The Rise of Plants

Chapter 833: Air Force Admission, Coastal Defense

"Look over there, there are so many ships, but why are they messy."

   "Idiot, that's a pirate, but it's weird, how could they gather to attack our fleet."

  Kaqi sneered: "Don't worry about so many, since you dare to come, let them stay. I don't know how the Karan family did it. It's really not easy to be able to collect so many pirates."

   These people appear here at this time, and they definitely have something to do with the Karan family. So a part of the warships separated and rushed towards there. These pirates, they don't have the powerful warships of the Karan family.

   Everyone is an ordinary wooden ship. Facing the ice cannon, as long as one hit from the front, the entire ship will become fragments, and the people on it will be frozen into ice.

   It’s just that the pirates also have their own methods. The scattered formation is difficult to attack. There were also some small canoes that were dropped from the big boat. At this time, there were also many islands rowing desperately toward this board. Even some small wooden boats are tied with ropes on the big boats and dragged by the big boats. There are some crossbows on the small wooden boats.

   The range of the bed crossbow is far inferior to that of the ice cannon. By the time they entered the range, many ships had been destroyed.

   "This weapon also wants to hurt us, are they funny." No one can afford these pirates.

   But when the pirates attacked, they taught them a lesson. When the ballistas came over, they seemed to be just a ballista, but when the ballistas hit, a magic circle burst out suddenly.

   A water burst appeared in the void, like a liquid bomb, bursting on it.

The destructive power produced by    is actually stronger than those water cannons. "It seems that we can't underestimate anyone." In such a dazed time, a wooden battleship has been blown through the defensive barrier, and it has been blown into several pieces.

"Huh, why can't you underestimate other people? The pirates will not say whether they can make such weapons. They are all uniform. This is definitely provided by the Karan family. Add two more teams to the past, so that the ships will not be too much. Dense."

   After Kaki glanced around, he still didn't care about these guys. They have to pay a heavy price to get close, and basically they can only attack once after getting close. It seems very dangerous, but that's it.

   I am afraid that there are only one or two magic array ballistas on each ship. Sure enough, these were cannon fodder from the Karan family. Dealing with these cannon fodder will not lose much at all.

   Just be careful not to let these guys rush into your team, because that will cause your team's formation to appear very messy. This is the result that plant brain control cannot avoid.

   Seeing the battlefield at this time, Olna, who was still in the air, gave a second order. "Release the air force. Now there is only a stalemate in the sea. We will attack the port directly."

   Following Orna's order, the airship mothership opened the warehouse below one after another, and then a large number of hummingbird fighters flew out.

   When seeing this scene, Kutch also ordered: "Let our warships also release hummingbird fighters. Our target is the ships on the opposite side. Let these **** know how strong we are. Attack, attack."

   So, those ships also began to release hummingbird fighters. Densely dense hummingbird fighters flew out to cover the sky, and there seemed to be a large black cloud in the sky.

   Seeing these flying weapons, the smile that the Grand Duke Blackos had had on his face disappeared.

   "A full-scale offensive has been launched. Let our flying troops go on top for me, and prepare the coastline for me. Hurry up."

   Those flying units that had been on standby took off one after another. These were not the elite air legions of the Black Fin Knights, but some ordinary flying troops. It's all made up of some messy monsters.

   The Karan family's domestication of beasts is not comparable to that of the Beastmaster family, so they can only use all the beasts. One of the flying beasts has a trainer on it, with a large number of ordinary flying beasts next to it.

   There are all kinds of things, as long as you don't attack your own people, you are surrounded by enemies. This method of fighting is indeed suitable for them. The air legions of the two sides met in mid-air and slammed together.

   As if a burst of thunder sounded in the air, many people's ears were constantly buzzing, and their faces were pale and looked at the sky. Warcraft’s various attacks include spells and rushes directly with claws and bird beaks. The Hummingbird flapped its wings and constantly spit out wind cannons. Countless garbage fragments fell throughout the air, smashing everything below.

   This is much more threatening than the ice cannon. Many soldiers did not find a place to hide for the first time, and their heads were smashed on the spot. Those soldiers on the land, but there is no defensive barrier to protect them.

   "Get ready, let me put it." After an order, rows of archers appeared from nowhere. Every archer, the weakest is the black iron level holding a bow and arrow that is visibly shining with blue light.

   This longbow is blessed by magic. The arrow flew out, with a little blue halo. Any hummingbird fighter that was hit would freeze into ice all at once, and then he couldn't help falling down.

   It’s just that what is flying is flying, and it is very fast, not every attack will hit. After the hummingbirds noticed these people, the wind cannons fired downwards. These archers also began to be blown up piece by piece. However, the archers seemed to be well prepared, and when they encountered the wind cannons, they dodged and hid one after another.

   I don’t know when, there are already many small buildings like shields or fortresses. It is very suitable for external air-to-air attacks. It also has a strong defensive power. They are all bunkers.

   It seems that these things are also fortifications that have been prepared a long time ago. Tomorrow's three-dimensional defense on the harbor side, against a large number of hummingbird fighters, can be said to be fierce for a while.

   "We don't have so many Hummingbird fighters. They are only carried by motherships like us. If the loss is too great, it will affect the follow-up plan." The adjutant reminded Orna.

   Olna nodded slightly: "It's okay, as long as there is a site to settle down. But now it is really not suitable for the loss to be too large, let those inflowing airships go up and attack together with the hummingbird fighters."

   This time, they brought a lot of non-inflowing airships produced by the base. After the fighting in the north was over, these non-influenced airships had no place to use, so everyone was sent here decisively.

   This is only a part. If all are delivered, there will probably be more airships than there are hummingbirds here.

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