The Rise of Plants

Chapter 815: The idea of ​​building a floating city

"There are so many delicious dishes in the alien world, I don't know how it tastes. No, let Clover find someone to study it tonight, maybe I can have a good meal." Chi Nan thought while taking a bath.

At this time, the wounds on his head had disappeared. With the help of powerful life magic power, Chi Nan's body recovery was simply not like a human. While thinking, Chi Nan was also learning about the situation on the other side.

The Undead Plane develops smoothly, and now hundreds of bases on the opposite side have begun to develop at the same time. There are more new bases for the development of newly divided sites. It is expected that the next batch will join thousands of bases for development.

There are no powerful undead creatures around, except for some small-scale undead battles that have been encountered along the way, it is a smooth expansion. With the continuous planting of a large number of purification trees, the surrounding area to be purified is getting bigger and bigger. I don't know if it is an illusion, Chi Nan always feels that the sun in the sky has also changed.

Because there are no humans on the plane of the undead, there is no other power, and there is no need to worry that the other party will hit his hometown. Therefore, there is no need to hide and tuck, and it is completely possible to develop with all one's might.

Because everything is development-oriented, no matter what, as long as there is life magic, it will be used up the first time. There is also the assistance of vegetable brain, so the opposite side develops and swells very quickly.

It seems that it will not take long before the speed of development on the Undead Plane will surpass that of its own native plane. A world that can develop unscrupulously, and that kind of development speed erupts, it is really not what ordinary people can imagine.

Since the wind is going well over there, Chi Nan doesn't care so much. Anyway, a large number of small airships and satellites used for exploration have been released, and everything around you will soon be in your own hands.

"If everything goes well, at this rate, maybe it will take a few years to occupy the entire world."

Chi Nan said to himself: "I don't know if we can find the wreckage of their floating city. If we can study it carefully, we can also build our own floating city." Thinking of the kind of city floating in the air, Chi Nan's eyes It lights up. It has always been a legendary thing, if you have one...

"Wait, it's not right, it seems to be troublesome for other people, but it's not a difficult thing for me."

Chi Nan found that he seemed to be thinking something wrong. Because the biggest problem in Floating City is how to float in the air. This requires a very sophisticated level of alchemy, as well as a huge amount of energy.

But I don't need to, I just need to strengthen the floating ball, and use the evolved floating ball to ensure that the entire city floats in the air. Because the city is too heavy, the rate of consumption must be faster than the recovery rate of the floating ball itself. But as for the heart of the sky, isn't it also usable.

There is also a power issue. Just add a few more propellers. Maybe, because it is a whole, my own floating city will fly faster or maybe.

"That's it. I have completed everything beforehand. Why can't I do it. I didn't want to because it was unnecessary. Now I seem to have enough ability to do this kind of thing."

Chinan has already planned the location of the floating city, and it is not necessary on land. He didn't need the floating city as a weapon, and he didn't even need to run around in the floating city.

What he needs is to build a floating city above the sea. It takes too long for my own airship to fly to the Overseas Island Alliance. If a floating city is built on the road in the middle, there will be a place to rest. Besides, there is a deep ocean below such a city, and it can also provide you with a lot of resources and help.

Chinan doesn't know what's in the sea, but it must be rich in resources. Isn't Miria exploring the sea? This place would be best for Miria. Basically, there will be no problems with the framework.

Having had the experience of making war fortresses, Chi Nan is not without certainty to make a floating city.

Next, just study it carefully. Anyway, it's just taking time, and there is nothing else to worry about, so let's deflect the focus. It's just the population and a series of problems caused by changes in the living environment, and we still need to plan well.

These things are not their own. It seems that those territorial officials have to be busy again. "No, why do I have to let them be busy, designing the city, and working together, the more people involved, the more problems that can be identified. Simply use the way of online solicitation and discussion."

Thinking of this, Chi Nan released the news directly. This style of thinking is one thing, which immediately caused headaches for territorial officials. It is because the current network speed is too fast.

By the time the officials found out, many people had already participated. Chi Nan also underestimated his appeal. As a lord, Chi Nan said that most of his citizens took it as the most important thing to do.

Both civilians and businessmen, and even some nobles in the past, have joined the plan of designing a new city. This is the world's first floating city. Once established, even if there is a little bit of my own design on it, I will be famous on the whole continent.

After Chi Nan finished this, he just threw it aside, but the officials were still busy There were too many materials, and they had to identify them one by one and add them to the design. This work The amount is greater than directly handing them over. In just three days, there were more than a dozen designs for the floating city.

These more than a dozen designs still stand out from hundreds of designs. It can be said that each one is the crystallization of urban design.

"Hey, Lord Lord will really trouble us." Hermilla sighed.

Sophia smiled softly: "Hehe, don't you know what Chi Nan looks like, sister, it has always been so childish. But once a city in the sky is successfully established, it is really hard to imagine."

"What I am worried about is the Holy Dragon Empire. The Holy Dragon Empire already knows what we are going to build a floating city here. They are now watching our jokes. If we fail, we will become a laughing stock, but if we succeed, who knows? What will happen to the Holy Dragon Empire. With their style..."

"Sister, don't worry." Sophie pulled Hemira's arm and said softly: "Building a floating city is not a matter of one or two days. We can remind Chi Nan to slow down at that time. As long as there is enough time……"

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