The Rise of Plants

Chapter 802: Cost-free

"Look, our reinforcements have arrived." Just as everyone was at a loss for this big beetle, a large black spot suddenly appeared in the distance, and it was flying quickly toward this side.

A long distance away, they have already got in touch with each other. It turned out that Chinan asked nearby airships to come to support, and these airships have already come to this place. At this time, the number of airships in the sky is already very large.

With so many ammunition smashed down, I didn't believe that this big beetle could still exist. On the ground, many beetles are still running out, in a steady stream, and the speed is getting faster and faster. With the appearance of the big beetle, the space crack seemed to expand a lot. The plant weapons on the ground were still fighting, and the battlefield became more and more fierce.

When the support airship flew here, the big beetle seemed to have realized the problem. A large number of bat missiles continue to explode and burn on their own bodies, causing their own power to be continuously consumed.

Suddenly, the big beetle spread its wings. "It actually still has wings. Isn't this big beetle flying to the sky? But it's useless even if it flies." Chi Nan thought puzzledly.

The most important thing is that under the black wings of this big beetle, there is no such kind of wings for flying, only a shell.

Just before everyone could understand, a red light suddenly ignited behind the big beetle. The red light forms two thin translucent films. Isn't this exactly the shape of a beetle's wings?

The wings flapped quickly, but what surprised Chi Nan was that the big beetle did not fly. But with the rapid flapping of the wings, the red blade-shaped energy in the air condenses and takes shape.

The blade of the blockbuster hit the team that came to support. A piece of red light flew over a distance of tens of kilometers, and the eyes of the eyes fell into the airship team. Where the red light passed, the airship had no way to resist.

As a result, after the storm-like sharp blades swept through, many airships in front were swept away, and even a mothership was cut and disintegrated in the sharp blades, completely annihilated in midair.

"Damn it, it's dangerous, all spread out, don't gather together." No one thought that this beetle could attack so far away, and it was still such a large and dense attack. The speed is so fast that they have no time to react. You know, it is the plant brain that controls the airship.

The calculation speed of the plant brain makes it possible to dodge without reporting a danger. It can make the plant brain too late to dodge, the speed of this thing is already faster than the alchemy cannon. As for the alchemy artillery, it was obviously impossible to attack this far. It's just a pity that the talent on an airship mothership just disappeared.

Sure enough, as long as it is in the middle of a war, it is impossible to live without death. But so many died before the battle, Chi Nan felt so distressed in his heart. After the dispersed airship, finally did not encounter such an attack.

It seems that such an attack consumes a lot of the big beetle. According to calculations, the strength of the big beetle is significantly reduced. The next moment, the big beetle retracted its wings, and it seemed that this kind of attack could not be used casually.

"My lord, do you want to continue? Our losses will be great if this continues," the front-line commander asked.

Without thinking about it, Chi Nan said fiercely: "Go all out and kill this thing for me at no cost. Even if everything is lost, this big beetle cannot survive."

Chi Nan knows very well that if this big beetle is allowed to exist, let alone the destructive power, this big beetle is the incarnation of a god. Who knows if the beetle **** has any other way to expand the space crack.

Once these beetles have a firm foothold in this world, and even make the space cracks into a more stable space channel, then the whole world will be under the threat of beetles.

I was the first to bear the brunt. I didn't want to die here inexplicably, so I could only attack at any cost. Now Chi Nan knew that he had completely torn his face with the Beetle God, and the Beetle God had a chance and couldn't let him go.

"Sir." Since Chi Nan gave the order, the commanders on the front line will not violate it either. After the order was given, the attacks on all sides became more frantic. The airships have released various weapons with all their strength, not only the bat missiles, but even the hummingbird fighters have been completely released.

Regardless of the strength of the attack, as long as it has a little effect. Regardless of the cost, the sky is full of dense small things, as if a large group of insects are spinning around a big mountain, but there are many attacks at all.

The attack power of each target is not very high, but it adds up to be terrifying. Even if this big beetle is the supernatural power of the body, it is constantly being consumed, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Finally, the big beetle couldn't stand it anymore, and the red flame on its body suddenly burned, and then spread out towards the surrounding, like a huge vortex. Where the vortex passed, all hummingbird fighters and bat bombs were involved.

It has been completely wiped out before it exerts its destructive power.

"Damn, those things are still too fragile, let me get on the airship." When the flames just disappeared, several airships suddenly accelerated and rushed over. That's right, the airship rushed over by itself.

Several airships suddenly hit the big and the big beetle trembled slightly. The next moment, the airship was attached to the big beetle, and a large number of bat missiles flew out of the broken body.

With a "boom", all the bat missiles burned up at the same time, and the self-detonation method that they clung to made the divine barrier on the big beetle begin to tremble violently in this part.

It was just the first time that the attack caused the divine power barrier on the beetle to produce obvious changes visible to the naked eye. "Haha, it works, I know it works." A young commander was about to jump up with joy, because the behavior just now was his masterpiece. Using an airship as a self-explosive material is much more cost-effective than being smashed.

"We can't let the airship be superior to the former, and our war fortress must also exert our strength."

Below, the commander of the war fort saw this scene, his eyes were red with envy. The airships of the war fortress were released long ago, and now they can only use their own power.

"Quickly calculate it for me, the heavy artillery is aimed at the same point, and we have to break the face with a point." The attack just now gave them an inspiration. As long as one point is attacked, it can cause the beetle statue's divine power to be quickly consumed, which is better than scattered attacks. Many.

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