The Rise of Plants

Chapter 811: Weak plane consciousness

The surrounding protection force is getting stronger and stronger, even if nothing has happened on the opposite side, the people here are still worried that there will be problems on the opposite side. Chi Nan's current strength, there is still no way to greatly affect the legendary level plants.

"The bases that can still be directly controlled are developing the fastest." Chi Nan said lightly.

One day has passed since the time was so close, Chi Nan was able to project his magic power directly over, and use his magic power to help the development of the opposing base.

Under Chi Nan's control, it only takes a thought to unlock the base's evolutionary lock.

After a whole day's time, within a hundred li on the opposite side, the magic sun flower is already covered, and it is fully absorbing the sun and other surrounding energies, gathering life magic in the surrounding twelve large energy pools.

Because the time is too short, the energy pool is still empty. The life magic that just appeared will be used by Chi Nan the first time.

In just one day, a three-generation airship mothership appeared in the opposite sky, as well as fifty combat ships. This was already a small unit, that is, a quarter of the airship formation.

The power on the ground has also been established, and a huge war fortress stands beside it, but this war fortress is basically an empty shell, and there is not much weapon reserve. Once a long war breaks out, this war fortress will simply not be able to persevere, but the foundation has already been laid.

For these things, Chi Nan almost exhausted his magic power. Even if you are in your own territory, even if you draw a lot of magic power from the surrounding energy pools and directly use them for recovery, it still consumes a lot.

"It seems that if you want to supplement the magic power to the opposite side through the space channel, the loss is still too large. If the opposite side does not develop smoothly, then in the future, you will have to build a few more large energy pools nearby as a reserve."

Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, but didn't say anything. The last thing to do is to plant a large number of mother trees in the area that you temporarily control. And a mutated variety.

This mutated species was still mutated from the mother tree of the homeland, and Chinan named it the Purifying Tree. The purification tree does not have the ability to induce birth like the homeland mother tree. Its only ability is to absorb all kinds of negative forces around it, especially all kinds of death air. In fact, the prototype of the homeland mother tree has the ability to absorb death.

After Chi Nan strengthened this power, he mutated and manipulated it in reverse. This was made by Chi Nan himself, not by others. This kind of mutation is used to deal with the opposite world.

After absorbing the air of death, the purification tree will circulate the air of death in the body and transform it through magic lines. The air that is most always exhaled is no longer the air of death, but a natural air.

This kind of breath is of great benefit to the growth of plants, and it is also of great help to living beings.

With these, Chi Nan is sure to transform the opposite into a plane suitable for normal people to survive. In the future, he will have a whole plane as his backing, which is also a back way.

In fact, the plane of the dead is not really without plants, nor is it unsuitable for growing plants.

On the contrary, there are actually many plants over there. That kind of death air can affect some plants and cause some plants to die, but most plants will not be affected.

The reason why it is so desolate is because of the undead. The undead are very hostile to any life and will destroy all living creatures. If there are animals, the undead will give priority to the animals.

And if there are no animals and humans for a long time, these undead will begin to destroy plants. It's like the same goes for the Plains of the Undead, and it's also a desolate. This point has long been recorded in detail by the elves.

As Chi Nan thought, the purification tree opposite had already begun to grow on a large scale. A large amount of death air is continuously absorbed and transformed. Gradually, the greyish aura in this area of ​​his own territory disappeared. Instead, there is a faint mist, giving people a feeling of vitality.

"One day is about to pass, it seems to be very stable." Up to now, no undead has appeared on the opposite side to make trouble. I did a good job cleaning this area by myself.

Without the undead to make trouble, one's own territory will also have the opportunity to develop. As the power of the territory gets stronger and stronger, you don't have to worry too much even if you encounter danger in the future. Anyway, the opponent can't come to your side through the space channel.

To open the space channel of the twin tree, apart from oneself who has a high control over plants, only a space mage who has a deep understanding of space power can do it. Obviously, there will be no such existence.

It was just when time was about to pass completely, that piece of his own territory had just been purified to a very high degree. At this time, Chi Nan suddenly felt a hazy consciousness appearing in his mind.

"What's going on, is it an illusion?" Chi Nan shook his head, thinking strangely.

"What's the matter with you?" Beside, Hemila gently pulled Chi Nan's arm.

Chi Nan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, maybe it's too tired. Just take a good rest tonight." When Chi Nan said this, Hermilla's face reddened and Chi Nan gave Chi Nan a vague look.

This shy look makes Chi Nan's index finger move. Chi Nan couldn't help but wanted to molest him, but at this time, the consciousness in his mind suddenly became a lot stronger, making Chi Nan give up the idea of ​​teasing Hermilla.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Chi Nan asked in his heart, knowing that the other party would definitely be able to hear it.

Sure enough, the consciousness on the other side fluctuated a bit, and finally expressed his own meaning. It's not any kind of language, but Chi Nan can understand what the other party wants to express. "Are you plane consciousness, are you the consciousness of the opposite plane?" Chi Nan was startled, but he didn't expect a plane to have its own consciousness.

I just don't know why, this plane consciousness is very weak, that kind of weakness is not weak in strength, on the contrary, it is much stronger than oneself in strength, but in essence, it can still feel the other party's weakness.

Just like a late old man, and like a seriously injured creature, so weak.

"So, what is it that you are looking for me?" Planar consciousness has no subjective consciousness, and no major events will not appear. This way, contacting oneself across the plane is also a very heavy burden for oneself.

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