The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1422: These guys are here again

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It's different from the past, because this time is a full-scale demon frenzy. As before, a large number of plant demons surrounded the entire territory, and then madly attacked in the middle.

For a moment, I don't know how many bases around have exposed their position. But these bases, which have not been known for how long they have developed, have built up a huge army of plants underground for many years.

Now that a one-off burst out, the scene is simply overwhelmingly crazy.

Because it happened once, and there have been demons wandering around all these years. So they reacted immediately. The aura of belief in the surroundings spread and suppressed the past for the first time. In the aura of faith, one's own believer power will be promoted and quickly restored, while the devil will be suppressed.

It's just that this method will consume a lot of power of faith, so they don't usually use this method.

Today is completely different from the past. This large-scale outbreak reminds the older generation of people who have experienced the first demonic frenzy of the original horror. It was the same at the beginning, and a large number of demons suddenly appeared.

The reinforcements and surrounding cities were swallowed for the first time, and then the nightmare broke out. But this time, the number of plant troops that broke out in the first place was more and more powerful. Among them are a large number of dark flying dragons.

These huge dragon-shaped plants show strength similar to that of a dragon, and the weakest ones also have a golden level. The most powerful is even close to the level of a demigod. And they know that there are more powerful ones that haven't appeared. The troops on the ground also united with each other, and a very terrifying force burst out in an instant.

Such a huge movement, naturally, it is impossible to hide it from anyone. The God of Dawn was at a loss at this time, and he could only order his subordinates to stop desperately, but there was no way to get help from other gods.

At this moment, the two camps of light and dark are fighting. As the third figure of the light **** system, and the second highest god, how could the **** of dawn be absent from such a battle.

In the battle against the dark gods, he is impossible to be absent. However, his own body injury was not light, and he is still recovering from the injury and has not recovered. The power of the will of the abyss is not something that ordinary gods can resist.

As for himself, he lost a divine power incarnation in the mist ruins last time, and he was still top-notch. Of the other four high-level gods, only the weakest one lost an incarnation, and none of the others lost.

Adding to the damage from the last time the demon battled himself, this time the God of Dawn suddenly found that he was a little stretched out. A **** who never knew what the crisis was, finally felt that the crisis had come.

"Damn devil, how could it be like this if it weren't for you." The God of Dawn gritted his teeth.

The last time his own divine power clone was lost, although the **** of dawn did not know who did it, he found some signs of the devil in the dark. In addition, the place where the fellow Franz died was also devilish, which made him always feel that this was a devil's conspiracy. But what can he do now, the loss is really too great.

If it weren't for fighting each other with the Dark Gods now, maybe someone inside would start to challenge themselves. Your second-ranked position will disappear completely if you don't get it right.

"No, I must recover as soon as possible, before the real outbreak of the war, otherwise my body shows signs of injury, there will be problems." The God of Dawn decided to recover himself at all costs.

Similarly, because of the battle between the light gods and the dark gods, everyone is now focusing on this. As more and more gods are involved, the influence is also increasing.

If it were not for the restraint of several other main gods, it is even possible that other main gods would also be involved. Some small gods were inevitably added to it, and a few have been eliminated by now.

And such a big movement, as the demon gods wandering around, naturally knows. As a result, it didn't take long for the demons who had looked for themselves before found themselves again. And this time, eight came at once, all of which were high-ranking demon gods, and the number of lower and middle-ranking demon gods they brought was even more frightening.

I don't know if they were all following them, or they were drawn by them, or it was possible that these demon gods took the initiative to come together. The last time they attacked the God of Dawn, they got a lot of benefits.

To be able to work hard for good, this is the consistent principle of the demons. Because for the devil, the strength is not enough, the possibility of death is higher. Any opportunity to improve one's strength must be grasped firmly.

But this time, Chi Nan is not the same as before. The demon incarnation has improved a lot over the years, and has continuously sacrificed a lot of things, and the abyssal power he has obtained has been refined, and his strength has been continuously improved.

At this time, Chi Nan's demon incarnation was also in the middle of the upper demon gods. Coupled with the power of Abyss Demon Fire, Chi Nan's actual combat effectiveness is definitely no less than those of the oldest high-ranking demon gods. If you are fighting near your own kingdom of God and get the bonus of the kingdom of God, Chi Nan among the upper demon gods is sure that his demon incarnation is invincible.

As a result, a powerful force was released from Chi Nan's body. The eight high-ranking demon gods who were still aggressive, felt this power, and immediately converged. Even their team slowed down. U U Reading

Chi Nan slowly flew out of his kingdom of God. At this time, it was no secret that Chi Nan could live in the abyss. But the demon gods don't care about this, don't they just live in the abyss? What's the big deal.

They can't enter the abyss plane, but many demon gods with identities and strengths will also **** some kingdoms or abandoned kingdoms, as their own strongholds, usually live in them, and practice high-pressure rule.

"I don't know what the **** are you coming here." Chi Nan sighed in his heart, these guys really came again. Of the few who came last time, none of them were absent after they tasted the sweetness.

But this is also good, with them, you can reduce your pressure and distract the attention of the light **** system. The Light God System has been holding the demons to talk about things, isn't it normal to be attacked by us? Besides, his purpose is just to inflict severe damage or even kill the God of Dawn. As for the result, Chi Nan wouldn't care.

As for the issue of income, I have a deity, do these things need to be so bothersome to fight for.

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