The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1689: Wings of the new artifact

? The three main gods dispersed one after another, and the other gods knew that this matter was over.

And the Cthulhu, who was doing all kinds of small actions, stopped the action after the three main gods left safely, because it was useless for them to continue their activities, and what happened this time was too fast.

It took a few days to walk to that mysterious place, and then it took a day to complete the hunting mission. All this was too fast, and it was too fast for them to react, and it was over before they had time to benefit themselves.

It seems that the First World War has not started, making all the gods and evil gods a little helpless and somewhat disheartened.

Chi Nan was also a little depressed, because he knew that these guys must have received a lot of benefits. Especially after knowing that the Lord of Light had sacrificed the skeleton, that feeling became even more helpless.

Other people must have received a lot of benefits. If it weren't for the thought that this thing is composed of death power, I am afraid that Chi Nan would be even more depressed. Now, I can still use attribute discord to give myself a comfort.

These guys, one by one, unite to repel themselves, so that they have no way to participate again.

But if he didn't participate in these things, Chi Nan also focused his energy on other places. Within the kingdom of God, his plant weapons have been improved, and he has a new species of wood spirit. The wood elves are taller and more flexible. Although the mind is simpler, but it is indeed the most suitable for combat, various skills are very powerful.

With this kind of fighting wood elves, the last shortcoming was filled. Since then, their own plant army, as long as they don't encounter opponents whose strength is far surpassing their own, they can simply run rampant across the kingdom of God.

As time passed, everyone was continuously searching for the remaining two guardians, but there was no news.

And in this process, the Lord of War who absorbed the source of the law of death, his own strength has been greatly improved. Although his **** seat did not advance too much, the threat on his body was even more serious.

At the same time, the Lord of Light, who sacrificed the skeleton, his own strength was significantly improved. The Lord of the Holy Light who understands the law of the Holy Light directly surpassed the previous two gods, ranking tenth.

The main **** who has entered the top ten is a symbol of status and an expression of his own strength.

These are the benefits that can only be obtained after hunting the Guardian. The least obvious is the Lord of Warriors.

But after this battle, the warrior lord's understanding of the battle has improved a lot, and his own perception has also improved a bit. Therefore, this period of time has grown rapidly, and everyone believes that it is the reason for this harvest.

The three participating main gods have all received huge improvements, how could the other main gods not see it. The Cthulhu side naturally paid attention to the news here. Therefore, the search for the guardian became even crazier.

In addition, those upper gods who thought they would never know how to do it were also stimulated. Some people think they have a chance, of course most of them are attracted by the rewards of the main gods. Most of the main gods have issued a large number of rewards, as long as the guardian's location can be found, then the rewards can be chosen at will.

However, until now, there has been no news of the third guardian. In this way, five years have passed. Time is really nothing to the gods.

After five years of accumulation, the skeleton of the King of the World Elephant obtained by Chinan has finally evolved.

Because the skeleton was allowed to evolve naturally, even Chi Nan didn't know what kind of artifact he got. It wasn't until this day that Chi Nan remembered that a powerful breath erupted from his life energy pool.

"Oh, forget that this artifact is still evolving, I just don't know what it is." Such a big movement not only attracted Chi Nan alone, but also shocked all the people in the kingdom of God.

Fortunately, the kingdom of God in Chinan was closed all year round, and the moment the breath broke out was blocked by the kingdom of God, and no one outside knew about it.

When Chi Nan slowly came to the energy pool, everyone else had already arrived.

"Patriarch, what is it this time? I heard that it evolved naturally. I don't know what it is, whether it is a baby elephant." This curious temperament of Miria was mobilized and waited here early.

Who made Chi Nan not hide this thing from them? Emilia likes a novel character so much. When encountering such an unknown place, it is like a lottery-like evolutionary artifact, she would not be surprised to come and see.

Others are used to seeing it, and they don't care much at all. Sophia even smiled and said, "Milia, don't worry, this hasn't been completely evolved yet. It's still a bit short. You'll know when it comes out."

"Yeah, we also seem to know what this is. The skeleton of the world king elephant, I hope it is not a dead soul."

Silin Kaye was a little curious and said that for things like undead, Silinkaye, a pure elf, absolutely didn't like it. But after all, this is the evolution of the skeleton, and it is always tempting to think about it.

"It may also be something that has something to do with the world. This world king elephant used to integrate the plane into its body and skeleton." Hermilla also gave out her own guesses, but they were all guesses.

"Well, don't guess, it's done." As everyone continued to discuss, Chi Nan suddenly spoke. It's done, so just look at it directly, no need to discuss it.

A green light burst Suddenly, a shadow flew out of the energy pool. It was a pair of huge wings, all white and covered with fluff. That's right, the wings are in the shape of wings, but there are no feathers on them, they are all fluff. This is not a bat-like wings. From a distance, they look the same as the wings, they are all so gorgeous.

The huge wings flapped slowly in the air, exuding strong pressure.

"It's a pity, it's not a pure life attribute, but a special plane-like attribute. Forget it, I'll call you Wings of the Sky in the future." Chi Nan directly named it, but he was a little depressed.

Those magics of my own before are all abnormally consistent with my own attributes. After being born, he directly recognized the Lord and became his own exclusive artifact. And this wing of the sky is not, because the attributes are not completely consistent.

This requires Chi Nan's own refining, and other people will get their own artifacts, which can also be used. It's not like an exclusive artifact, no one can use it except yourself. Moreover, this artifact actually needs to integrate a large number of planes to enhance its strength. It's already troublesome enough to raise a whip of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and now there is one more.

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