

The last battle let them know that no matter how powerful the God of Dawn, the devil will not give the God of Dawn face. On the contrary, as long as they find their territory, the demons will attack frantically without hesitation.

The God of Dawn has recently strengthened the plane barrier above them. It is difficult for ordinary demons to locate, even if it is located, it is difficult to accurately reach this position. But the demon inside is still a coordinate.

"Don't talk nonsense, who doesn't know that the frontmost unit is the strongest and the most dangerous. Most of the soldiers lost in our place in the past few years have been the frontmost loss. I really hope that one day I can go there too. ."

The captain slashed the leopard-like demon with a sword, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes. His whole family died in that big demonic frenzy many years ago. At that time, he was training in the central city, otherwise he would die in it. It's a pity that his talent is not very good. He wants revenge, but he hasn't achieved it for so many years.

The soldier at the front line must have the strength of the golden level at the worst, and he now only has the silver peak, which is always a little short of gold. That's it, so he didn't even have a chance to reach the front line.

"Captain, I believe you will be successful one day, when we will kill the devil together."

Everyone cheered, but at this moment, the communication spar on the captain suddenly lit up.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly contact us at this time? Are there any new orders."

The captain just picked up the communication spar, and a very anxious business came from the other side. "Quickly, notify everyone to retreat, quickly withdraw, the demon frenzy, a large demon frenzy has broken out."

It turned out that it was the soldiers on the front line Upon hearing this, the people around turned pale.

The captain gritted his teeth and said: "Evacuate as soon as possible. If you meet someone else on the road to help them evacuate, go quickly." After that, the captain ran forward, which is not the direction to go back.

"Captain, where are you going? That's the front line."

The captain said loudly: "I know that the demon frenzy has enemies with me. I can't just watch the sacrifices of my companions. I'm going to find them." The captain's spirit almost burned. At this moment, the fighting energy surrounding him was burning, the barrier in the dark was suddenly broken, and he finally entered the golden level.

But at this time, others preferred him not to enter. The captain who watched him quickly disappeared from the end of his line of sight, the rest of the people glanced at each other, turned and ran in the direction behind them.

They know that this is not the time to succeed. Because they also have their own responsibility, that is, to notify the people behind to evacuate as soon as possible, and they need to coordinate people's actions. It's just that they don't know that this time the frenzy is not a partial eruption.

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