The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1502: The abyss demon **** who is completely bewildered

The Lord of the Devil Dragon has wronged the devil gods, because they really don't know what happened.

It is true that the Lord of the Devil Dragon has entered the original plane of the abyss, apart from the other three top demon gods, there are only a few upper demon gods. A large number of middle-level demon gods and lower-level demon gods do not know this at all.

The most important thing is that at first it was only a special power fluctuation that erupted from the original plane of the abyss, but then the fluctuations of the original plane of the abyss disappeared. Instead, the entire abyss was in chaos.

That's right, not a certain plane, but a large number of abyss planes. In fact, Chi Nan had already set up his altar in a large number of abyss planes long before he arranged the original plane of the abyss.

The level of these altars is not as good as those in the original plane of the abyss, but there are definitely a lot of them, and they are all very critical positions. After a large number of abyss planes were deployed with special means, a very large formation was formed. And the center of this huge magic circle is the original plane of the abyss, and the activation power is Chi Nan's own power.

When the altars of the original plane of the abyss were opened, that power slowly eroded from the original plane along some special connections to the other abyss planes around, and the entire huge magic circle was opened.

A large number of abyss planes, the abyss power inside suddenly fluctuated, mobilizing a large amount of abyss power, and also contained these forces. If this were not the case, with the help of Chi Nan's trap, the Lord of the Devil Dragon would have been killed.

And the burst of this force caused these abyss planes that had been used to begin to move randomly in other directions. Some planes collided with each other, or even collided with the kingdom of other gods, and were counterattacked after being discovered.

All in all, the abyss plane is completely chaotic. In the end, the top evil gods were angry and went to find a few top evil gods to inquire about the cause of the matter. But those demon gods didn't know what was going on, they just used the will of the abyss to speak. Although they knew the power of the will of the abyss, they thought it was impossible for these top demon gods to know nothing.

As a result, the two sides confronted each other in the void. But when they moved, they aroused the nerves of the opposing orthodox gods. The orthodox gods were worried about what methods they wanted to use, so the main gods also dispatched.

Although he didn't leave the kingdom of God, a series of powerful spiritual thoughts burst out in the void, firmly locking them all.

As a result, the demon gods who were still thinking about exploring the origin plane of the abyss did not dare to move. You know, although these demon gods are powerful, they dare not bring people into the original plane of the abyss.

If you do this, not only will the abyss will punish them, but once the fight starts, the will of the abyss will force them to mobilize and fight the opponent. Even a demon **** at the main **** level, facing the forcible mobilization of the will of the abyss, it is difficult to completely resist his orders. If you resist, the punishment afterwards will be more severe.

Not to mention other things, that is, the source of one's own strength is the abyss. If the source of power is cut off by the abyss, then extract it. Maybe it won't take long for him to become the weakest among the main gods.

In severe cases, it is not impossible to even cause one's own level to drop. The most important thing is that if someone really calculates the original plane of the abyss and destroys it, then their fate will be really dangerous.

It's like the kingdom of God without the main god, but they are just the other way around.

However, the Abyss Plane did not stop its activities because of their confrontation, but instead intensified. A large amount of power released from the plane of origin entered the plane of abyss and aroused the power in the plane of abyss.

The result is that during this period of time, the abyssal demons in the various major planes of the abyss grew faster and faster, and under the stimulation of power, fighting with each other became more and more cruel. In turn, these demons grew faster.

Under the random movement, these abyss planes hit other planes and the kingdom of God, and then a large number of cracks appeared, a large number of demons were dispatched, and they began to fight with these kingdoms or the indigenous vatican of the plane. The Will of the Abyss has become even more chaotic because of this. Some wills want to continue this behavior, because more resources are plundered in this way.

Some will want to stop, because this will consume a lot of original power. There are other wills that are swaying left and right, or simply go to extremes. The chaotic will of the abyss is now even more crazy than a lunatic.

Chi Nan himself did not expect that his actions would actually divert the enemy's attention away. If you know, Chi Nan will probably be a little dumbfounded.

Similarly, because Chi Nan guided away a lot of the original power of the abyss, the power of the will of the abyss that could be used to deal with the lord of the devil dragon became even scarcer. Although the injury of the Lord of the Devil Dragon is getting more and more serious, the pressure is getting less and less.

Persist in longer than you think. As time passed day by day, a large number of altars were destroyed, and the chains that locked the dragons became scarce. If it were the lord of the magic dragon in its heyday, I am afraid that now he has the power to break free of these chains and escape, but unfortunately it is not possible now.

The Lord of the Devil Dragon, who was seriously injured and consumed too much power, just struggled for a while, and he was sure that he couldn't get rid of it now. Struggle forcibly, even if you can escape, your own strength will be exhausted.

Thinking of this, the lord of the dragon gave up the struggle: "Hmph, wait, wait until I regain my strength, no matter who is calculating me, I will make you pay ten times the price." The lord of the dragon was angry in his heart. think.

I am the dragon is the lord of the magic dragon, even if the lord **** is dealing with me, even if he is the lord of time, the lord of the magic dragon is not shy. Because I am a dragon, I have the pride of belonging to the dragon. As long as you give yourself the most time, even the oldest Lord of Time will definitely not be your opponent.

It's just a pity that the Devil Dragon and Bone Dragon Legion that he finally formed will be completely lost this time.

After months of fighting, only a few of his own magic dragons and bone dragon legions remained, and the bone dragons of the upper **** level had fallen. Of the two upper Demon God level magic dragons, there was only one left.

But after high-intensity fighting, this guy's sanity was also very unconscious. But if this continues, before the army is exhausted, he will be able to escape. Moreover, the surrounding demon **** puppets have become sparse.

The puppets accumulated in the abyss for countless years have consumed more than half of them under the attack of himself and the legion.


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