The Rise of Plants

Chapter 805: Was covered 1

"It's okay, I'm fine, I haven't reached the battlefield yet." Suddenly, a voice rang, it was Olna's voice. Earlier, I received news that Olna is moving fast on the battlefield.

It just takes a certain amount of time after all. Although the big beetle is very powerful, the actual battle process is not too long. Both sides tried their best to fight, and everything was consumed without regard to consumption. As a result, it only took less than half an hour from the beginning to the end of the battle, while Olna was still on the way.

Orna was scared in her heart, although her face was expressionless, her eyes flickered. Miria even patted her chest: "Great, it's great that you are fine, it scares me to death."

Chi Nan shook her head. Olna was fine, but the commander of the northern field did not move.

The bald father took off his hat at his command post, his face was extremely ugly. The commander is a young man he is very optimistic about. Originally, the bald father was planning to use him as the heir of the commander in chief of the north.

But I didn't expect that this time he would actually provoke the gods and descended a **** incarnation. As a result, his junior died on the battlefield like this, and he lost the news even with many good officers from the north. Under the last trick, the dead may not even be able to keep the body.

The others also took off their hats, their faces full of sadness.

"Don't be sad, at least we have solved the catastrophe to our entire world. They are all heroes." Chi Nan's voice sounded at the Northern Command, reducing everyone's grief.

At this time, the originally huge space cracks in the ground had disappeared, and everything nearby was destroyed, not even a single insect remained. This battle is finally over here.

"Report your lord, what to do with the beetle statue below." The airships gathered in the rear looked at the huge statue below and said cautiously. What happened just now is still vivid.

Many people even had their eardrums shattered and were receiving treatment at this time. Of course, those half-elf mages must heal themselves first, and then they can take care of others.

Chi Nan looked at the big beetle on the screen, his eyes flickered slightly: "This thing is a statue of the beetle god, I don't know if the beetle **** will make hands and feet inside, I order this statue to be destroyed."

Chi Nan gave an order, and the airship began to move. Bat missiles and hummingbird fighter jets flew out at the same time, attacking the giant beetle statue. Seeing the airship's attack, Chi Nan shook his head: "No, it seems that the destructiveness of the third-generation airship is still a lot worse. It seems that an explosive bat missile must be added."

Although the current Bat missiles are powerful, they use combustion as a means of attack. Without the impact of an explosion, it would appear weak to deal with many situations, just like the purely destructive work now.

It is really unexpected to have not gone through such a battle. Although the wind cannons are also good, no matter the frequency or the local destructive power, there is no way to compare with the explosion. The wind cannons on the airship are even more tasteless.

Under the frenzied bombardment of a large number of hummingbird fighters and bat missiles, huge bug statues began to be continuously destroyed from the outside.

It's just that something that Chi Nan didn't expect to happen again, the statue that was originally thought to have been completely destroyed, actually moved a bit. The big head was lowered, and the two eyes glowed red again.

"Damn it, how come this thing is still alive." A flash of surprise flashed in everyone's eyes.

At this time, the big beetle suddenly uttered a neigh: "Mortals, offending gods have to pay a price."

The next moment, the light in the big beetle's eyes disappeared and it would not move at all. But the matter did not end, because a red light suddenly cut through the space and unexpectedly descended into the command room far away.

Chi Nan instinctively used his arm to block, but didn't think he could block a god's attack. But the next moment, Chi Nan found that nothing had happened, and there was no pain in his body.

"What is this?" Suddenly, someone shouted in surprise.

Chi Nan saw that the man was looking at his body, and there was a strange red pattern on his body, like a rune, but it was incomprehensible. Chi Nan found that there was also such a pattern on his arm.

"What is this? Isn't it a curse of the gods?" Chi Nan felt a little nervous in his heart.

Everyone instinctively looked at Slinka Ye, because only she knew these things best. Sure enough, Silinkaye didn't disappoint everyone, frowning and looking at the pattern on the back of her hand and said: "This is not a curse, it's just a sign."

After a pause, Slinka Ye continued: "Don’t worry, everyone. This mark just allows the Beetle God to recognize us when he meets us, and to feel our existence when the distance is close. It’s nothing big. use."

Chi Nan was relieved: "It turns out that this is the case, then it doesn't matter. Anyway, we have always been in this world. The beetle **** can feel our existence without this mark. There is no need to worry."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Chi Nan was still communicating with Slinka secretly.

"Does this thing have any other functions, I always feel that this thing is not that simple."

Slinka night also secretly said to Chi Nan: "There is another that is to locate our soul. If there are other gods to protect us, high-level gods can take us after we die. Protected and taken away by the beetle’s soul. Without the protection of other gods, the soul will be taken away by the beetle **** after death, and it depends on the beetle god.

"No, it's so scary." Chi Nan was a little worried, because he was an atheist, and there would be no gods to protect him.

"Or, you also believe in the **** of the elves, your breath is so pure, you must be a child of nature, and the **** of elves will definitely protect you. I'm not sure about other people."

No way, everyone else is human, or half-elves, not real elves. Without knowing the specific character of the Elf God, Silin Kaye could not guarantee, at most, he could only guarantee that Chi Nan would not have any problems.

"I'll think about it again." Chi Nan thought for a while, but refused. Give your faith to other gods, just kidding, you're not a fool. If you give up your faith, can you become a god?

As long as you become a god, there must be a solution to this thing. If it doesn't work, get rid of the beetle god, then it will be a hundred. The cold light in Chi Nan's eyes flickered, and no one knew that Chi Nan actually had the idea of ​​slaughtering a god.

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