The Rise of Plants

Chapter 816: Why is there another moth?

Suddenly, the design and plan of Floating City became the hottest thing on the surface of the entire Holy Tree Leader.

Chi Nan himself didn't expect that because of this incident, the Holy Dragon Empire and other surrounding forces focused their attention on this, and they were exploring several places suitable for building a floating city, both openly and secretly.

After all, this is a city, and it is impossible to build it in the sky from the beginning. There must be a large open space established, and then fly into the air. Then this place is definitely not small, and they also want to figure out the specific information on the construction of the floating city. Even some people in the Holy Dragon Empire still want to take it for themselves.

Think about it, the city in the sky that has never appeared before is placed in one's own country. What a glory it is. Moreover, it is still an existence that can advance and retreat, and it is simply the most powerful fortress in the military.

In secret, no one paid attention to the virtual library and the special meritorious system sent out by Chi Nan. Even the people of the Mage Association did not expect that the holy tree collar could possess more magical background than theirs.

However, when Chi Nan was experimenting with the foundation of the sky city, a piece of news made Chi Nan feel a headache.

"This has only been better for many days, how come this **** overseas moth has appeared again."

That's right, this time the incident occurred overseas. Chi Nan's heart moved and he was connected to all overseas information. Looking at what happened overseas in the past few days, Chi Nan's brows gradually frowned.

A few days ago, overseas did not know why, there was a large-scale invasion of sea beasts. At this time, there are more than two islands in Chinan overseas. In addition to the largest sacred tree island, the surrounding islands were also occupied.

In order to facilitate entry and exit of Sacred Tree Island, Chinan has built twelve large floating bridges between Sacred Tree Island and the surrounding islands. Through these bridges, Sacred Tree Island, which was originally isolated from the world, can finally practice with the outside world. Only the outside of the floating bridge is a military port, and no one except the people from the holy tree will want to enter it easily.

The original development was smooth and smooth, and it was taken by the deterrence of the airship. None of the three overseas families dared to bite themselves. But some time ago, a large number of sea beasts continued to appear, causing a lot of trouble.

Originally, these sea beasts appeared on a large scale, not only the Sacred Tree Island, but also the other three surrounding families. So the local commander didn't feel that there was any problem at all, so he didn't report it.

The sea beast that appeared this time was not the water cannon lobster that Chi Nan had seen before, but something that looked like an octopus. This large octopus moves freely on land and can launch some highly poisonous spikes from long distances. These spikes are highly corrosive, even plant weapons are difficult to stop.

The huge power allows the octopus monsters to easily twist and destroy these plant weapons. The major coastal ports are facing each other in the confrontation with these octopuses. It can be said that there is no difference between the winner and the loser.

But because these octopuses are everywhere, it is easy for ships to be besieged by these octopuses when they go to sea. The octopus is very big and can easily tow warships into the sea, so those ships dare not leave the port at will these days.

Originally, this was just a matter of sea beasts, but no one thought that the Karan family would plot again and use this opportunity to attack themselves. Just yesterday, the air force of the Karan family gathered.

This is the air force that was established to fight against Chinan's airship. After more than a year of establishment, the number of this air force has reached more than two thousand, which can be said to be the essence of the Karan family.

The air force of the Karan family is not a griffon, but a black water fin. The Blackwater Fin is not a bird beast, but a sea beast with only a bronze level. It looks like a huge devil fish, except that the fins on both sides are wider and longer, like wings. Black water fins have a very special ability, that is, floating in the air.

This point is very similar to Chi Nan's floating ball. The black water fin has a gentle temperament. It will fly into the air to avoid danger in the sea, and sink into the water when it encounters danger in the air.

Usually it is very difficult to catch, being able to catch such a large-scale black water fin, this is not what ordinary families can do. Except for the Beastmaster family, only the Karan family has this ability.

On these black water fins, each of them is driven by two members. One of them controls the black water fin to fly, and the other controls a very strange alchemical weapon in front. This alchemical weapon is like a big awl, able to move flexibly.

Originally, the Karan family mobilized their troops on a large scale, and the Holy Tree Island would not think that there was any problem at all. After all, they are now being attacked by sea beasts, but no one expected that they would provoke a dispute at this time.

"After a year of development, our strength has now far surpassed that outsider. The shame that outsiders gave us back then is now time to wash away. All people follow me, and we want revenge."

"Vengeance, revenge..." The soldiers chanted one after another, passionately sentimentally.

Everyone carried several badges, and they were all the backbone of the Karan family's army. Morton looked at these soldiers with a mixed feeling. These are all elites selected from the army.

To be he doesn't know if he should thank Chi Nan. Because of Chinan, their Karan family was humiliated, and countless soldiers and warships were lost. The losses caused by the coast have not been recovered until now.

But if it weren't for Chinan, the Karan family would not vigorously develop the army. Today, when the three clans are in check and balance, the three clans are basically strictly controlling the number of troops, because it is unlikely that large-scale wars will break out between them. It was Chi Nan, an outside spoiler, that allowed them and soldiers to see new hope.

On the one hand, they hope for peace, and on the other hand, they are eager to participate in the battle as much as possible. Now this battle can be said to be the first battle since their establishment, and it is also a famous battle. But they also knew that the scale of the war would never be small this time, and they would not know how many people would die.

Morton's heart is very complicated: "I hope Commander Puliji can win this war. There is also the Hailing family, forget it, what can I say, a small flying regiment commander, about these things."

Morton sat on his black water fin, drew his sword and pointed it forward. "Everyone listened, set off, and told the outsider that we are back." The soldiers screamed, driving the black water fins into the air.

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