The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1426: I have a bad idea

This time the battle with the believers of the **** of dawn can be said to be smooth out of expectation. Not only was there no reinforcements, but even his own troops were restrained a lot, and his troops were obviously insufficient.

After the middle demon **** entered, the battle began to go to another stage.

Except for the fighting power of the demon gods and gods, the other people with insufficient levels have already started to retreat continuously. Those areas that were destroyed before are all abandoned, and they are just ruins anyway.

Most of the cities re-established on the ruins were also abandoned. Only some troops were stationed in them, defending them with the help of various magic circles and alchemy items. Once they can't stop them, they will immediately evacuate through the teleportation array.

That's right, after experiencing the last time, the God of Dawn finally allowed his followers to touch alchemy items. It's a pity that the time is relatively short, so these alchemical weapons only armed the surrounding areas.

After all, alchemy items are not the same as their own plants, and these need to be manufactured before they can be used. Especially those magic arrays that are used in conjunction need to be re-architected, and it is impossible to complete them all at once. In so many years, it has been very difficult to achieve this point.

In the surrounding circle, there were alchemy weapons everywhere, and the ability to wrap up the current territory really surprised Chi Nan. There are some magic towers around, which were absolutely invisible when I visited last time.

However, the magic led by these mage towers is not ordinary elemental magic, but light attribute spells. It can even bless divine arts. It is conceivable that this kind of mage tower should be improved.

Perhaps this is not the credit of the God of Dawn, but the credit of other light gods.

However, with a large army of demons and plants, Chi Nan would not take it seriously. No matter how powerful alchemy items are, no matter how powerful the mage tower is, they are all maintained by consuming a lot of resources. This is incomparable to their own army of plants. When their resources are exhausted, these alchemy weapons become furnishings.

And around, a large number of advanced beings are flying everywhere in the sky. The middle demon **** led the lower demon gods to block the avatars of gods and gods, and there were some faith gods that were temporarily spawned by the power of faith.

At the same time, they are also fighting with a large number of demigods, and every battle will make the ruins below become more shattered. The ruins in many places have become almost like deserts, and no larger stones can be seen.

"Fortunately, the power of the gods in the central area has been suppressed, at least their aftermath of the battle will not spread too far. Otherwise, the existence of so many gods will fight, and the entire territory of the **** of dawn will definitely include the surrounding area several times larger. Completely destroyed." Chi Nan said to himself while looking at the influence in his own kingdom of God.

This was done by the demon incarnation, and neither side knew that Chi Nan was able to observe their battle at this time.

"As if there is no such suppression, the Central Plane cannot exist until now. It is a great burden to accommodate so many gods." Hermilla nodded to express her point of view.

"It's not a big deal. We didn't rely on the aftermath to fight when we were fighting. The aftermath is useless at all. It can only be used to attack the weak troops on a large scale. The battle within a certain distance is fundamental. Not affected." Weiwei Si is a fighter herself and doesn't need to attack on a large scale.

It's just that for the existence of those law systems, want to release a wide range of magical attacks, it does have a great impact.

Wei Wei Si suddenly thought of something and stuck out her tongue, and the others didn't say anything.

At this moment, the picture suddenly changed. Chi Nan saw that a group of plant demons actually broke through a defensive line in the picture. Most importantly, they actually broke into a temple.

There are actually many shrines that have been breached. It's just that when the temple was breached in the past, their idols would burst out the power of faith in the first place, or the idols were transferred, anyway, no useful ones were left. But this time was different. These plants actually got a perfect idol with sufficient power of faith stored in it.

This is the negligence of the **** of dawn, but once the figure is taken off the pedestal and sealed, then he has the capital to start the battle of God. In this case, Chi Nan felt that he had a bad idea.

"It's a statue, Chi Nan, do you plan to start a battle with them?" Sophia said with an expression of interest.

For the God of Dawn, everyone is the same enemy. They have calculated Chi Nan many times, and even helped others to assassinate Chi Nan. Such people, if they have the opportunity, they don't want the God of Dawn to survive.

Now, there seems to be a good opportunity. Once the battle of the gods begins, and even invades the opponent's kingdom of gods and causes huge damage, then even if it fails, it can cause the **** of dawn to suffer heavy losses. But in this case, it is easy to expose that Chi Nan's demon incarnation possesses the kingdom of God. This kind of thing is not a trivial matter to anyone.

Chi Nan smiled slightly: "Of course it's going to be a war of gods, but it's not possible now. Wait until the space channel outside becomes stable." The corners of Chi Nan's mouth twitched thinking of some bad ideas in his heart.

"Also, how is the light and dark battle going on now." Chi Nan thought for a while, then said.

Wei Wei Si immediately said: "The battle is going on very fiercely. The Light God Element doesn't know what's going on, and is attacking with all its strength. There are already many mid-level god-level divine power incarnations dispatched. Looking at this situation, it won't take long. Existence will also be dispatched. Now their main battlefield is near the center of the plane. The interference in that place is too serious, and only this information can be obtained."

"This information is enough. Wait for a while, it won't be too long. Let's build our own altar, so that we can open the space channel at any time." Chi Nan gave an order, and the bottom began to get busy.

The idol was secretly sent underground, and then an altar was created in the underground space. The surrounding seals strictly protected it, and so many people on it were fighting, and there was no sign of it.

That's right, Chinan built the altar underground, and above it is a ruin place, where the demon and the **** of dawn fight, and it is also the main battlefield of this battle. It can be said that there is no grass around it.

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