The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1680: Good luck becomes bad luck

"Hey, there is actually a power feedback, this business is not a loss." Chi Nan shook the whip in his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up. I thought that this method could only increase the power of his whip.

But Chi Nan had forgotten that this secret method was originally used to enhance his own strength.

If it were a normal divine tool, it would not have such an effect, but the whip of the heavens and ten thousand realms was the kind of dazzling Chi Nan himself, who completely recognized the master. There is a very special connection with Chi Nan, the original communication.

As a result, after completing the fusion plane, he himself also received a powerful force bonus. This power is roughly equivalent to one-tenth of the power obtained by the whip of the heavens and the world.

Although this power is nothing to the main **** level, it is pure power.

And there are a thousand times, and the total of these thousand times, plus Chi Nan's own power, he dares to say that he is second in power, then absolutely no one among the main gods dares to say that he is the first.

This power is external, but it is different from the additive power. Chi Nan could feel that although this power was not his own, the ownership was his own. As long as you spend some time and integrate them thoroughly, it is equivalent to increasing your strength. This is not a law, but a pure strengthening of strength.

When the power is strong to a certain height, even the law can only give way. Just think about the world king elephant back then. He has not used any laws or magic, without any special means, relying only on strength, his clone is not an opponent.

If it hadn't been for two clones and a large number of main artifacts, I really couldn't help this guy.

"But with this advantage, it can't be continuously merged. I have to wait until I merge this power first, and then I can continue to merge after I adapt." Chi Nan doesn't want to merge too much power at once, causing his own power to lose control live.

A main **** can't control his soaring power, and it will become a joke if it is spread out. Moreover, once such power is out of control, he doesn't know how much damage it will cause, and he doesn't want to hurt the people in his kingdom of God.

Chi Nan continued to cultivate those planes while merging. You should know that with the continuous cultivation of the plane, the time and energy spent in cultivating a plane in the end will continue to improve. He doesn't know how many planes there are in the universe, but if you continue to use it like this, the planes you discover may not be enough for yourself to use.

Just as Chi Nan merged with this face, the Lord of Beasts finally finished the journey. This section of the road is indeed very difficult to walk. The more you go on, the greater the pressure will be. This is also felt by the Lord of Beasts.

When Chi Nan told them, they just imagined it, and they didn't feel that way at all. After all, they are the main gods. Although the ancient **** kings are powerful, they are actually just the main gods.

Although they are wary of the things left behind by the existence of the same level, they are not afraid, and somewhat disapproving. After feeling this powerful force this time, the Lord of Beasts understood it.

And the deity of the Lord of Warcraft finally got the news here through his own channel. However, the Lord of Warcraft is still secretive, and has no intention of telling others what it means.

"For one month, as long as there is no winner or loser for a month, I will personally go in and help."

Because of this pressure, the Lord of Warcraft has changed his original idea of ​​waiting for a year or two, but changed it to a month. Such a strong pressure, if the existence inside is also strong, it will not be good.

Of course, with his own deity, the Lord of Beasts still doesn't think his clone will fail.

At this moment, the deity of the Lord of Beasts was sitting on the barrier outside the gods, feeling the situation of his clone at all times. Of course, I can only feel that when it comes to the end, the Lord of Warcraft can no longer see his clone.

This is the situation that is about to enter the last special space. The peculiarity of this kingdom of God really makes people sigh.

"Hey, if only I can refine two clones. Wait, who said I can't refine two."

The Lord of Warcraft said to himself, and suddenly he realized that he seemed to have entered a misunderstanding. No one had ever stipulated that the Lord God could not refine two top clones. Thinking of this, the Lord of Warcraft quickly went back and arranged to start gestating his second clone. This is the same as Chi Nan, as long as a lot of resources are spent.

As the veteran master of the beast, although the strength is not very strong, but the resources are definitely a lot, let alone two clones, even three clones, as long as he has enough resources to refine it out of his own reasons.

Step by step to the end, the clone of the Lord of Warcraft finally saw the final destination, here is a grassland. But according to my memory, it should be a rocky canyon here.

Seeing this kind of sight, the Lord of Warcraft did not feel surprised, because Chi Nan once said this phenomenon.

Walking quickly into the grassland, everything in front of me changed. The grassland has disappeared. At a glance, there are stones everywhere, without any vegetation and no sound.

"It's different from the space seen by the Lord of the Sacred Tree. That space is a botanical garden, and here is a piece of stone. However, with this breath of death, it seems that the guardian who controls this place is a **** of death."

As the Lord of Beasts spoke, the phantom around him flickered. These phantoms, one by one, condensed into the shape of a warcraft ~ These are all magical techniques evolved by the Lord of Warcraft. A powerful existence formed by collecting the spirits of monsters. In terms of group attack, the Lord of Warcraft believes that he is not afraid of anyone.

After summoning his own beast, the lord of the beast began to walk forward. The closer you are to the most central place, the stronger the breath of death. Two days later, the Lord of Warcraft finally approached the middle.

It took such a long time because of the slow walk. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across the void, and the Lord of Beasts hadn't seen what it was, and the falcon he had summoned turned into two halves.

Before it fell down, his body had turned yellow and gray, as if he had been dead for a long time. The Lord of Beasts also felt that his Beast had been hit hard, and for a long time there was no way to re-summon it.

Even if the strength of his own monster is not comparable to the main god, it still exists at a level. Just such a face-to-face was wiped out, making the Lord of Beasts feel that his opponent might be much more dangerous than he thought. Perhaps, this time it was not my luck, but my own bad luck.

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