The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1688: Time to distribute the spoils

? When the power of death was gathered, the exudation speed of Jiefang Lion's flesh and blood suddenly increased, as if in an instant, the flesh and blood of Jiefang Lion's body disappeared without a trace, leaving only a white skeleton.

This is the same as Chi Nan told them that after the death of the world king elephant, he also left his skeleton behind. However, the skeleton of the King of Realm is bigger and stronger, much stronger than this Jade Tooth Lion.

Suddenly, everyone discovered that after the Jade Tooth Lion died, it was not that there was nothing in the skeleton, but a black thing was left on the place of the Jade Tooth Lion's heart. Everyone can see this at a glance, this is the source of the law. Unexpectedly, what the King of the World Elephant did not leave behind, the Bifang Lion did.

The source of the law of death attribute is still at the main **** level, and it will have a lot of effect after absorbing it. With this thing, then there is no need to comprehend little by little from the fangs.

Thinking of this, the Lord of War immediately stepped up and said: "No matter how you distribute it, the source of this law is mine."

The two of them were taken aback, and then nodded: "It's okay, you can choose at will, I am the last." The warrior lord gave up directly, because the things left behind were of no use to him. The most important thing for the warrior master is to fight against a powerful existence. Through this battle, I have gained a lot. Going back and comprehending well can also enhance my combat effectiveness.

As for the spoils, he really doesn't care much, it's useless to himself anyway.

But the lord of war is different. As the supreme existence of the priesthood of war, war is inherently accompanied by death. Therefore, the death force is very compatible with the Lord of War. It would be strange if he gave up.

Originally wanted to get those fangs, and perhaps be able to carefully comprehend some of the laws of death, and cooperate with oneself to improve one's strength, but I didn't expect to have the source of the laws all at once.

By absorbing the source of this law, the benefits may be smaller. But there is no risk, and it is fast. I don't know when the decisive battle will be faced. At this time, no one will look into the long-term.

Being able to improve their strength and improve their safety factor as soon as possible is what they need to consider.

The Lord of Light, because of his singular cultivation rules, he couldn't tolerate any other attributes besides the light attribute. Not to mention, this death force, which is taking the opposite path from himself, even more dislikes him.

Therefore, the Lord of Light did not even consider it, and directly agreed. Seeing the Lord of Warriors express his stance, the Lord of Light has set his goal on the rest. The death fangs were not only useless to me, but they were still something like poison, so I gave up directly, and then only the skeleton was left for me.

Although the skeleton itself contained a strong death force, it was very incompatible with oneself, and it was of no use. But these three things, if used for sacrifice, the best effect is the skeleton.

The quality of the skeleton is not low, and it is larger, so it can burn for a longer time. That's right, unlike Chi Nan's idea, after obtaining this skeleton, the Lord of Light wanted to sacrifice it and burn it to improve his strength.

"Then, I will choose this skeleton." The Lord of Light did indeed live up to expectations and chose this.

Then in the end, only the fangs left were left to the warrior lord. There are only three things in total, and it is impossible to say what is of higher value. It only depends on personal needs. Both people have got what they need, and the warrior master has also achieved his goal of fighting. It can be said that everyone is happy.

The three people quickly distributed the spoils. They were the main gods, and there was no situation of carelessness. After getting the things, this battle will come to the end. The impact of complete death also began to emerge.

Just as Chi Nan told them, when the Bifang Lion died, the space began to undergo special changes. A special altar emerged in the middle of the pile of rocks, which resonated with the entire space.

As you all know, there is the way out. The three of them looked at each other and walked to the altar to open it. The light flickered and the scenery in front of me changed drastically. The place that was originally a pile of rocks has become a prairie.

"Look, it's coming out." Outside, there are already many gods waiting here, and everyone seems to know where the exit is. It's just this change that made the three people frown. Obviously, they are here because the news has been leaked, which makes them very dissatisfied.

But the next moment, they knew what was going on through the other clones. It turned out that this matter was not leaked by the Lord of Beasts, but leaked from the Cthulhu side.

No one thought that even with such secret news, Cthulhu could get the news so quickly. In the end they discovered that it was revealed by a higher **** who had penetrated into them. It turned out that this guy had always been an undercover agent arranged by the evil god. But because he accidentally exposed himself this time, the fate of this upper **** can be imagined.

In the end, there was no way. They were worried that the evil **** would make trouble, so they had to release the news and send someone here to observe. As long as the evil **** is found, they will take the initiative to expel it.

Fortunately, their speed was very fast. After entering that space, the battle was over after only one day.

Unlike the Lord of Warcraft, who was killed in less than three but in one day, they jointly killed the Bifang Lion. After eliminating the Jade Tooth Lion and bringing out the spoils, this space has no value.

When they came out, the space really changed. A black beam of light that penetrated the sky and reached the barrier of the kingdom of God rose into the sky, and a huge image of a lion appeared inside.

The image of the Jade Tooth Lion, who controls death, was instantly visible to all the people in the kingdom of God. Moreover, in an instant, everyone knew the name of the Jade Tooth Lion and some of its abilities, which could be regarded as a kind of final brilliance.

In the eyes of a group of gods, the Bichtooth lion, who was able to bother the three main gods to fight together and took a lot of effort to kill, became very tall, but this has become a thing of the past. However, this powerful death force still left deep marks in the hearts of everyone, and I am afraid it will never be erased.

"The matter here is over, we have to go back too, you are all gone." The Lord of Light said. Afterwards, the Lord of Light flew towards his own territory, and he wanted to sacrifice the bones he had obtained for the first time.

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