The Rise of Plants

Chapter 810: Raiders Preparation for the Alien Plane

Chi Nan also didn't realize the weird state of Silka Ye, but started talking slowly.

Although Silken Kaye was leaning on her side and did not look towards Chi Nan, her ears were vertical, and she was obviously very interested. Anyway, it’s not too important to talk about.

For others, an alien plane is a huge wealth. But for the elves, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense, after all, they are originally the kind of temperament that is indisputable in the world.

And that plane is not a good place, there is a dead spirit everywhere, how can the elves like to move to that place. Hearing Chi Nan's explanation, Silinka's brows gradually frowned.

The shyness in her heart disappeared, and Silin Kaye returned to the wise princess again. "Unexpectedly, a plane would actually destroy its own plane because of the evil god's sacrifice. They are all lunatics. Sure enough, some lunatics really dare to do anything in order to achieve their goals, just like those in the west. The same guys."

Slinka Ye is talking about the existence of the Plains of the Undead and the Cthulhu Empire.

"The personnel of the Cthulhu Empire also believe in the Cthulhu, will they do such things someday?"

Slinka shook her head and said, "I don't know this. It's not impossible for those crazy men to do this kind of thing. But such a huge sacrifice ceremony would not be possible without the help of the gods. They can't do it themselves."

"It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured." Chi Nan breathed a sigh of relief. He really worried that before he developed, those followers of the evil **** would turn this world into a place of death.

"Then do you have any ideas now, after all, the only one that can be linked is that plane."

Within the space turbulence, there are countless planes, large and small, some are valuable, and some are not valuable. Even if the gods don't know how many planes there are in it, it is very difficult to reach a plane.

"Although that world is basically worthless, if you develop it well, you can use it. But that place must not be known to the Necromancers in the Plains of the Undead, otherwise you will face their various attacks. "Those Necromancers are unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

"The power of the Plains of the Undead is not worse than that of an empire, and they have a lot of insidious tricks, and they can't be defended."

Chi Nan nodded and said, "I'll pay attention." In fact, Chi Nan is really not worried about the Plains of the Undead. He had been inherited from a golden-level necromancer, and Chi Nan knew about their various methods.

"I plan to start developing for that different plane from now on. There is dead spirit everywhere. It is impossible for me to let it pass. Staying there for a long time will easily be corroded by dead spirit."

After a pause, Chi Nan pointed to the mutant fold ear grass and said, "It's different now. With this, we can remotely control it across planes. I'm going to set up a dedicated team to build a base over there. "

That's right, the first step is to create a base car-like existence, and then use the base car to open up another plane. This was originally planned by Chinan. Now that it can be controlled from a long distance, that's even better.

"It turns out that you made that so-called base car for this, see your own. Are you sure, your plants will not be affected over there." Silken Kaye asked with some worry.

"Probably not, after all, I have been there twice. I have also studied the sun over there. A special power that it radiates can transform various elements on the earth into death energy and erode the entire world. But In addition to this, the sun is still the sun, which has little effect on plants of a certain level, and the magic sun flower can also be used normally."

"Now that you have an idea, start experimenting." Silken Kaye didn't continue to let Chi Nan exercise.

The airship was ready, and a group of people got on the airship and quickly flew to the side of the twin trees.

"This is the Twin Tree. Through this, you can reach another plane."

Slinka nodded gently: "I've heard of this plant, but this is the first time I have seen it. Twin trees can connect two adjacent planes, so our two planes should not be far apart, no wonder The fold ears can be connected across space. If the distance is far, the current fold ears may not be enough."

"Haha, it's okay, anyway, as long as you have a sample, you can directly evolve in the future." Chi Nan didn't care at all. Your own strength will continue to improve, and your own plants will continue to improve.

With that, Chi Nan had already injected magic power into the twin tree, and the mirror surface of the twin tree began to fluctuate. At this time, many people came here one after another. Even the very busy Hermilla took the time to fly over.

Sophia and Weiweisi, who are far away, will be unable to reach them for a while. Around, Chinan's guards and guard reserve team had been prepared for a long time, and they were ready to guard against a large number of undead passing through the passage.

The area nearby has already been cleared out, and this place is a huge base. There are also two war forts under construction, which are also located next to the twin trees.

The standing army here has long been There are three formations of three-generation airships floating in the air. This time the passage was opened. Compared with the previous two times, it was a world of difference. Various preparations can be said to be armed to the teeth. As the passage gradually opened, everyone became nervous and stared at the passageway.

"No undead passed. It seems that there are no undead creatures on the opposite side. We used to clean up the side thoroughly. It has only been less than a year. It is normal that no new undead will arrive."

As Chi Nan spoke and waved his hand gently, a base airship that had shrunk to less than a person's size slowly fell down, and then flew towards the opposite side. It is too big to pass through this narrow passage.

"Very good, it has passed. We are not very far away through the connection. I can directly inject my magic power here for the base car on the opposite side." Chi Nan clenched his fist in excitement, and the first step was successfully completed.

Under Chi Nan's control, a large amount of magic power poured in instantly. The deployment speed of the opposite base vehicle became very fast, and the base vehicle was fully deployed in less than five minutes. In the next five minutes, huge energy pools, signal stations, and many hummingbird fighters were all spawned, instantly protecting the entire base vehicle and its surroundings.

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