The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1561: The ghost of the main **** reappears

   Everyone is making preparations, whether it is the orthodox **** or the evil god. When everyone tasted the sweetness, instead of thinking about attacking the other party actively at this time.

   Even if there are several main gods, they are still staring at each other while preparing privately.

   The main **** on the side of orthodox gods basically can only rely on himself. In the face of such a big benefit, even the main gods cannot unite with each other. From Chi Nan's point of view, only the lord of the elves and the lord of the elements can unite.

   On the Cthulhu side, it is obviously even worse. Even if they are not careful, they may fight first by themselves. But the evil gods also have the benefits of evil gods, at least there are many evil spirits on their side.

  The gods will only devour the same kind. They like to kill the gods. They can get promoted by killing the gods and destroying them, and they will even devour the fallen beasts. But they never swallowed gods, nor did those gods originate.

   Therefore, there are often various methods on the evil **** to guide the gods, keep the gods by their side, or go to the gods on their own. After the gods kill the ghost ghosts, they will be able to obtain the source of the law. Even if it is a few top evil gods, there are also ten top evil gods that can be used to cooperate.

   Therefore, if you don't count the possibility of arrogant hands between each other, the efficiency and safety of the evil gods are higher than that of the orthodox gods. It's just that everyone hasn't waited for the new main **** phantom to appear all the time.

   Next, there will be several ghost ghosts almost every year, and the weakest is only the lower god, and there is no weaker one. And the most powerful high-ranking **** phantom will not appear once for many years.

   This time is nothing in the eyes of the gods. Even Chi Nan can get some benefits at this time.

  Similarly, the transaction between the main **** and the ordinary gods has also begun. The origin of the law, which is very valuable to the main god, may not be useful to ordinary gods at all, after all, the attributes cannot be completely consistent.

   If you want to sell to other gods, they may not be the reason. On the one hand, because the other party may not be able to get the corresponding reward, on the other hand, they may also take advantage of the transaction to give them a black hand.

   As a result, the transaction of the Lord God became the most credible transaction. Of course, the transactions of the main gods were divided into areas, and even Chi Nan was also divided into areas.

   The gods in this area will sell them to themselves when almost the original rules are not used.

   As for how to use it, it is his own business, and what Chi Nan has to pay is very simple, but it is some ordinary quality life essence. This kind of life essence is more abundant, but it is very valuable to ordinary gods. What can be done to bring them back to life is not the only thing in this world, and it is almost the same.

   So the business in Chinan is better than other places. If it weren't for the main gods to divide the territory from each other, maybe there would be other gods to sell themselves.

   And Chinan’s harvest during this period is also very good. The source of a law of ice attributes was handed over to Hermira to strengthen herself. Later, he traded with other main gods for a source of natural attributes.

   There is no way, there is really no natural attribute **** in the hands of that god, and he doesn't like it himself, so he wants to trade. The reason why he chose himself instead of the spirit **** system and the natural **** system is because of the essence of life in his hands. At this time, Chi Nan felt more and more that the bottle he evolved was really not simple.

   With this source of law, Slinka Yee also perfectly entered the level of a higher god. Among his wives, only Weiweisi has not broken through now, but Weiweisi is not in a hurry.

   This gave Chi Nan a sigh of relief. What he worries the most is that Wei Weisi looks at herself with bitter eyes every day.

   As a warrior, Wei Wei Si seems to place more emphasis on laying a solid foundation for herself, and she doesn't care much about her ability to improve quickly. Anyway, as Chinan's god, it is not impossible to rise to the upper **** level.

   And over the years, the surrounding gods have continuously broken through and improved, and the number of upper gods has also increased.

   What worries Chi Nan a little is that he also occupies a vast territory, but in fact, on the side of the Cthulhu who has a smaller number of him, his strength is a little scary. Because the source of the law obtained is not much less than on his side.

   There are more and more high-level gods on the evil **** side. Gradually, the difference in strength between the two sides has a feeling of shrinking, and the speed of shrinking seems to be getting faster and faster.

   It's a pity that other main gods don't care at all, because these main gods think that as long as they don't have a new main god, they don't need to be afraid of anything. The atmosphere is tense, because the strength contrast between ordinary gods is approaching. Chi Nan always felt that this situation was a bit abnormal, but he could only secretly tell his men to be more careful.

   Hundreds of years passed in a blink of an eye, and everything was very peaceful during these hundreds of years, and there were no major incidents. No one succeeded in the sneak attack plan of the Cthulhu and the orthodox gods ~ ~ still maintained this.

   Except for the continuous improvement of the gods as a whole, and the continuous growth of each of the gods under this situation, there is no other change. Divine evil and fallen beasts continued to appear, slaying constantly, maintaining the previous situation.

   However, on this day, a powerful force suddenly burst out of the void. "It's the phantom of the main **** level."

   Chinan's eyes lit up, and he looked towards the place where the power burst. Just as Chi Nan saw that direction, he sighed helplessly, because that direction was too close to a kingdom of God.

   Sure enough, in just a moment, the Elf Lord God appeared, and the next element Lord also appeared. And that phantom appeared within the realm of the Elf Lord God. According to everyone's customary rules, this **** ghost shadow, unless the Elf Lord God asks for help, other people can't do it, they can only watch.

   "What kind of **** is it this time, the main **** of the ancient times, it should be very famous."

  Because of the appearance of the main **** phantom, nowadays, the major gods have also begun to study and investigate the gods in the ancient times.

"It is full of powerful water elemental aura. It is not a water **** or a **** related to water attributes. You can think about it. This source, it seems that it will not be sold." The element type is the attribute of the element master. The fit is very high. ...


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