The Rise of Plants

Chapter 817: The Karan family are crazy

At the moment when a large number of octopus and sea beasts were besieged, a generation of airships and warships were used to form a line of defense around the major ports. In addition, some coastal defenses continued to kill the octopuses that emerged from the sea.

Fertilizer makers have been bred overseas, constantly devouring the carcasses of those octopuses, and then digesting them.

Because if they don't do this, the octopuses will take the bodies of their dead companions back as food, or even eat them on the spot. An octopus that is eaten to a certain extent may even split on the spot.

From one to two, this split makes people feel scared from the heart. Perhaps this is why there are so many such octopuses. The battle has been going on for three days, and I don’t know how much ammunition has been consumed.

In order not to stimulate other families overseas, the airship has always been the first-generation airship, and even the second-generation airship has never appeared, as if there was no breakthrough development in Sacred Tree Island during this time.

It is precisely because of this that the overseas can always maintain stability. But today, they regretted it a little. If the second-generation airship were made out with the help of a large number of hummingbird fighters, the battle would definitely not be so troublesome.

On the third day, in addition to the ordinary octopus, a blue octopus appeared in the sea. This kind of octopus tentacles can spray sharp water guns, and the hummingbird fighters that could destroy octopuses in the air began to be constantly shot down.

By the fourth day, the hummingbird fighters in the sky were already a little sparse, and they looked much thinner than before. The octopus in the sea is also much less. But they are still fighting each other at a long distance. A full twelve harbours and some surrounding islands have become a **** smell at this time.

"It seems to be impossible. With the strength we have shown now, there is no way to support it for too long. This matter must be reported to the Lord Lord. I once again put forward my opinion and request the use of the second-generation airship."

The other officials nearby looked at each other and voted.

But at this moment, the microphone suddenly heard a voice: "Report, there is a flying monster flying in the air, it is the black water fin unit of the Karan family." The big screen flashed, and a picture in the sky appeared.

A large number of black water fins hung the coat of arms of the Karan family, and soldiers from the Karan family were flying in this direction. Although other things cannot be exposed, the various items used inside have been elevated.

Of course, only the insiders know all of this, not the three major overseas families.

"What the Karan family is going to do, shouldn't they be busy with their coastal defenses at this time."

"I think that since the Karan family has always been entrenched overseas, this kind of thing should have been known for a long time. For this kind of sea beast attack, the Karan family will definitely be able to easily resist, they shouldn't be here for help now."

"Then what do you say they are here for?"

The middle-aged man who had just spoken thought about it and said, "Perhaps, it is here to support."

"What? You have to be a little serious when joking. We didn't ask for help. It's strange that the Karan family took the initiative to support. Not to mention, the relationship between us is not good."

After the previous battle with the Karan family, their relationship has been very stiff. The business activities around Sacred Tree Island are getting bigger and bigger, and all kinds of businesses are doing very prosperously, but none of this has changed.

On the Karan family's side, many people kept making trouble for them, overtly and secretly, leading to the slowest promotion of commercial activities on Karan Island, and there were often accidents. It is precisely because of this that the other two families developed faster and made money quickly. Because of this incident, the Karan family has been complaining recently.

"Of course, I think the Karan family is trying to express goodwill to us. This is a signal of reconciliation. The Karan family is not very good in business development because of the relationship with us."

Now everyone understands that business activities are restricted, and the Karan family makes less money. You know, the Karan family used to be the largest business family overseas and the richest among the three families. It is precisely because of this that the Karan family can faintly suppress the other two families in power and become the most powerful family.

But now, when it can't compare to those two families in terms of money, the Karan family has begun to weaken gradually. But they are hard-headed and unwilling to be soft-headed. Come to help at this time. Isn't that the best step?

"It seems that this should be the case. So what should we do now."

Hearing the commander’s words, the previous person said: “Our overseas development strategy is to temporarily appease, and other places still need a lot of troops, so let’s agree to it, but we must also show our strength, otherwise it will not be underestimated. Yet."

"Very well, just do it, and when they get closer, immediately convey our kindness."

Everyone had made a decision, but what they didn't expect was that when the Karan family's army came nearby, they had no intention of contacting them at all, did not even stop, but continued to fly forward.

Soon, the airship entered their range: "Haha, here comes, they are still attacking the sea beasts, and they didn't look back. They just happened to be caught off guard."

Morton roared, and pointed the sword towards the front: "Attack me and destroy their airship."

The shooters on the black water fins pointed the small magic light cannon in their hands to the front ~ ~ that big awl-like head instantly lit up. In the next moment, blue beams of light shot out like a laser gun.

I didn't expect that these guys would actually motivate their airships, and didn't react at all. This purely magical light attack could not be blocked by these airships. In an instant, many airships were pierced. Some kerosene bombs and other explosives inside were detonated, and several airships exploded in the air on the spot.

"Are the Karan family crazy? They dare to attack us, report it quickly, and ask for support."

When the harbor commanders and captains saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed. No one thought that the Karan family would attack them at this time, what happened to these people.

This port island is the largest around Sacred Tree Island and the first port island established at the beginning. At this time, the airships floating above are also the most, and the first time they are attacked, they begin to turn around.

But the problem is that the opponent's range is farther than his own, and the first-generation airship is not their opponent at all.

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