The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1690: Rare control type

"Don't be sad. After all, the raw materials don't match. Besides this and your light of dying, you can directly recognize the Lord." Hemila walked to Chi Nan and took Chi Nan's hand to comfort.

"Patriarch, these big wings can help people fly." Miria pointed to the wings curiously and said.

Chi Nan said angrily: "It can help people fly, but it's basically tasteless, not as good as a cloud."

Chi Nan was also very helpless. After all, this artifact evolved by himself, so although he did not directly recognize the Lord as an exclusive artifact, Chi Nan fully understood the ability of the artifact in the first place.

This sky-shielding wing is indeed a wing, which can help people fly, but the speed has a limit. It can only help people reach the flight speed of the lower **** level. But which **** can't fly, do you need this speed?

And it couldn't accelerate, so Bai grew a wing look. But the ability of this thing is actually not used for flying, but for occlusion, which is a rare type of field control artifact.

"Don't read it, this thing is an artifact similar to a realm, not for flying."

Chi Nan explained it quickly, and then everyone understood. These wings that cover the sky really mean to cover the sky and the sun. The sky-shielding wings can magnify infinitely, covering a world or even several worlds.

The shrouded place is completely under the control of the sky-shielding wings. In this area, all hostile gods and ordinary creatures will be suppressed by terror, and those with weak strength will even be directly crushed to death.

On the other hand, people on their side can receive powerful bonuses. The place covered by the wings of the sky can directly interfere with the operation of the law. Even the plane wrapped by the wings of the sky, the plane consciousness will be severely affected, and it is not impossible to lose oneself. This is the real ability of Skyshaker's Wings.

"Unfortunately, it's another big eater." Chi Nan summoned the Sky-shielding Wings, and then controlled them.

The Sky Covering Wing was made by himself, even if he didn't directly recognize the Lord, he was very close to him. Chi Nan didn't even encounter any resistance, so he took control of this artifact.

Not an exclusive artifact, I always feel a little depressed. "This sky-shading wing, like the world whip of the heavens and the world, needs to integrate a large number of planes. Hey, it is another thousand planes training task."

Because of the amount of noodles, Chi Nan felt a little broken. If I hadn't been looking for the coordinates of the major planes, and at the same time, I was still a main god, and I would not be able to support this thing if I replaced it with any god. A thousand planes are easy to find, but a thousand barren planes are cultivated into top planes, and the origin of the planes needed for this is terrible.

However, the more powerful the plane of the fusion of these things, the greater the number, the stronger the strength of itself. The Sky Covering Wing is nothing right now and has no effect on the Lord God at all, but it is temporary.

Chi Nan knew that as long as a thousand top natural planes were integrated, once this sky-shading wing was unfolded, let alone an ordinary main god, it would be difficult for him to move even if he is now. I believe that once such a powerful artifact is completed, it will have a great effect even in the face of the existence of the Lord of Gods.

Moreover, this sky-shielding wing has a powerful protective effect. That's right, once the sky-shielding wings are unfolded, it will form a powerful protective layer for the main god, which is more comprehensive and powerful than any guardian type artifact.

As long as the sky-shielding wings are not damaged, there is no way for external forces to hurt the owner. After knowing this news, Chi Nan's depression disappeared. At least, a powerful guardian artifact is still very meaningful to oneself.

In the future battles, protecting yourself is the most important thing. Chi Nan is different from other gods. From Chi Nan's point of view, no matter what enemy he faces, the most important thing is to protect himself first, and then destroy the enemy.

"The wings of the sky-shielding are very powerful, but because they are too powerful, their spirituality has not been fully opened, so even if the planes are integrated, they can't exert their perfect power." Chi Nan felt it. If you want to adjust the law in a wide range, it is impossible to rely solely on your own godhead to assist, this is the original ability of the artifact.

Therefore, this method of use requires high requirements for the ability of the artifact itself. Now that the spirituality of the artifact itself has not yet reached the requirements, it is necessary to improve the spirituality. This is the best way to cultivate.

"How to improve, do you need a lot of soul?" Olna said naturally. Through the war, Orna collected a lot of souls and special materials, although she never used it.

"No, what is needed is the power of faith, and only the power of faith can help the wings of the sky open spiritually."

"Then use it, don't we have a lot of power of faith to crystallize." Milia said and was about to run, but was pulled back by Chi Nan. Milia looked at Chi Nan unhappy.

Before Miria could speak, Chi Nan spoke: "The power of faith cannot be crystallized, nor can the power of other people's faith. It is necessary to have faith in the wings of the sky, so it must be washed and collected."

Unexpectedly, Miria stuck out her tongue. It would be too easy if you rely on the power of faith to crystallize. Divine power is the crystallization of the power of faith For them, the power of faith is really not lacking. "But, what should I do then, there seems to be no way." Miria felt helpless.

Most of Chi Nan's subordinates are elves and plants, all of which were made by Chi Nan. Their beliefs are all toward Chinan, not toward other things, even if they want to correct them.

This kind of conversion of faith is very difficult for believers, and it can only be done for other races. But unfortunately, there are not many of this kind of race Chi Nan's subordinates, and the cultivation of this kind of artifact cannot be exposed casually.

If other master gods knew that Chi Nan had such a terrifying artifact, it would be strange that they didn't come to destroy it.

"Then go back. The plane we came to before, that plane, has now passed through many generations, because you did not forcefully promote faith, and many people do not believe in you. I haven't looked back for so long. It seems that there are many different voices too." Hermilla said suddenly beside Chi Nan.

That plane was the first plane that Chi Nan came to this world. He had a chance to control it completely, but then Chi Nan gave up because that person had a different meaning when facing himself. This kind of thing has no effect on Chi Nan, but it is always upsetting.


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