The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1501: The will of the abyss

"Damn it, who is it, who did it." The Dragon King has been showing weakness, but he didn't discover where the person who secretly calculated himself was, and he didn't even know who the other party was.

If you continue to wait, the consequences are definitely not what you want to see. There are also a large number of Abyss Will puppets around who are constantly attacking themselves, and these puppets are not ordinary goods. A demon puppet that can survive on the original plane of the abyss, no matter how bad it is, is an existence equivalent to a demon lord.

On other planes, that is, the existence of the demigod level. There are even a lot of people who have reached the upper gods.

As far as the Lord of the Devil Dragon is concerned, most of these puppets can't do anything about themselves, and can't even break through their own defenses. However, he constantly attacked his own weakness, coupled with the damage of the upper demon god.

The power of the Lord of the Dragon is still being constantly weakened. And now that he has been stared at by the will of the abyss, his strength can only be consumed, and there is no chance to recover. I came here in a hurry this time, and didn't bring a lot of demonized divine power crystals. Moreover, the demon **** did not have much demonized divine power crystals to use.

They have no faith and have too few resources available. The Will of the Abyss is constantly eroding his own power, making his own power more serious. If you continue, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No, you can't wait any longer. If you wait any longer, there will be no chance at all."

The eyes of the Lord of the Devil Dragon were full of anger, and he suddenly roared into the sky. A crack in the air appeared strangely, and then countless abyssal dragons appeared from the crack.

"This guy didn't expect such a power to be hidden. It was completely useless before. Even when it was so chaotic, it was still hidden. If it wasn't to the limit this time, I'm afraid we would really not see it."

Chi Nan looked at him coldly, and couldn't help but admire these guys in his heart. After all, this devil dragon is different from other demons. It is from the degeneration of the dragon clan. Although it is a demon god, it likes to communicate with other gods.

And because of their different identities, there is always some relationship with the dragon clan. If it weren't for the unpleasant trouble with the Dragon God later because of some things, I'm afraid the relationship between the Lord of the Dragon and the orthodox **** will not be too bad.

Because of the relationship between birth and vision, some of the thinking modes of the Lord of the Devil Dragon are different from those of ordinary demon gods.

Without his own kingdom of God, the Lord of the Devil Dragon didn't know where he got some abandoned kingdoms of God, transformed and linked them, and turned them into a secret base of his own.

Chi Nan didn't even think of this situation. If it hadn't been for the passage of the Kingdom of God that was suddenly opened before, or the space crack in the air, until now, outsiders would still not know the ultimate move hidden by the Lord of the Devil Dragon.

A large number of dark dragons appeared inside, and a large number of bone dragons also followed. It seems that this guy's subordinates also have some undead attributes, and I don't know if it is a Cthulhu or something else.

"The Lord of the Demon Dragon is really not simple, two upper Demon God level Demon Dragons, and one Upper God Level Bone Dragon. If they are taken out, they will definitely not be worse than the ordinary Lord God God System."

It's even more incomparable on my own side. I don't even have a high-level **** under my own hands, and not even a **** has reached this level. Silinka night is considered to be the most compatible with her own, but it is still a little worse.

The Lord of the Devil Dragon who can produce so much combat power is also impressive. So many magic dragons just appeared, and under the command of the dragon lord, they began to attack the surrounding altars.

The Lord of the Devil Dragon knew that as long as he destroyed the altar, he would be free.

Just watching this scene, Chi Nan shook his head with regret, "The reaction is fast and the response is very timely. It is a pity, if this is not the original plane of the abyss, it will really make this guy succeed."

In the original plane of the abyss, he was originally very unfriendly to the demon god. For those bone dragons with undead attributes, it is even more unfriendly. Under the erosion of the power of the abyss, the magic dragon's own power is constantly changing. The mind becomes more and more drowsy, and after a long time, it will gradually become lost and become a new demon puppet.

And those bone dragons, under the erosion of the power of the abyss, a large number of markings appeared on their bodies. It seems that these bones will soon decay. The most important thing is that these things have the aura of the Lord of the Devil Dragon.

In the eyes of the will of the abyss, the breath of the lord of the magic dragon appeared, and that was his enemy, the existence to be destroyed. A large number of demon **** puppets began to attack these dragons and bone dragons.

But their actions like this gave the Lord of the Devil Dragon a chance to breathe, allowing the Lord of the Devil Dragon to hold on for a longer period of time. Now as long as the altar is destroyed, the lord of the dragon believes that he will be able to find and eliminate the people behind the scenes.

One altar after another was destroyed, and the war became more and more chaotic. Under the guidance of the altar, the power of the original plane of the abyss became more and more chaotic. Although most of them are working towards the Lord of the Devil Dragon, the edge force gradually loses control. A part of the power even began to destroy the original plane of the abyss itself.

An energy storm gradually took shape in the entire plane Suddenly a storm of energy swept across, even if the Lord of the Devil Dragon was swept away, he felt exhausted and consumed a lot of his own power.

If the Lord of the Devil Dragon was like this, the other Devil Dragons and Bone Dragons were even more miserable, and even the Devil God puppets with them were wiped out in large quantities. When the storm swept across the entire plane, the original plane of the abyss was chaotic.

"No, that's not right, what exactly does this person want to do." At this time, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Devil Dragon. This was an emotion that had never appeared since he became the Lord God. I don't know what the people behind are calculating, but what he is calculating is definitely not as simple as himself, I am afraid this is for the entire abyss plane.

Could it be the existence of the orthodox gods, but who can do this? "There is only one person, there is only one person, the Lord of Time, he must have done it, what exactly he wants to do."

The Lord of the Devil Dragon felt a sense of crisis in his heart, that something big was about to happen. I shook my head, I think so much to do now, first think of a way to survive and talk about it. I was like this now, let alone what I did to help the abyss, my life was about to be lost. And those **** bastards, how come such a big movement hasn't come yet.

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