The Rise of Plants

Chapter 801: Big and difficult bug

The beetle that grew up to be as tall as a mountain in an instant, covered in black with a red light film, was extremely powerful and terrifying. Standing next to such a big beetle, ordinary people might lose even the strength to stand up.

Suddenly, the beetle opened its mouth, and a red light flashed out of the mouth. The red light flashed across the battlefield like a sharp blade, just piercing a war fortress. Under the incredible gaze of Chi Nan and the others, a neat and smooth **** was cut across the top of the war fortress.

The upper part slowly slid towards the ground, and finally fell to the ground.

"What a terrible power, the divine power is really strong. The barrier created by the gold-level dragon perch tree and the golden light pattern tree was cut open like thin paper." Chi Nan muttered to himself, full of fear in his heart.

If you are on the battlefield at this time, facing this thing will definitely be very dangerous. Across the screen, everyone already feels the terrible part of this beetle.

"It's really scary. Look, the defensive barrier of the war fortress itself was cut open, not broken, nor exhausted." Sophia said, pointing to the still glowing war fortress.

If the barrier is broken, there will be signs of being shattered in many places above the war fortress. If it is exhausted, the barrier will disappear, but now the energy is sufficient and the light rune runs well.

This can only show that the power of divine power is really too strong, this barrier has no resistance at all, and it instantly becomes two halves. Even the speed was so fast that the power of the barrier itself did not have time to react, nor did it produce the effect of being defeated by the front. The effect seems to be a little worse, but what it represents is undoubtedly more terrifying.

"What a big bug, what should I do?" Faced with this huge bug, everyone felt a headache.

"Keep on attacking, there will always be some effect." The upper fleet commander Orna also spoke. At this time, Olna was not on the battlefield, but was rushing over from a distance.

Orna now doesn't need to be in command on the airship all the time. With the network, it only needs to be remotely controlled. If it weren't for a sudden change this time, Chi Nan had mobilized more airship formations to arrive. Olna said nothing would go this way at this time.

Because at this moment, there is also a problem overseas. Although I don't know what happened, Olna guessed what several overseas families were secretly preparing.

It is estimated that it will take more than two hours to get here from overseas. If you add the high-altitude turbulence and avoid the intrusion of some monsters, the time will be longer. Now, they can only rely on these airships to attack.

The missile in the air fell again, and a dazzling white light and explosion sounded. No one had any special feelings for this explosion because they had already adapted. But the scene was even more shocking.

Because the **** beetle that was attacked didn't change at all, it didn't look like it was injured at all. The huge limbs swept away fiercely, and a large swath of plant weapons were swept away, as if a broom sweeping fallen leaves, they were so clean. God knows how this bug leg does this.

"It has no effect at all, what should I do." Such an attack has no effect, and they don't know what to do. Because this is already their most powerful attack.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "No, it is not without effect. Look at the comparison of these two pictures, the red light of the insect itself is slightly weakened."

Through the calculation of the vegetable brain, you can really see something if you look closely. If it weren't for the comparison and calculation of high-resolution plant eyes and plant brains, the average person would really not see the changes.

Seeing this data, Chi Nan also breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems that we still have a chance. Although the divine power is strong, it is not a normal power to fight against. But the divine power will also be consumed. Here, the divine power of this beetle cannot be replenished, so as long as the power in his body is exhausted, it must be Can kill him."

While Chi Nan was speaking, a large number of shells and bat missiles fell down again. The huge impact force, even the **** beetle, the body shook involuntarily.

It seems that the **** beetle also understands what these people are going to do, and roars into the air angrily. This big beetle is not a mindless stone statue. Everyone already knows that there must be a trace of the spirit left by the beetle **** on this beetle. So in terms of IQ, it is absolutely impossible to be the same as those beetles without brains.

Sure enough, the big beetle knew that the most threatening to him was the airships in the sky. Because most missiles flew down from airships in the air, the beetle raised its head and looked into the air.

"No, get away." The expressions of the airship commanders who felt the danger changed drastically.

It's just that the reaction speed of the airship mothership is still slower. The two red eyes of the big beetle suddenly burst into bright red light, like two big light bulbs. Then, two red lights pierced straight out of the eyes.

The speed is extremely fast, and the power and accuracy are not comparable to those of the red beetles. Two red lights instantly hit the two airship motherships in the air, and the defense forces of the two airship motherships were as fragile as paper. UU reading

The red light broke the defenses of the airship mothership at once, and then left a hole in it. The red light swept across, and an airship mothership was cut off in the middle and turned into two halves. The people on it were still alive. The other one was cut in half longitudinally. Only two people on the airship mothership had good luck, and the others were annihilated and disappeared in the red light.

Even the plant brain on the airship mothership was instantly destroyed because of this attack, and the mothership lost control.

"What a terrible attack, is this the power of the legendary level." If the legendary masters have such terrible power, then after their territory has grown, they will still not be opponents of those empires.

"No, it's not just legendary power. It's easy to achieve this level because the power of the big beetle belongs to the category of divine power. If you are an ordinary legendary master, your airship mothership will not be so easily killed."

Hearing Slinka Ye's words, Chi Nan nodded secretly, looking the same as he thought. In any case, the mothership is protected by a defensive barrier created by a golden light tree. If this can be easily broken through, wouldn't his airship be too fragile. But even so, Chi Nan could see part of the power of the legendary master.

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