The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1427: The strange passage of the kingdom of God

The battle went very smoothly, beyond imagination. Of course, this is only going well for Chi Nan. In just less than a month, the battle between the light gods and the dark gods had become fierce.

During the observation, the gods on both sides really sent the divine power incarnations of the upper gods. Now it can be said that in addition to the true body of the god, only the main **** has not made a move. But Chi Nan knew that the two main gods must be staring at each other. Although they hadn't taken a shot yet, as long as one dared to do it, the other would act immediately.

And on the side of the upper **** of the light **** system, now only the **** of dawn has yet to make a move.

According to the news that Chi Nan received, the God of Dawn was now an excuse to deal with the devil, so he did not send out, but the God of Dawn in the Light God System has complained a lot recently.

Chi Nan faintly felt that there would still be so many complaints in this situation, and it seemed that something was wrong. Although the struggle for power among the gods is not well understood, it does appear.

But all this has nothing to do with Chi Nan. Chi Nan was just analyzing it quietly. "The God of Dawn, let alone the top-level divine power avatar now, even the ordinary divine power avatar hasn't dispatched one yet, I always feel that there is something wrong."

Just as Chi Nan spoke, Wei Wei Si's expression changed suddenly, and then said: "The news that I just got, a top-level divine power incarnation of the God of Dawn has appeared, has reached the battlefield, and is fighting the incarnation of the God of Night. "

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth hooked: "Is this because I can't bear the pressure, or is it for some other reason. But it seems that this divine power incarnation will never come back for a while. If that is the case, then the power of the **** of dawn will be again. A part is missing. How is the stability on the space channel?" Chi Nan asked again.

News from the demon incarnation came immediately. "Three days ago, the space channel has been completely stabilized, and it has been able to allow the upper gods to pass. It's just that you know the characters of those guys, they won't pass easily."

Chi Nan understands that the guys who can become the upper demon gods are the most afraid of death among the demon gods, and they can survive to the present, and their life-saving ability and character will definitely not be fake.

They all worried that after they passed, they would be directly intercepted by the gods, and either they would lose themselves, or they would lose a demon clone of themselves. Even being stabbed in the back by one of his companions is not impossible.

It is common for demons to calculate and devour each other. Many demons have failed to attack the gods. In fact, the reason is that they have fought within themselves. Being in the camp of the Demon God, Chi Nan knew all these things too well. But when the demons are fighting, they don't like to use contracts, and they don't like all kinds of contracts.

I don't know if it is because he hates being bound, or because every demon **** has a small abacus in his heart.

This short-sighted performance also made Chi Nan exceptionally competitive. This kind of group can become the enemy of the orthodox gods, and it is really due to the strong power of the will of the abyss, otherwise there will be no such opportunity at all.

"But now that the hard conditions have been met, it's up to us next. As long as we control it better, our kingdom of God will not be exposed. Now, start using the strategy of God War."

Chi Nan gave an order, and the altar that had been prepared a long time ago began to operate. A mysterious force condensed underground. At this time, even the people fighting above felt something was wrong.

It was only for a while, and they didn't even know what this situation meant. Just a moment later, a black spot suddenly appeared in the sky, and the black spot continued to expand and become bigger and bigger. It didn't take long for this point to become a black hole, and then the black hole became white, with a holy light radiating from it.

"Be careful, this must be the means of those gods." The demon gods stepped back, away from this place, staring at them firmly. And the subordinates of the God of Dawn also looked strange, because they had not received the order.

Especially a subordinate god, he himself is a middle god, it is impossible that no one has notified himself in this situation. No, how could the connection between myself and the deity suddenly become so clear.

The incarnation of the middle **** looked at the white hole with a weird look, and he was taken aback by this. The scenery inside was so familiar, **** it, this is clearly the **** of the **** of dawn. Within the country.

"This is the kingdom of God, who opened the door of our kingdom of God?" The middle **** incarnation yelled in surprise, and then quickly closed his mouth. Could it be said that this is what special means the God of Dawn wants to use, but he doesn't know it. Forget it, don't talk nonsense, it would be bad if you disrupt the plan of the **** of dawn.

The demon gods also heard this, and they all had their faces full of weirdness, and they didn't know what was going on. Why did you open the door to the kingdom of God all at once? Is this an invitation to enter?

Although the kingdom of God does have great benefits for the gods and believers, fighting in the kingdom is all compelling. Once a war starts, no matter the victory or defeat, it will damage one's own kingdom of God.

The gods value themselves most, followed by the kingdom of the kingdom of gods is the foundation of their own, and they are fundamental, so there can be no problems in any of them. Some people even say that the damage to the kingdom of God is so severe that the gods themselves cannot advance.

Although I don't know whether it is true, but after all, there is no **** that casually damages his kingdom. Chi Nan's original method of using the kingdom of God to strike is extremely rare among the gods.

At this moment, the God of Dawn was also full of weird surprise, just now, he was suddenly drawn to the center of his kingdom of God. Then, he saw the chains in the void and sealed his temple, and at the same time he felt that he could not run around casually. After a pause, the **** of dawn finally reacted.

"Damn it, who did it? I'm really a bully to start a **** war at this time."

He finally remembered, this is a manifestation of God's war. Because it was the first time someone took the initiative to launch a war of gods to invade his kingdom of God, he didn't even think of this phenomenon for a while. God war, that is a cruel term.

But then, the **** of dawn became even more daunted, because he discovered that the passage actually appeared on the battlefield. But there is something on that battlefield, it's all demonic forces.

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