The Rise of Plants

Chapter 834: The style of painting is slightly strange

"Look, there are many airships in the sky, Lord Duke, you should avoid it first to avoid accidental injury."

   Seeing so many airships flying over, all the faces changed. What is an airship? It is the most powerful weapon of Sacred Tree Island, and it is also the biggest threat Karan Island has always considered the enemy.

   They can't see how powerful these airships are. But looking at the blue and white shell, thinking of the strange warships before, they knew that this thing was definitely not that easy to deal with.

   The Duke of Lexos immediately nodded, and said with a serious face: "You are right, this Duke really needs to avoid it, and can't cause trouble to the soldiers, let's go." The crowd bowed their heads and followed the Grand Duke of Lexos and left here. After reaching the temporary underground command post, these talents stopped.

  Of course, the layout of this place is not so ordinary. The various furniture servants, as well as the various fine wines and foods that have been arranged long ago, do not seem to be directing a battle, but seem to be holding a banquet.

   is the same as here, and the place where Chinan is. Chi Nan was in his castle, enjoying the services of Hermilla and others while watching the big screen, it was even more luxurious than here.

   Because of this battle, not only Hermira and Sophia have returned, but even Weiwei, who has been very busy recently, has returned to her castle.

   "Don't be so busy these days, let's see, with such strength, who else should we be afraid of."

Weiwei Si said grimly: "You are attacking Karan Island. An island as large as Karan Island has so many people. Once it is defeated, it will be necessary to coordinate the relationship with the original residents of Karan Island and implement new policies. , It's not my business."

   That's right, Weiwei, who is in charge of diplomacy, is her job to coordinate the work of external residents.

   Seeing Chi Nan eating flat, several people covered their mouths and smiled quietly. Behind, there are several little guys such as Romelia. They don't like the war scenes on the screen very much. Instead, they have been discussing how to play a new game.

   is really a warm picture, I hope it can continue like this. Well, you can relax like this without Slinka Night by her side. Silin Kaye didn't know what she was working on recently, and hadn't seen her all day.

   "Keep watching, keep watching, and see what means they are going to use to deal with it. Hey, this style of painting is a bit strange."

   Suddenly, when Chi Nan discovered that the airship was approaching the port, new changes began to take place in the port. In some small fortresses, suddenly there were cylindrical objects in the depths. Chi Nan knew at a glance that this was a magic light cannon, and it was normal.

  The magic light cannon is aimed at the air, and then a blue beam of light converges from the mirror below, and finally shoots into the air through this column. With the help of this column, the power of the Magic Light Cannon is more powerful and concentrated.

   A blue light hit an airship, and the barrier of the airship was trembling all at once. Those airships without barriers were broken into a big pit at once. The blue and white painted tree is still very hard, at least it has not been beaten through by the opponent.

   At the same time, the airship also launched its own attack. Above these non-inflowing airships, high-altitude bombs were installed. The cabin opened and the bomb fell down, as if laying an egg.

Wherever    passes, there is a sea of ​​fire. The flying height of the airship is not very high, so the wind cannon can also attack here. A few airships even carry some bat missiles that are only bronze. Although this simplified version of the Bat missile is not very powerful, it still becomes one of the main combat methods of these airships.

   Countless missiles and wind cannons flew straight down, blasting the ground riddled with holes, and countless smoke and dust filled the ground. It's just that when the attack fell on these magic light cannon heads, there was actually a layer of light flickering around.

   This is a magic barrier. The cost of these magic light cannons is really not simple, otherwise they would not be willing to install a magic barrier.

   It’s just that the fighting method that was supposed to be the magic world, how does it look a bit similar to science fiction. Seeing these things without knowing it, I thought that both sides were using technological means.

   There seems to be a sense of sight of an alien spacecraft invading and then conflicting with the future science and technology base.

"Bah, baah, I'm not an alien. Lao Tzu is righteous, yes, that's it." Chi Nan shook his head and threw this strange feeling out of his mind, allowing his thinking to recover a little. normal.

   Seeing Chi Nan shaking his head, several people looked at Chi Nan strangely. However, Chi Nan didn't explain, and they didn't ask too much. This one of my own, who is often nervous, everyone has long been used to it.

   Although the various measures of tomorrow’s port are in place, they still can’t hold on to the terrorist attacks from the sky. A large number of attacks fell, causing heavy losses to their soldiers, especially those archers.

  Without the suppression of a large number of hummingbird fighters are considered to have lost their opponents. Hummingbird fighters themselves are not very strong, but their wind cannons are not weak. Especially when a large number of wind cannons erupt at the same time, it is simply a qualitative change. On the ground, one building after another was destroyed, and the entire port of Tomorrow was evolving toward the ruins.

   Finally, the defensive barrier of the first Magic Light Cannon was broken. A large number of wind cannons swarmed in, and the entire turret could only see countless wind blades raging, and the violent wind rolled a large number of fragments into the sky and then threw them around.

   In the blink of an eye, the entire turret disappeared. With the destruction of the first magic light cannon turret, more and more turrets were shattered. Similarly, some airships in the air were broken into pieces.

   But losing this airship is nothing at all. The number of airships is far from comparable to those of the turrets. However, the cost between the two is completely reversed, and no matter how much the loss is, I don’t feel distressed.

   Seeing this kind of picture, the Duke of Blackmail, who was still in the underground command room, couldn't sit still.

   "Damn it, **** it, why are these outsiders so powerful? The wizards, let them do it, you can't wait any longer."

   This port of tomorrow is his territory, including a large area behind it. Tomorrow’s port is destroyed today, so his territory will no longer exist. The Duke of Blackmail, who didn't want to lose his territory, couldn't help it at last.

   "Should we be dispatched now, but if that's the case, what about the danger in the back."

   "What's the danger behind them, the most powerful of them is the airship, and now the airship has been dispatched. If we don't do anything, our territory will be over, do you understand." Le Suos shouted loudly.

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