The Rise of Plants

Chapter 803: Finally killed

The calculation speed of the plant brain is still very fast, the limit of this calculation, even if the user does not know how fast it is. The big beetle just got closer and was caught.

At the same time, the muzzles of the two war fortresses were switched, and their own shells were fired almost simultaneously.

Almost at the same time, but in fact they are not sent out at the same time, because there is so little difference in distance between each other. Even this problem can be calculated very clearly by today's plant brains.

However, when the shell attack reached the moment, it really fell on the big beetle almost at the same time. All the shells hit positions within five meters of the big beetle.

Within this range, all densely packed are cannonballs. The power of this shell is more terrifying than those bat missiles, and the range is not only that small. A shell exploded, and the surrounding shells were detonated. For the first time, the big beetle took a step back instead of just shaking it.

The local defensive barrier shook violently, and suddenly a wrinkle appeared on the barrier, which was torn open. Although it was only an instant, the crack was refilled and restored to integrity.

But everyone can still see that there is still a deep scar left on the location where the big beetle was attacked. It was the first time since the war that wounds were left on this nearly perfect statue.

"Haha, if we succeed, I know we must be the strongest." The soldiers on the ground cheered.

Although airships usually dominate, it seems that all wars are resolved by them. But this time, it was their ground forces, the ground forces that have never been seen as the first to achieve results.

"Hurry up, don't patronize and be happy, we'll leave as soon as possible, or we won't be able to leave after a while."

With the words of the ground commander, everyone knows what the situation is now. The soldiers who had been hiding behind the fortress all got on their own small flying vehicles. At the moment when the gate was opened, everyone filed out. You can see from the back door, many aircraft swarmed out and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.

The big beetle, who stopped, finally realized that he was injured. With a roar, a bug leg slammed down on a fortress. The fortress is actually very large.

Although it is far not as big as the beetle, it seems impossible that such a leg will do the fortress.

However, this beetle is the incarnation of the beetle **** after all, and the divine power on the body is very strong. Stepping on this leg, the defensive barrier of the war fort was completely unable to resist, and it was penetrated so easily.

The long legs pierced into the fortress, and a red light spread out in a circular shape. The entire fortress shook, and then it was covered with cracks, and it broke apart bit by bit. Such a big fortress was completely shattered.

If it weren't for the soldiers who ran fast before, I'm afraid they would be dead now. The big beetle is very big and doesn't know much about these plant weapons, so it didn't notice the relationship between humans and these plants. When destroying, it only destroys those large plants, without chasing after them.

The soldiers who had fled a certain distance breathed a sigh of relief, and they were considered alive.

It's just that their own war fort has been destroyed, making them angry. The previous order is still being executed. When the big beetle attacked the war fortress, the two war fortresses on both sides found opportunities at the same time.

So there was another salvo of shells, and two points on both sides were hit by these shells. Explosive force and oppressive force were produced on both sides, the big beetle was not shaken back, these two forces squeezed in the middle, the effect was better.

The defensive barriers on both sides of the beetle were torn apart again, and two traces were again left behind. Even the big beetle has some elongated cracks. Although it was constantly repaired under the action of divine power, repairing these cracks caused the divine power to be consumed faster. These are not visible, but they can be calculated.

The airship in the sky is also not to be outdone. Since the ground forces can do it, they can do the same. Isn't it that there are no explosive shells, but they also have a lot of bat missiles.

Bat missiles rely on burning magic for destruction and cannot be broken with points, but they are also good for consumption. Almost at the same time, when the beetle placed its target on the ground, the spectacular sight of a meteor shower appeared again.

This time the range was greater, and all the bat missiles that had been released fell down. The big beetle just opened its mouth, and a red light cut through a war fortress, cutting it flat and neatly from the middle.

But the next moment, countless missiles fell on the big beetle. The entire beetle suddenly changed from red to yellow. The yellow flame burned, getting more and more dazzling, and the flame burned white, like a small sun.

When the flames dissipated, the big beetle looked the same as before, no change. But if you look closely, you can see that the big beetle statue itself is actually smoking, which is obviously a trace of being grilled.

And the red light on this big beetle has also become very thin, much dimmer than before. Before the big beetle seemed to have a red shell, but now the big beetle has returned to black. That little red looks more like a reflection, although everyone knows that this is the light emitted by the beetle itself.

" I'm finally going to kill this guy." Chi Nan clenched his fist and waved fiercely.

Even the soldiers on the front line cheered. In the originally solemn command room, everyone felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. If this continues, the war will really end soon.

After all, the opposite is a god, and facing the god, if there is no pressure, it is absolutely impossible.

In just a moment, all the missiles were launched, and now they need to be refilled. The missiles one by one have no meaning, only such an instantaneous burst of power can have the greatest effect on the beetles.

So the airships in the air began to continuously release missiles. "I hope it will end soon. Our missiles are almost exhausted. The previous attack can be used again at most."

Not all people are happy, and some are worried, because the missiles are about to run out.

"Don't say this frustration, the missiles on our battleships are not enough, but the missiles on the airship mothership are sufficient. If it is just a calculation amount, at least four attacks like the previous one can be used." This is another one. The soldier's answer.

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