The Rise of Plants

Chapter 804: Destroy 1 cut sound wave

Almost all the airships in the air released all the bat missiles they had stored at the same time, and the bat missiles were soon covered in the air again, and the sky was full of black spots.

But the giant beetle still ignored these, but instead focused on the war fortresses on both sides. Red **** of light were spit out from their mouths, and the ball of light fell on these war fortresses.

A ball of light fell on the war fortress, and then the ball of light exploded, the war fortress would fall from the floating state with scars, and hit the ground fiercely. If you see the inside, you will find that there is only one shell left in the war fortress at this time, and nothing else is left, so it is naturally impossible to continue the attack.

In just a moment, the war fortress that originally surrounded this area was completely wiped out.

This speed is really breathtaking. Taking advantage of this opportunity in the air, the bat missiles all over finally landed again. In between, the big beetle raised its head, and the red light on its body suddenly soared. Where the red light swelled, all the bat missiles were intercepted, and they were already burning outside the red light.

"It didn't exert the greatest effect, **** it, this beetle still has this trick."

"It's already pretty good. According to calculations, the red light on the beetle has dimmed a lot. Although it can't match the loss of a direct hit, the loss can be compared to one-third."

"Yes, according to our calculations, if we do it again, this beetle will run out of power and can only be intercepted once at most."

Hearing this, the commander sighed helplessly. It seems that today is really going to be the last one. The bat missiles on the battleship have been exhausted, so we can only look at the mothership. The mothership releases bat missiles out in full force.

Although the release speed is very fast, the mothership has only a few doorways after all, and the speed is far from keeping up. "How long will it take to complete?" The commander frowned, as if he had a bad feeling.

The adjutant next to him said quickly: "It only takes five minutes."

The commander roared firmly: "Two minutes, I only give you two minutes, and I must do it within two minutes."

"No, two minutes is absolutely impossible. Five minutes is the shortest time." The soldiers retorted without hesitation. If they can't, they can't do it. They can't do it under the control of a plant brain. What can they do? Method.

Just when the commander wanted to say something, the seemingly very weak beetle suddenly raised its head high, without any other attacks. The red light on his body disappeared instantly. No, it's not disappearing, and it has completely converged.

"What does this big beetle want to do?" Chi Nan saw the beetle's movements a little puzzled.

"It looks like it's using some powerful skill." Hermilla stroked a strand of her hair lightly, her small hands turning pale with tension. This thing has given them too many accidents.

In any case, this thing is also an incarnation of a god, not so easy to deal with. If it weren't for them to be far away, on the front battlefield, no one would know if they had the belief to fight this thing. They are not fighters, they are leaders of the territory. And Chi Nan himself, perhaps seeing this thing, would first run away.

Before they could understand, the big beetle had already condensed. Suddenly, the big beetle opened its mouth, and a little red light spurted from its mouth. The next moment, a harsh voice sounded.

The red light flashed and the screen went black. That's right, it's a black screen, the screen is pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

"Damn it, why is it crashing? Will our plant brains also crash. What happened?" Seeing that the other party is about to make a big move, and give me a black screen when it is critical, it is strange that Chi Nan is not annoyed.

This is a vegetable brain, not the kind of computer that had problems at every turn in the previous life. In plant brains, even viruses are impossible to produce. Because the first time it occurs, it will be cleaned up by the plant brain itself.

"My lord, everything near the battlefield has been destroyed, even the near-Earth satellites have been destroyed, so I can't see it."

At this time, someone reminded that Chinan Communication Plant also discovered this problem. "Move other nearby low-Earth satellites, I want to see the picture." Chi Nan said immediately.

Then, the screen lights up again, and from a distance, the scene of the battlefield can be seen. Wait, is this really a battlefield here? How did it become like this? All the people were dumbfounded, thinking they were mistaken.

The distant view is right here, because the distant scenery can still be seen. But how did the battlefield become like this? A piece of dust was flying everywhere in the wind, and there was nothing on the ground. Whether it was beetles or plant weapons, whether it was all kinds of wreckage, or destroyed fortresses, or even those airships in the sky, there was nothing left.

If it weren't for the big beetle statue that was more than three hundred meters high, they would really think that this was not the battlefield just now, what happened just now.

"Other satellites have recorded the footage just now, please replay it." After thinking about it, Chi Nan began to mobilize to replay it.

Then, the screen was divided into two, and one part began to replay what had just happened. After the big beetle ejected red light spots, it made a harsh sound. This is not only sound, but also a sonic attack.

The red light urges the sound wave to diffuse towards the surroundings, presenting a hemispherical shape with a very fast speed. Even in slow motion, the speed is still incredibly fast, instantly spreading across the battlefield.

Where the sound waves pass everything is turned into dust, which is shattered by life. This power, as if it had wiped everything off in an instant, disappeared silently.

This sonic force spread a full range of ten kilometers, and at least four complete airship formations within the range were enveloped in it and completely disappeared. The near-Earth satellites that were originally used here were also destroyed in the first place. No wonder the red light flashed just now, and the screen went black instantly on my own side.

It turned out that all the eyes that I was using in the vicinity were gone. "This kind of attack can be regarded as a forbidden spell in the legend. That, I'm talking about a demigod-level wide-range spell."

There is no such thing as a curse in this world. Slinka Ye Kan nodded slightly: "The power is almost the same, and the range is similar, but the internal destructive power is obviously stronger, and the divine power is beyond the control of a demigod.

Other people looked at this scene with their mouths wide open, and they never expected that the Beetle God could erupt such a terrible blow.

Suddenly, Miria stood up anxiously: "Well, Olna, how is Olna."

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