The Rise of Plants

Chapter 847: Caught 2 big fish

Galio hid secretly to the side and threw the body of the elder to the side. It didn't take long for those people to run past~щww~~lā

"The appearance of these people is really unusual. The one in the middle should be a nobleman. The guards around him have only two silver levels. They are much weaker than Elder Karan, but they are not simple."

It is not ordinary people who can afford silver-level guards. Speaking of which, gold guards can only be used by Chi Nan except for the Imperial King.

"It doesn't matter, catch it back first." Chi Nan simply gave Galio an order.

After running for a while, the grudge in Galio's body has also recovered a bit, although it is not much, but there is no problem in coping with the current situation. Moreover, the surrounding plant weapons are rapidly approaching here.

"Okay, let's take care of me." The previous performance disappointed the lord, this time I must restore my impression. Galio leapt and turned into a flash of lightning.

Just feeling a gust of wind blowing in front of him, the silver-level guards on both sides just discovered that there was a problem, and before they pulled out the long swords in their hands, both heads stiffened with solemn expressions. Without hesitation, Galio walked around and killed all the guards. "Bah, so weak is worthy of being a guard."

Galio stopped, and the nobleman stood there with a dazed expression, wondering why someone suddenly appeared in front of him. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and there was a smell of blood all around.

The noble found that all the guards around him had fallen. At this time, Ransom was so scared that he squatted on the ground with his head quickly, and shouted loudly and sharply: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm the Duke, you can't do that."

"The Duke? There seems to be only one Duke on the port of Tomorrow, right, that is Duke of Blackmail. I heard that this was originally part of his territory." Galio obviously did his homework here.

"I'm just Blackmail, don't kill me, I want to enjoy the treatment of nobles."

Why do these nobles always behave like this? Whenever encountered this kind of life and death crisis, these nobles became so unbearable, and few performed better.

For this kind of nobleman, Galio looked down from the bottom of his heart. "Get up and follow me."

Galio snorted coldly, and at this time, many plants and weapons surrounded him.

When Le Suos saw these things, it was even more like a quail, his legs trembling, and he would shake twice when he took a step. I don't know, I thought this guy was already dying, not far from death.

"This guy is really timid, I really don't know how such a person became a commander in command."

As Galio said, he carried the corpse of the elder. Even if there are plant weapons around to help, Galio will have to take it himself. This is the golden mage, this is his own glory.

But seeing the corpse of the great elder, Le Suos was even more frightened, and his waist was about to bend ninety degrees.

Although the strength of Blackmail is not very strong, he is also a mage after all. For the most powerful wizard on Karan Island, Blackmail is familiar with him. The portrait of this great elder can be seen almost every day.

Who could have imagined that a great elder like a **** would be killed by this person in front of him. Before the great elder showed great power, he had seen it. Doesn't that mean that the person in front of him is even more terrifying.

If he knew what this guy was thinking, Galio would be very speechless. After all, Blackmail is just a not-so-powerful mage. Even if you are in a high position, it is normal to not pay attention to these and therefore not be clear.

"Very well, bring this person over to me." Chi Nan is also very happy to be able to catch the other's coach and the highest-ranking person. The arrest of these two men is definitely a serious blow to the Karan family.

At this moment, another screen came in. "Report your lord, we found a man in the dungeon. This man is Puliji, the former naval commander of Karan Island."

Chi Nan was taken aback, but he did not expect to catch another big fish. Thinking of this, Chi Nan was even more happy. "Very well. Bring him to the conference room. This action is considered complete."

It is complete, although a lot of losses have been lost, but after all, no one has died until now. The only loss that is more valuable is the King Kong Demon Ape under his control, and the others are very satisfactory. Having caught these three very important characters, this time the battle is definitely a complete victory, and the surrounding land will be his own.

It didn’t take long for me to catch two famous people and the killing of the Karan family elder, and it was broadcasted on the radio ~ not only on the battlefield, but also the people behind. Also got this news.

The synchronization information was not released until the war was close to victory. At this time, the residents of Sacred Tree Island knew that a war had already taken place in another place.

The civilians don't know where this picture is, after all, they still don't know the information about overseas. And the Holy Dragon Empire didn't even know, even they thought it was somewhere in the north.

Because it was not clear, the spies of the Sacred Tree Collar started to take action one after another. Sophia took this opportunity to let the intelligence department take action, catching many spies and sending them into the dungeon of the territory.

Now, the inside of the territory is cleaner. At the same time, the news of the death of the Great Elder was also heard by many soldiers on Karan Island because of the broadcast. Some soldiers who did not escape had their morale collapsed on the spot, and the entire port of Tomorrow took over more smoothly. Some soldiers ran away and brought the news around.

At this time, the prestige of the Karan family was severely hit, and dissatisfied people from all over the island came out one after another on the Karan Island. Some people with different minds also started to move.

In just half a day, Chi Nan was surprised to find that some local people actually started to contact their own people, as if they were preparing to take refuge in themselves. Many people even showed a dog-legged appearance.

"I finally know how traitors are made. There are people like this everywhere. But the more people like this on Karan Island, the better, and it's easier to control this way." Chi Nan was a little bit dumbfounded. Thought of.

Before long, Puliji, Blackmail, and even some other officials were sent to the temporary meeting room. On the wall of the conference room, there is also a huge screen hung up.

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