The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1562: Ancient God of the Sea

   did not let them wait too long, and soon, a female figure appeared. Azure eyes, blond hair, and his face full of indifference and rejection thousands of miles away, just appeared in the void.

   But the person who appeared was not a human, because the lower body was actually a fish, which was a mermaid, Chi Nan thought in his heart.

   But then Chi Nan shook his head, because there is no mermaid in the world of heaven, this should be said to be a mermaid tribe, or a branch of the sea tribe. Chi Nan doesn't know such a god.

   "Twenty-nine epochs ago, the **** of the ocean in ancient times." The Lord of Time spoke.

  Sure enough, these gods have been colleagues in the Pantheon at the same time as the Lord of Time. Sadness flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Time, and he recognized the identity of the God of the Sea at a glance.

"In the beginning, in order to deal with the abyssal demon, the **** of the ocean dragged the siege of the three top demon gods with his own strength. When others had a chance to fight back, the **** of the ocean had already died. It is a pity that after death, although someone helped to resurrect, it was because of the original The devil’s calamity consumed too many resources, and the resurrection failed."

   Chinan saw the appearance of the Lord of Time, and even doubted whether the Lord of Time had also participated in the resurrection of the God of the Sea. But with the character of the Lord of Time, he doesn't have many resources, and I'm afraid he can't come up with much.

   It's nothing but an existence that can hold the three demon gods on its own, not to mention the combat effectiveness, this ability is very strong. Chi Nan could hold three of them himself, but that was because of his strong combat effectiveness.

   When the **** of the sea appeared, the lord of the elves and the lord of the elements took action at the same time. A bright green ball of light and a colorful arrow of elements flew out almost instantly. It looks inconspicuous, but the horror that the power condenses in it is radiated. Although they sympathized with the encounter with the **** of the sea, they would not show mercy when they started.

   After all, this is no longer the ancient **** of the ocean, but a phantom. After such a long time, everyone has also discovered a problem. After killing those **** ghosts, many **** ghosts may wake up at the last moment.

   The more powerful the god, the higher the chance of waking up.

   and sober gods, without exception, will smile at the person who killed them, that is a smile of relief. Obviously, the best way for them now is to kill them instead of leaving them behind.

   Keeping them will only make them more painful. Similarly, killing them is also beneficial, and no one can give up this benefit. Even killing them would make them painful.

   Now I just give myself an excuse, a psychological comfort, that's what Chi Nan thought in his heart.

   The reaction speed of the ocean **** is also unusually fast. Without any movement, the surrounding void turned into a blue color. It was as if the original void had suddenly become a large ocean.

   This is the first time that Chi Nan has seen this powerful **** realm in someone other than himself. Generally, after reaching the level of gods, no one will continue to condense their domains, and naturally there will be no powerful gods domains.

The sea around    is obviously the visualization of the domain, which is similar to the strengthening plants of oneself.

  Under the influence of the huge domain, the power that the **** of the ocean can exert is far from the power before the domain. The next moment, a huge wave was set off in the ocean, sweeping towards the surroundings.

   If you look closely, there are still some tiny vortices appearing in the waves, rotating one after another, which can exert a terrifying power and at the same time counteract the enemy's attack.

   The green ball of light and the elemental arrow fell into the vortex of the waves, constantly weakening, becoming less and less powerful, and finally being completely assimilated by the sea. The attack of two people is useless at all.

   "So powerful." The lord of the elves couldn't help but exclaimed. They are also the lord gods, and as expected, none of them are simple.

   And the Lord of Time nodded slightly: "The God of the Sea is best at assimilating enemy attacks and has a very strong defense. When facing a large number of enemies, the effect is the best."

   Chi Nan nodded slightly. It is no wonder that she was asked to resist the three top demon gods at first, and it was because of her own reasons.

   But did a large-scale devastation happen in the ancient times? It seems that the abyssal power at that time was much stronger than it is now. But the current abyss, after being engaged in a bit by myself, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover for a long time.

   The **** of the ocean danced with his hands gently, and his tail swayed, as if dancing in the middle of the sea.

   showed everyone the wonder of the sea at the same time. Various ocean currents, various air currents, and some phantoms of marine creatures that appear from time to time, coordinate with the vortex of waves, and the overall rhythm of the sea.

  With the inclusiveness of the sea, it seems that any power of the whole can be easily contained in the package, and finally dissolved and invisible. Even the contained power can be used in turn to attack the enemy.

  In this way, the **** of the ocean can use very little as if to play Tai Chi, with ease and strength, it is easy to block the opponent's attack. The sea is very tolerant of wind.

   Therefore, the master of the elements can only give up the wind attribute he is best at and use the fire attribute instead. A huge fireball in the void burned violently, like a sun, constantly evaporating sea water. The ocean’s ability to hold flames is the worst, after all, it is difficult for water and fire to fuse together.

   And the natural power of the Lord of the Elves pulsed around, condensed into small birds, constantly fighting against the sea. Each bird consumes a large amount of seawater, which is used to weaken the opponent's strength.

   The two main gods attack at the same time, and it is definitely not something that the **** of the sea can resist. But looking at it, I'm afraid this is also a long battle. The resistance of this sea goddess is indeed very powerful.

   At this moment, two more figures appeared, this is the clone of the Lord of Elements, and the clone that the Lord of Elves has just restored. Obviously, the two main gods do not want to delay too long, so they plan to solve it as soon as possible.

   After the two clones joined, the battle scale quickly shifted in the direction of the two of them. After all, a main **** phantom that has not fully recovered, has no main artifact and clone, or even supplies, is far inferior to the normal main **** in terms of combat effectiveness. No one wants to give these main **** phantoms enough time to recover and improve themselves. ...


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