The Rise of Plants

Chapter 846: The disadvantage of no ultimate move

Between the lightning and flint, Elder Kalan died in the hands of an unknown person. The guards who were still alive next to them were blank, shocked, angry and fearful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Galio quickly swallowed a few stamina beans to restore his stamina, and he also recovered a little bit of the grudge he had consumed.

Just when Galio finished these actions, the guards finally reacted: "Kill him, and avenge the great elder." With the roar of one guard, the other guards instinctively rushed towards this side.

"If you don't kill him, we will die when we go back. We will fight him."

"That is, he has no grudge, kill him." A group of people released their grudge cut to Galio without hesitation.

Galio laughed: "Haha, if you want to kill me, it's up to you to be worthy." He doesn't have much grudge, yes, but he has physical strength, but his physical strength is intact. With physique, these people are not capable of it. Compared to.

Galio, who didn't dare to consume vindictive energy indiscriminately, only used vindictive energy to stimulate his body and speed up himself. The speed of the golden warrior was shown, and the guards couldn't see where Galio was at all.

Pulling out a dagger at his waist, Galio approached an enemy in an instant, and the dagger pierced directly at the guard.

When the short sword was about to stab the opponent, a faint white grudge appeared on the short sword. There was not much vindictiveness at this point, but it was like a hot knife slicing butter, easily piercing the guard's vindictive shield, leaving a deep scar in the vital position. Galio did not stop, and continued to move towards the next goal.

In a short moment, all the remaining guards were killed one by one by Galio. Galio stopped, gasping deeply, and the moment he broke out, the remaining grudge on him was almost exhausted.

"Can't stay here anymore, it won't be good if you encounter powerful enemies again."

Galio's stamina didn't consume much, but he didn't dare to stay. Seeing that the flames had dissipated, Galio took a few steps forward, retracted his weapon, and then lifted the corpse of Elder Karan and walked back.

At the same time, Galio was also sending a message to Chi Nan. "Needless to say, I have seen them all, you are doing very well."

"Thank you Lord Lord for the praise, these are all the subordinates should do." Hearing Chi Nan's voice, Galio's face suddenly became excited. For them, nothing excites them more than the praise of their master.

But then, Chi Nan Youxue said disappointedly: "Although you did a good job, your performance is not very good. If you can fully display your strength, you should not consume so much in the end, and it will not be so dangerous."

"The subordinates knew it was wrong." Galio was a little disappointed, his performance was a bit worse before.

"Don't be so strict. Once the mage reaches the golden level, he is already much stronger than the fighter."

Hearing Hemila’s words, Chi Nan shook his head and said, “The reason why the mage is powerful is because of his many methods. There are always various magic items on his body, which makes the fighters very uncomfortable and has a great advantage. But if the mage does not use the help These things are a little stronger compared to fighters of the same level, and the powerful magic that takes time cannot be released."

Chi Nan continued: "And Elder Kallan has already consumed almost the magic power before, and the special items on his body are not too many or not used, so it can't be justified for Galio to be like this."

Chi Nan simply said to all the guards: "I know that you usually only focus on cultivating your own fighting spirit and raising your own level. No one has ever practiced the ultimate move seriously, and it is useless to think that the ultimate move is not as good as yours. But you have to know that it is because the enemies you usually encounter are not powerful opponents themselves."

The guards lowered their heads, thinking about it, the people they usually deal with are either weak in strength. Either it is simply bugs, undead and other things, these things don't have any powerful killer moves, only instinctive attack habits.

To deal with these things, there are ultimate moves that are useless. In addition, they didn't have a long cultivation time and still had a lot of resources. Usually, cultivating their own fighting spirit is the most helpful to them, and it is the fastest to improve.

As a result, over time, the guards developed a habit of paying attention to the quality and level of grudge, instead of paying attention to the ultimate moves. Today, facing a powerful enemy, all this is exposed.

"Gario's fighting spirit has reached the golden level, but it hasn't been used at all before. The use of fighting energy was too rough and too wasteful. If there was a powerful move at the time, it would definitely not be so passive."

Galio also nodded silently. Indeed, if there was a powerful killer move at the time, even a good grudge cut wouldn't need to throw all of his weapons, let alone his own grudge. You can get rid of that mage only by blending into it. It seems that it is time for me to practice these things that I usually don't pay attention to.

It happens that these people who have reached the golden level want to improve in the cultivation of fighting qi, it can be said that it is becoming more and more difficult. At this time, there is a lot of free time, and it is just right to study the moves.

"Subordinates know, I will practice these moves when I come back this time."

Chi Nan nodded softly: "You only need to pay attention. The advantages of our territory are obvious. At the beginning, you should pay more attention to practicing your own vindictiveness. It will not be a problem to pay attention to these after Bai Yin."

When Chi Nan said this, many guards and reserve teams breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, if you give up the advantage of the territory and practice like ordinary fighters, they won't rise too fast.

Moreover, many low-level moves, even if they are cultivated, will basically be useless after they are strong. Those things are used to lay the foundation at most. When the vindictive cultivation base is reached, in turn, a little exercise will be able to make up for the foundation.

At this moment, many guards have already begun to discuss what moves they need to focus on training next. At that time, Chi Nan brought back too many moves, all kinds of ultimate moves, but the pros and cons of these things need to be distinguished. After all, Chi Nan was not a fighter, he knew a lot, but he couldn't understand the details.

Galio ran back carrying a corpse, thinking as he ran. Suddenly Galio stopped: "Someone is here, there are not many people here, I don't know who it is." On the opposite side, a team was running towards this side.

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potato and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky"

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