The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1679: Cultivate the Desolate Plane

After all, the burst of strength is only for a while. During this period of time, all the collected materials have been consumed, and the law of the gods has been absorbed, the burst will end, and there will be a period of silence.

Of course, various materials are still accumulating. These materials can allow them to continue to explode and grow next time. At this time, among Chi Nan's subordinate gods, there were many upper gods, and the number of middle gods was a little more than the upper gods. On the contrary, none of the lower gods are gone. This kind of composition is very strange.

It can be said that among all the gods, there is only such a wonderful thing as Chi Nan. It seems that it is time for me to add more subordinate gods. However, this requires certain materials.

What Chi Nan thought of was the materials for building the kingdom of God. When the time comes, he would directly let his **** spirits supplement them and become his own subordinate gods. It would be better than recruiting directly from the outside world, at least to ensure loyalty.

After dealing with the matters here, the matters on the other side of Chi Nan have basically been improved.

That's right, this is the matter of cultivating the Desolate Plane. The special secret technique obtained from the realm king elephant can make his own world whip into the plane, and use the power of the plane to increase his attack power.

The power of one world is not easy to fight. A thousand worlds is not something that ordinary people can resist. It's a pity that that secret method can only fuse a thousand planes at most, and it won't work if there are more. And once it is integrated, it is impossible to take it out unless you pay a huge price, but the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, from the beginning of the integration, Chi Nan must choose the best. He is not an elephant of the world king, the elephant of the world king lived in ancient times. At that time, there were few planes, so there were even fewer planes to choose from.

And at the beginning, the realm king elephant's strength was not strong enough, not everyone can have the strength of the main **** at birth. Therefore, at the beginning, in order to enhance the strength, the planes of this method of fusion were all relatively ordinary.

Chi Nan didn't want to treat himself badly in this regard, so at the beginning, Chi Nan decided that he needed a thousand top planes. That is the kind of plane second only to the main **** kingdom. It is basically impossible for ordinary planes to rise to the level of the main **** kingdom. But even if it is second only to the plane of the top **** kingdom, one thousand is still a terrifying power.

With such a whip, even the current self, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

But for such a plane, what Chi Nan needs is training. This kind of natural plane is not easy to find, and it is not appropriate to find it, because Chinan only wants a barren plane, not a plane with creatures.

Otherwise, if you merge into it a little bit, all the creatures in the plane will die. Fighting with other people, there is no way to spread to these creatures in Chi Nan, but for the sake of his own divine weapon to actively kill, then it is not in line with Chi Nan's thinking.

So Chi Nan began to look for some barren planes. Then, Chi Nan started to cultivate with the whip of all heavens and ten thousand circles.

In this regard, Chi Nan has an advantage over anyone. The Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Whip can directly connect to different planes. Then, as long as Chi Nan takes action to suppress other planes, extract the origin of the plane, and inject it into the barren plane, it will be able to play a role in training. After absorbing a certain level of original power, these planes will continue to grow to meet their own requirements.

For those planes with creatures, Chi Nan chose to extract as many plane sources as possible without destroying this plane. As for the Dharma-Ending Era caused by this, or what other circumstances, Chi Nan didn't care about it.

Anyway, after waiting for tens of thousands of years, these planes will still recover, and there will be no problems with the creatures inside. In this way, at least he felt comfortable in his heart, Chi Nan told himself in his heart.

There are also those dark planes, which were originally Chi Nan's demon incarnation snatched from the abyss, and then forcibly transformed. These planes did not have much potential since they became the abyss planes.

Re-evolving into a dark plane, the potential can be said to have been exhausted, and it is impossible to advance. Many planes, even Chi Nan himself did not look good, so these planes have become nourishment.

Through the whip of the heavens and the world, Chi Nan can easily extract the planes suppressed by him. There is also a large number of planes that have been discovered using coordinate trees to send coordinates indiscriminately, and now they have the opportunity to use them.

After the explosion of the strength of his subordinates ended, Chi Nan found out that a dozen of the planes he had cultivated had already reached the standard. With ordinary means, it is impossible to continue to ascend to a plane of this level. So Chi Nan began to use these planes. A ball of light appeared in Chi Nan's hands.

A mysterious aura erupted from Chi Nan's body. The divine power in the body has already begun to operate according to the method taught by the Realm King Elephant. That special plane began to melt little by little.

It opened as if it were a piece of melted ice. If it is allowed to melt, it will eventually collapse and cause a big explosion. The origin of consciousness has been completely erased, and he doesn't know how to resist. "Hehe, it's really a doomsday scene. If there are people inside, they will know what the end of the world is like."

Chi Nan said to himself, and at the same time pressed the ball of light in his hand towards the whip in his hand. Chi Nan felt the huge pressure from his constantly repelling herself with the special secret method of the king elephant in the world.

It's a pity that this force is nothing at all in front of the main god, Chi Nan only suppressed it with a little pressure, and completely suppressed it. Little by little, the light ball surface sank into his whip.

Chi Nan could feel that under the operation of that special world power, this plane had begun to melt to a large extent, and then merged into his own with a very strange structure that he could not even understand. Among the whips. With his whip, it can be regarded as a complete symbiosis.

As long as the whip is not destroyed, this plane will not be damaged. But on this plane, there is no possibility of promotion, no possibility of degeneration, and without its own origin and consciousness, it has become a dead world.

In addition to being able to provide a powerful attack to the whip, there is only one role for pretending to be something. That's right, Chi Nan discovered that in this weird world, there are still some things that can be stored.

But, do you need this kind of function? Chi Nan thought about it, and it seemed that he didn't need it much. However, the integration of the huge power generated by a plane has also made his whip more powerful, and this can still be felt.

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